Java calculator program code. Calculator Program In Java Using Polymorphism 2022-10-20

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A calculator is a basic tool used for performing mathematical calculations. It is an essential part of our daily lives and is used in various fields such as finance, science, engineering, and education. There are many different types of calculators available, ranging from simple four-function calculators to complex scientific calculators.

In this essay, we will discuss the development of a simple calculator program in the Java programming language. Java is a popular, object-oriented programming language that is used to build a wide range of applications. It is known for its simplicity, reliability, and portability, which make it an ideal choice for developing calculator programs.

The first step in developing a calculator program in Java is to create a new Java project in an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) such as Eclipse or IntelliJ IDEA. The IDE provides a user-friendly interface for writing, testing, and debugging code.

Next, we need to design the user interface (UI) of the calculator. A calculator typically has a display screen, a keypad, and a few buttons for performing different operations. In Java, we can use the Swing library to create a UI for the calculator. The Swing library provides a set of pre-designed UI components that can be easily added to the program.

To create the calculator's display screen, we can use a JTextField component. This component allows the user to input and view the numbers and results of the calculations. For the keypad, we can use a series of JButton components, each representing a numerical key or an operation key such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

Once we have designed the UI of the calculator, we need to add the functionality to the program. This involves writing the code for performing the various calculations. We can use the Java Math library to perform mathematical operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

To handle the input from the user and perform the calculations, we can use event-driven programming. This means that the program will wait for the user to perform an action, such as pressing a button, and then it will execute the appropriate code.

For example, when the user clicks the "add" button, the program will retrieve the numbers from the display screen, use the Java Math library to perform the addition, and then display the result on the screen. Similarly, we can write code for handling the other operations as well.

Once we have implemented all the required functionality, we can test the program by running it in the IDE. The program will launch a window containing the calculator's UI, and we can use it to perform various calculations. If there are any errors or bugs in the program, we can use the debugging tools provided by the IDE to fix them.

In conclusion, developing a calculator program in Java is a simple and straightforward process. By using the Swing library and the Java Math library, we can create a functional and user-friendly calculator program in a short time. The program's reliability and portability make it a suitable choice for use in various applications.


java calculator program code

Note that we are going toimplement this project using the Javalanguage. . The two numbers as well as the operator is acquired from the user. I am a beginner in java and I have written this code with the help of an online available program. For this, we need to implement the ItemListener interface in our class. Hello Friends, Welcome to my new tutorial about creating a simple calculator program in Java using AWT.


Java Program to Make a Simple Calculator Using

java calculator program code

Run time method overriding please urgent. The use of displayInfo is to print the information. This is my first attempt at a program outside of school and I was trying to implement and learn polymorphism on a conversion calculator for volumes and weights. BOLD, 20 ; buttonEqual. Polymorphism uses those methods to perform different tasks. There are three parts to. Polymorphism using method overriding.


Basic Calculator Program in Java Using if/else Statements

java calculator program code

If we implement the ItemListener interface in our class, we have to override its method itemStateChanged in that class. November 9 2014 at 430 PM. BOLD, 20 ; buttonMul. One way to do this is to create the JButtons and add a listener to them. However when the code comes to selecting the operator it skips the user input and the if statement and directly implements the else statement. We can make Calculator implement the ActionListener interface, which forces it to define a method actionPerformed with a single ActionEvent argument.


Calculator program in java

java calculator program code

We can see how this would work by creating a JButton in Calculator's constructor. BOLD, 12 ; buttonClear. BOLD, 15 ; buttonReciprocal. If further operators and integers are entered, the mathematical operator should be applied to the result of the prior calculation and the further integer. Statically at compile time or dynamically at run time. BOLD, 20 ; buttonPlus.


Simple Calculator Program in Java

java calculator program code

In other words polymorphism allows you to define one interface and have multiple implementations. BOLD, 12 ; buttonClear. Using Swing Graphics Step1: Create a class and extends it from JFrame, ActionerListener. BOLD, 18 ; buttonSqrt. So polymorphism means many forms. From this description we can identify some nouns: Calculator, Button, Display, Keypad, Digit, Operator, Integer, Result.


Simple Calculator Program in Java Using AWT

java calculator program code

This is done using a switch case. Simple Calculator Java Example Program. Polymorphism is considered one of the important features of Object-Oriented Programming. Inheritance lets us inherit attributes and methods from another class. As we require only one input i.


Simple basic Calculator Javafx

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Collect values for part and total 2. Below is the code for the MainActivity. All gists Back to GitHub Sign in Sign up Sign in Sign up message Instantly share code notes and snippets. So, based on our input income, if checks which of the above conditions satisfy and following that formula we derive our resultant output income tax. Based on this condition, the formula to be used to determine the income tax varies as stated in the above table.


Calculator in Java

java calculator program code

The word poly means many and morphs means forms So it means many forms. This java example program also expain the concepts for Basic Programs. BOLD, 20 ; buttonSix. The calculation process don't go to the second step, anyone can help to make this code work properly? Interface example in Java. If you use java 7 you can also replace the if statements with a switch. I am a newbie coder in Java and I am trying to make this calculator in java where a user can enter two numbers and select the operation to be done on those numbers.
