James michener mexico. James A. Michener 2022-10-16

James michener mexico Rating: 7,5/10 195 reviews

James Michener was an American author and historian known for his extensive and detailed fictional works, many of which were based on real places and events. One of his most famous works is "Mexico," a novel that tells the sweeping history of the country from the ancient civilizations that inhabited it to the modern era.

The novel begins with the pre-Columbian civilizations of Mexico, including the Olmecs, Maya, and Aztecs. Michener details the daily lives, cultural practices, and political systems of these civilizations, as well as their interactions with each other and with the Spanish conquistadors who eventually arrived in the 16th century.

As the novel progresses, it covers the tumultuous history of Mexico from the time of the Spanish conquest to the present day. Michener explores the impact of colonialism on Mexican society, as well as the struggles for independence and the formation of a modern nation. He also delves into the cultural, social, and political issues that have shaped Mexico over the centuries, including religion, race, class, and gender.

One of the strengths of "Mexico" is its richly detailed and well-researched portrayal of the country's history. Michener draws on a wide range of sources, including primary documents, academic research, and personal accounts, to create a nuanced and accurate portrayal of the country's past. He also does an excellent job of bringing the people and events of Mexico's history to life, making the novel not just an informative history lesson, but a compelling and engaging story as well.

Overall, "Mexico" is a fascinating and highly recommended read for anyone interested in the history of Mexico or in historical fiction more generally. Its richly detailed portrayal of the country's past and its compelling characters make it a must-read for fans of Michener's work and for anyone interested in learning more about this complex and vibrant country.

Mexico (novel)

james michener mexico

Michener book I've read you end up learning something about the actual history, culture and customs of his subject through the fictional stories he weaves and the characters he develops. This was my very first Michener book. Sports in America 1976 In this non-fiction volume, Michener examines the phenomenon of sports culture in America and its inherent issues. This just seemed a little confusing to me since there were at least two families who were operating in parallel. A Michener Miscellany: 1950—1970 1973 This compilation of essays features works by Michener published between 1950 and 1970. Expecting a spectacular bullfight on the third day of the festival, Clay fills his thoughts with childhood memories and a history of the city as seen from the perspective of his forebears. Michener, whose novels hurtle from the far reaches of history to the dark corners of the world, paints an intoxicating portrait of a land whose past and present are as turbulent, fascinating, and colorful as any other on Earth.



james michener mexico

Retrieved April 1, 2017. Until I read this book I didn't think much about the infusion of Spanish and Indian in the lives of people I daily interact with, but the history major in me now is enthralled with the history of my new culture. Paul Garrett 1927— 24. Although his work was fiction, he had the remarkable ability to use a location as the main character of his stories, and would tell stories of characters that lived in the particular location — sometimes stretching back over thousands of years. This Noble Land 1996 This Noble Land: My Vision for America, describes the nation's strength and weakness and the author's hopes for its future. We meet journalist Norman Clay who, despite his anglo-sounding name, has strong ties to this country. I love this book as I have loved any others written by this wonderful author.


Mexico by James A. Michener

james michener mexico

. Michener is very skilled at bringing characters to life, that when the invaders simply walk into the city and conquer it without a struggle, the sense of tragedy, waste and foolishness is almost palpable. Michener - do yourself a huge favor and pick up a copy of 'Aztec' by Gary Jennings. . Michener then takes us back to present day Norman Clay, and we get more bull fighting. John Skimmerhorn 1838—1906 13.


James A. Michener

james michener mexico

In the plot that involves two rival bullfighters, one Spanish and one Indian, the Indian is always spoken of as someone without flair and finesse relative to the Spanish bullfighters, a resorter to cheap tricks, but with with a certain amount of begrudged bravery. The New York Times. The Floating World 1954 Michener, in the text accompanying these prints, details how Japanese printmakers in the Edo period kept their art alive in the face of government restrictions. The characters are definitely multi-dimensional, however, and Michener ties in all timelines of the novel well. True, Michener's literary style is barely up to the job. Good, but well below another great read by James Michener, whose work and life I consider a National Treasure. Michener tells it all.


Centennial (novel)

james michener mexico

Not as good as some of his books have been. The majority of his books were actually about places as opposed to people. Kent State: What Happened and Why 1971 In Kent State, Michener investigates the 1970 shooting of unarmed college students by the Ohio National Guard. Usually the book would start in or close to present day, with some sort of historian, teacher, author, etc. I live in a city where a giant pyramid once stood built by the Aztecs, it is now covered with dirt, trees, and most importantly an imposing church built by Cortez in the 1500's. Martin Zendt 1849—1911 21.


Mexico by James A. Michener, 1992, 1st Edition, 1st Printing, Like New

james michener mexico

Michener uses the past as both a tool and a foundation; his characters gain greater understanding of themselves through knowledge of the past. Usually Michner has a storyline following a family or group of individuals, and he ties it all together in the end i. My favorite aspect of Michener books is the historical parts which is why I only gave this book 4 of 5 stars. He had "run out of steam" and decided that some time away from the work would be beneficial. The thread through history kept me attracted to the main characters -- flaws and all.


Mexico by James A. Michener

james michener mexico

It's definitely worth your time. On the other hand, certain background incidents and characters are real. Instead, he praises the beauty and nobility of the Spanish culture. Never get tired of it. James Lloyd 1854—1924 29. It is a credit to Michener's art that he can pull off all that in a seemless and gripping read.



james michener mexico

Retrieved August 25, 2018. The Modern Japanese Print: An Appreciation 1968 In this limited edition book, Michener provides commentary on ten works by Japanese woodblock print masters. Red Wolf 1831—1897 11. There is so much in this book all drawn from that wonderful imagination with which he makes a reality that is more real than life that it is almost impossible to not learn something about yourself and life. In both cases this sometimes made the reading feel like a bit of a slog although Mexico was much easier for me to get through than Moby Dick. Mexico reminded me of Melvilles' Moby Dick in one respect. Michener's USA: The People and the Land 1981 Edited by Peter Chaitin; foreword by Michener 1983 Michener reflects on early influences in his life in this limited edition book.


Mexico by James A. Michener (9780449221877)

james michener mexico

Beeley Garrett 1870—1938 18. Book Description Pulitzer Prize—winning author James A. After reading other Michener books, I was comfortable with what I expected pre-read: a decent overview of the history of Mexico told through the lens of a few families. The Quality of Life 1970 Michener presents his reflections and criticisms of US politics and culture in the 1970s as well as his recommendations for the future. As opposed to a history of Mexico - this book shines a huge spotlight on the sport of bullfighting. The technique creates an environment in which the reader can enjoy beautiful sunsets, the grandeur of a proud and ancient civilization, or the intricacies of the bull ring while Michener explores historical, sociological and human issues in an unassming and entertaining manner. Michener clearly sees and delineates the need to be in some way connected, somehow a part of something more important than ourselves.


james michener mexico

Schematic plotting, tortilla-thin characterizations and lengthy digressions on bullfighting mar this lumbering multigenerational saga about Mexico's resilient spirit, which Michener began in 1961 and returned to 30 years later. Retrieved November 29, 2014. He shows the savagery of human sacrifices but then makes it all politically correct by adding two characters who are AGAINST that sort of thing, and then making them the ancestors of the book's narrator. Hawaii where you go from try geological history, to the first plants birds and finally people. Rather than drenching the book in post-Vietnam revisionism, Michener, in resuming the work, has left his story and his characters frozen in the sensibility of 1961 when the peso was cheaper, there was no OPEC, no Cancun, and, since there were no animal activists, metaphors such as bullfighting could still fly. He takes up in turn each of the three threads of his own family history, which reflect Mexico's mixed Spanish and Indian heritage, plus a dollop from Virginia.
