Where and when was henry hudson born. Henry Hudson 2022-11-02

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Henry Hudson was an English sea explorer and navigator who was born in the late 16th century, in either 1565 or 1570. The exact date and location of his birth are not known with certainty, as there are no surviving records of his early life. However, it is believed that he was born in the county of Yorkshire, in the north of England.

Hudson was a member of the Royal Navy and spent much of his career sailing the waters of the North Atlantic, searching for a northwest passage to Asia. He is most famous for his expeditions to the New World, where he explored the coast of North America and discovered the Hudson River, which was later named after him.

Hudson's first voyage to the New World took place in 1609, when he was hired by the Dutch East India Company to find a shorter route to the East Indies. He sailed across the Atlantic and arrived in North America, where he explored the coast of present-day Maine and Massachusetts. He then turned south and sailed along the coast of New York, eventually reaching the Hudson River. Hudson and his crew spent the winter on the river, exploring its waters and mapping the surrounding region.

Hudson's second voyage to the New World, in 1610, was a disaster. He sailed to the Arctic, searching for a northwest passage, but became stuck in the ice and was forced to winter on the coast of present-day Canada. His crew mutinied and Hudson, along with several of his men, were never seen again.

Despite the tragic ending of his final voyage, Hudson's legacy as a sea explorer and navigator lives on. His discoveries in the New World helped to open up the region to further exploration and colonization, and his name is forever linked with the vast and beautiful Hudson River that bears his name.

Henry Hudson: Definition & Discoveries

where and when was henry hudson born

They started northward and reached the east coast of Greenland in June. His last romance, Green Mansions 1904 , is the strange love story of Rima, a mysterious creature of the forest, half The romances secured Hudson the friendship of many English men of letters, among them Argentine Ornithology, 1888—89; British Birds, 1895; etc. Hudson, in full William Henry Hudson, born August 4, 1841, near Green Mansions. For example, they were larger than their Dutch counterpart, the Half-Moon. Retrieved 29 October 2022.


W.H. Hudson

where and when was henry hudson born

The English navigator Henry Hudson, in the employ of the Dutch, discovered between 1605 and 1607 that ice blocked the way both east and west of Svalbard Spitsbergen. He was employed by the Dutch East India Company and while seeking a western route to Asia he spent some time exploring the region around what is now New York in the United States which led to the exploration of the river which was eventually named in his honor. Discovery in a small Disappearance After the mutiny, Hudson's shallop broke out oars and tried to keep pace with the Discovery for some time. The expedition started from London in April and travelled almost 2,500 miles up to Novava Zemlya, well above the Arctic Circle, in July. Due to the icy conditions, the expedition could not continue and returned to England in September. The Hopewell and Discovery were British ships and shared similar characteristics. The Muscovy Company of England hired Hudson in 1607 to find a northerly route to the Pacific coast of Asia.


Where was Henry Hudson born?

where and when was henry hudson born

Moreover, Hudson himself has given an account of the voyage and makes absolutely no mention of Hudson's Tutches. Hudson's Christian name is wrongly given, and the year in which he visited the north coast of Spitsbergen was 1607, not 1608. Though English companies were reluctant to back him after two failed voyages, Hudson was able to gain a commission from the READ MORE: The Half Moon While in Amsterdam gathering supplies, Hudson heard reports of two possible channels running across North America to the Pacific. It was summer, but still the ice was impenetrable and the voyagers were forced to turn back. Upper West Side Story: A History and Guide. Legacy The gulf or bay visited by Hudson is three times the size of the Along with Hudson Bay, many other topographical features and landmarks are named for Hudson. It would have been hardly possible indeed for him to visit Jan Mayen on his way home from Bear Island to the Thames.


Henry Hudson summary

where and when was henry hudson born

He explored the areas around the river and claimed the territory as the first Dutch settlement in North America. Leaving London on 22April, the ship travelled almost 2,500mi 4,000km , making it to Alleged discovery of Jan Mayen According to Expedition of 1609 Halve Maen On 4 August, the ship was at On 6 September 1609, On 23 September, Hudson decided to return to Europe. His voyage was used to establish Dutch claims to the region and to the Expedition of 1610—1611 This section needs additional citations for Please help September 2016 In 1610, Hudson obtained backing for another voyage, this time under the English flag. The circumstances surrounding his birth or the details regarding his parents are not known. Quarrels arose between crew members during the long months of confinement in winter. Despite subsequent searches, including those conducted by Pricket's reliability Pricket's journal and testimony have been severely criticized for bias, on two grounds.


Henry Hudson

where and when was henry hudson born

The river was eventually named in his honor. How did Sir Francis Hudson get to Hudson Bay? Henry Hudson:New World Voyager. This time, he chose a southern route, drawn by reports of a channel across the North American continent to the Pacific. Descriptions of the successful mutiny are one-sided, because the only survivors who could tell their story were the mutineers and those who went along with the mutiny. Ask: Why was Hudson exploring? Holland on the Hudson: an economic and social history of Dutch New York. He was hired by the Dutch East India Company to find a water route to China to facilitate trade.


Henry Hudson Biography

where and when was henry hudson born

When was Henry Hudson born? One theory holds that the survivors were considered too valuable as sources of information to execute, as they had travelled to the New World and could describe sailing routes and conditions. Learn More in these related Britannica articles: …Hudson Strait, and in 1610 Henry Hudson, on his last voyage, sailed the Discovery into Hudson Bay and south to James Bay, where he was forced to winter. Nieuvve wereldt, ofte, Beschrijvinghe van West-Indien in Dutch. Knowledge gained during Henry Hudson's four voyages significantly expanded on that from previous explorations made in the 16th century by Giovanni da Verrazano of Italy, John Davis of England and Willem Barents of Holland. Jan Mayen Island in Scientific Focus. In 1609, while on a voyage to search for the Northwest Passage, Henry Hudson came across a river near the region of modern day New York in North America. Archived from PDF on 28 June 2011.


When was Henry Hudson born?

where and when was henry hudson born

Many authors In 1608, English merchants of the Hopewell to attempt to locate a passage to the Indies, this time to the east around northern Russia. Where did Henry Hudson go on his last voyage? Henry Hudson, the navigator: the original document in which his career is recorded. Only eight of the thirteen mutinous crewmen survived the return voyage to Europe. Henry Hudson was an early 17th century English navigator and explorer. New York: Facts on File.


where and when was henry hudson born

The first, The Purple Land that England Lost, 2 vol. While exploring the river, Hudson had traded with several native groups, mainly obtaining furs. He embarked on multiple sailing voyages not only for the English, but also for the Dutch, attempting to discover a short route from Europe to Asia through the Arctic Ocean, in both the Old World and the New. Half Moon: Henry Hudson and the voyage that redrew the map of the New World. After twice being turned back by ice, Hudson embarked on a third voyage in 1609. In spite of the fame he enjoyed during his later years, his early life continues to be shrouded in obscurity. Hudson explored much of what is today the Northeastern United States and Eastern Canada, before being presumably killed in a mutiny in the James Bay in 1611.


where and when was henry hudson born

The funding came from the Discovery, he stayed to the north—some claim he deliberately stayed too far south on his Dutch-funded voyage—reached On 25 June, the explorers reached what is now the Mutiny When the ice cleared in the spring of 1611, Hudson planned to use his Discovery to further explore Hudson Bay with the continuing goal of discovering the Passage; however, most of the members of his crew ardently desired to return home. Matters came to a head and much of the crew mutinied in June. Retrieved 22 October 2009. Counted among the most famous explorers, Hudson, however, could not find what he was actually looking for—the shortest route from Europe to Asia. The following year, Hudson made a second Muscovy-funded voyage between Svalbard and the islands of Novaya Zemlya, to the east of the Barents Sea, but again found his way blocked by ice fields.


where and when was henry hudson born

Retrieved 28 March 2017. Secondly, Greene and Juet did not survive the return voyage to England Juet, who had been the navigator on the return journey, died of starvation a few days before the company reached Ireland The Pricket narrative became the controlling story of the expedition's disastrous end. Hudson and the other seven aboard the shallop were never seen again. Henry Hudson Born Unknown date, c. Exploration Expedition to Arctic One of Hudson's first forays into navigation and his first significant voyage was with John Davis in 1587, in search of a northwest passage. What happened to William Hudson in the Northeast Passage? Retrieved 28 March 2017.
