Hypertension research paper. Theoretical Framework For Hypertension Research Research Paper 2022-10-25

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Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is a major public health problem that affects millions of people worldwide. It is defined as a sustained elevation of blood pressure in the arteries, which can lead to serious complications such as heart attack, stroke, kidney disease, and vision loss. Despite the significant impact of hypertension on health, relatively little is known about its underlying causes and effective treatments.

There have been numerous research studies conducted on hypertension in an effort to better understand this condition and develop more effective treatments. Some of the key areas of research in hypertension include identifying risk factors for the development of hypertension, studying the effects of different medications on blood pressure control, and exploring the role of lifestyle factors in the management of hypertension.

One major area of research in hypertension has focused on identifying risk factors for the development of the condition. Some of the known risk factors for hypertension include age, gender, family history, race, and obesity. Research has also shown that certain medical conditions, such as diabetes and sleep apnea, can increase the risk of developing hypertension. Additionally, certain lifestyle factors, such as smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, and a lack of physical activity, have been linked to an increased risk of hypertension.

Another area of research in hypertension has focused on the effectiveness of different medications in controlling blood pressure. A number of different classes of medications, including angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors, beta blockers, and calcium channel blockers, have been shown to be effective in reducing blood pressure in individuals with hypertension. Researchers have also studied the use of combination therapies, in which multiple medications are used together, to achieve better blood pressure control.

In addition to medication, lifestyle changes have also been shown to be effective in the management of hypertension. Studies have shown that adopting a healthy diet, increasing physical activity, and reducing stress can all help to lower blood pressure in individuals with hypertension. These lifestyle changes can be particularly effective when combined with medication therapy.

Overall, hypertension research has made significant strides in understanding the causes and treatment of this condition. However, there is still much to learn about hypertension and ongoing research is needed to identify new and more effective treatments.

Hypertension Research Paper – Free Samples for Every Cause

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The last step was to conduct a preliminary analysis to check whether there were articles that were identical to what I had used. Identification of a Current Nursing Words: 4795 Length: 15 Pages Topic: Healthcare Paper : 64204545 REDUCING RISKY BEHAVIOR FOR African-American TEENS An Intervention for Reducing Risky Behavior Among African-American Female Adolescents: Provider Cultural Competency Training The Office of Minority Health in the U. Consequently, an overview of self-care hindrances has been presented in this article. Nursing diagnosis 2 Patient complaining of blurred vision, and headache. The model is expected to offer a comprehensive in-hospital care after preparation and development of evidence-based care plan. Furthermore, it remains to be seen whether the BP reduction can be sustained long-term with improvements cardiovascular outcomes and whether the reduction in BP will extend to patients with more severe hypertension or those already receiving anti-hypertensive therapy.


Sample Research Paper on Hypertension

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Incidence and Prognosis of Resistant Hypertension in Hypertensive Patients Summary: Patients with treatment-resistant hypertension constitute a high-risk subset for cardiovascular complications such as myocardial infarction and stroke. Correspondingly, the proportion of patients with controlled blood pressures increased over time from 45. Adverse perinatal outcomes are significantly higher in severe gestational hypertension than in mild preeclampsia. These researchers commenced their discussions by asking the question, are nurses an answer to the new primary care needs. The primary results of this study showed that the combined intervention HHE and GP training was associated with greater medication adherence and led to the most significant decline in SBP 10. A preliminary report and commentary from the Honolulu Heart Program. The Article on current hypertension 2018 results best suited the answers to my research question.


Hypertension Research Paper

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Hypertensive individuals were more likely to be impaired at baseline odds ratio 1. Heart Disease is preventable. In this study, the authors performed a cost-effectiveness analysis of the Control of Blood Pressure and Risk Attenuation COBRA trial, which evaluated community based strategies to reduce BP by randomizing 1341 hypertensive subjects in 12 randomly selected communities in Karachi, Pakistan, to 3 intervention programs: 1 home health education HHE by community health workers focusing on risk factor modification 2 training of general practitioners GP in guideline-based BP management, and 3 combined HHE and GP training. It also assessed physician-level variation in these control rates and clinician response to elevated BP in the clinic. Visit-to-visit blood pressure variability, carotid atherosclerosis, and cardiovascular events in the European Lacidipine Study on Atherosclerosis. Within Leadership Comparison of Hypertension Treatment in the US and Egypt Hypertension in the U.


Hypertension Research

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Am J Obstet Gynecol. Lifetime risks of cardiovascular disease. US trends in prevalence, awareness, treatment, and control of hypertension, 1988—2008. The Nurse Practitioner 37 3 ; 32 -38 Clark, C. On the other hand, America has the lowest prevalence rates of people suffering from high blood pressure with an approximately 35% of the population suffering from hypertension. Disease control priorities in developing countries. High blood pressure awareness needs to be identified in a global standpoint to effectively lower hypertension.


Theoretical Framework For Hypertension Research Research Paper

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Texas Blood Pressure Institute, University of Texas Southwestern Medical School, American Society of Hypertension, Dallas C. Mortality was also increased in impaired hypertensive individuals when compared with unimpaired hypertensive individuals hazard ratio 1. Chop it up finely and sprinkle it over your meal and you will get garlic's great benefits without its overbearing taste. Current hypertension reports , 20 4 , 34. In the following section, we review research aimed at improving hypertension control by implementing standardized prevention and treatment strategies across various practice settings—including pharmacist-led interventions, A Pharmacist-Led, American Heart Association Heart360 Web-Enabled Home Blood Pressure Monitoring Program Summary: Home blood pressure monitoring HBPM is a promising modality for improving blood pressure control in patients with hypertension. In light of its guiding propositions, the Health Belief Model is a suitable theoretical framework for issues relating to preventive healthcare practices and patient compliance with recommended health actions and interventions.


Recent Guidelines for Hypertension

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Talk to your doctor about support programs that can help. The objective of this new series is to provide our readership with a timely, comprehensive selection of important papers that are relevant to the quality and outcomes, as well as general cardiology audience. J Preventive Cardiology 2015; 4:735—739. Benfante R, Hwang LJ, Masaki K, Curb JD. However, if either systolic or diastolic blood pressure rises above 140 and 90respectively, then there is a high likelihood of one to develop hypertension. It means communicating with client in a way to build confidence and not scare them away; listening with apathy and not apprehension.


Chronic Disease

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India stands to benefit immensely if it seizes every moment to disarm the onset and progression of hypertension mediated CVD. Männistö T, Mendola P, Vääräsmäki M, Järvelin MR, Hartikainen AL, Pouta A, Suvanto E. The AIM intervention has been described in detail elsewhere in the literature. However, awareness, treatment, and control of hypertension are poor, remaining unchanged or worse, suggesting that clinical care in the region has not improved to meet the increased needs of the population. Yusuf S, Teo KK, Pogue J, Dyal L, Copland I, Schumacher H, Dagenais G, Sleight P, Anderson C.


Guide to Authors

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Follow up was for a mean of 17. Calcium antagonist lacidipine slows down progression of asymptomatic carotid atherosclerosis: principal results of the European Lacidipine Study on Atherosclerosis ELSA , a randomized, double-blind, long-term trial. Prevalence of hyperuricemia in Indian subjects attending hyperuricemia screening programs-a retrospective study. This would be essential as the medical practitioner would be able to develop suitable treatment and medication plans for the African-American citizen suffering from hypertension. The N Engl J Med.
