Gun control in usa essay. Gun Control in United States Essay Sample, 2086 Words, 5 Pages 🤓 2022-10-30

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Gun control in the United States is a highly controversial and divisive issue that has been the subject of intense debate for decades. On one side of the debate are those who argue that the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which guarantees the right to bear arms, should be upheld and that any attempts to regulate or restrict access to guns is a violation of this fundamental right. On the other side of the debate are those who believe that the proliferation of guns in the United States is a major contributing factor to the high rates of gun violence and that stricter gun control measures are necessary to protect public safety.

One of the main arguments in favor of stricter gun control is the fact that the United States has a significantly higher rate of gun violence than other developed countries. While the U.S. constitutes just 4% of the global population, it is home to nearly half of all civilian-owned guns and has the highest rate of gun ownership in the world. In 2019, there were over 39,000 gun deaths in the U.S., with mass shootings making up a significant portion of these deaths. In comparison, countries with stricter gun control laws, such as Japan and the United Kingdom, have much lower rates of gun violence.

Proponents of gun control argue that there are several measures that could be taken to reduce gun violence, including:

However, opponents of gun control argue that these measures would infringe upon the Second Amendment and that individuals have the right to protect themselves and their families with firearms. They also argue that the causes of gun violence are complex and that addressing issues such as mental illness and poverty would be more effective at reducing violence than regulating access to guns.

In conclusion, the issue of gun control in the United States is a highly contentious and complicated one, with valid arguments on both sides. While stricter gun control measures could potentially reduce gun violence, they also raise concerns about individual rights and the effectiveness of such measures in addressing the root causes of violence. Ultimately, finding a solution to the problem of gun violence in the U.S. will require a nuanced and multifaceted approach that takes into account the concerns of all stakeholders.

Gun Control and Legalization in the USA

gun control in usa essay

Three-fifths of the prisoners studied said that a criminal would not attack a potential victim who was known to be armed. As technology advanced, firearms become more and more dangerous. Kellermann who further said that people with guns use it against their families and close relations 43 times more than using it on an intruder. The first advantage is that this method can protect the personal safety of the elderly. Some anti-gun control advocates believe that regulations are meant to discriminate against people who are perceived to be of a lower social status from getting guns eg African-Americans during the 1960s.


Arguments Against Gun Control in USA

gun control in usa essay

Supporters of gun control believe that the Second Amendment is the reason for all gun violence in our great nation. That is why the knowledge is more detailed when it is based on the credible sources and effective critical thinking process necessary to analyze the data appropriately. However, the history of guns did not stop there. Our forefathers wrote the Constitution and Bill of Rights in a time that was completely different than that of today and there are clear differences from our time to theirs. In these cases, the prevalence of young men and guns is not unique to Chicago. Two-fifths of them had decided not to commit a crime because they thought the victim might have a gun. Statistical evidence has shown how effective this method turned out.


Essay On Gun Control Laws

gun control in usa essay

Gun control laws are being changed and morphed for the new society that we live in today. In addition to accusing the shooting at elementary school incident he also high lightened the recent killing incidents of Colorado cinema creating hassle and harassment across the American public. Had greater restrictions been placed on people before allowing them to make their purchases, the guns might not have so easily been appropriated by children. These new restrictions on gun ownership caused an outcry from pro-gun activists, who began to heavily advocate for less restrictive laws surrounding gun control. In 2018, the parkland shootings occurred, in which 17 students and faculty were killed. This is because these people would use their guns for self protection hence reducing the fatalities which would have occurred if they had no guns.


Essay about Gun Control in the United States

gun control in usa essay

This amendment was introduced very early in american history, and left little to interpretation. Another, even more recent fatal mass shooting occurred on February fourteenth 2018 at a school in Parkland, Florida, where a nineteen year old former student shot and killed seventeen people, fourteen students and three staff members. Although these bills would not be passed, they did mark a clear path to the eventual enacting of the Gun Control Act of 1968. While some individuals consider the issue of gun control to be a crime, others consider it a rights issue, in addition to being an education issue, political issue, safety, and racial issue Doyle 77. Gun agency and retailers rights were further protected with the addition of the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act. Stricter gun control laws do not affect the suicide rate. Laws involving the restrictions of gun rights were not the only legislation to be hotly contested once proposed.


Gun Control In The Usa Essay

gun control in usa essay

Mass murders like 1999 Columbine High School and California shooting all took place because of the easy availability of guns the to the general public. Criminals break laws when they do the bad things that they do. The debate over gun control is one of the most controversial topics, dividing most Americans. The third advantage is that it can effectively avoid shooting violence between young people due to mouth problems or emotional out of control. This was a swing toward pro-gun ideals, as it eliminated a major threat toward the ownership of guns and eliminated an important restriction that would have been effective in limiting the amount of guns and gun owners in society.


Gun Control in United States Essay Sample, 2086 Words, 5 Pages 🤓

gun control in usa essay

To the supporters of gun control, they believe we only have ourselves to blame for gun violence in our country. But this was easier said than done. I do not think guns should be taken away from the innocent people of our country just because criminals want to misuse them. Nonetheless, many individuals with known alcohol problems, violence or anger can still pass the federal background check and those who fail the check can still gain access to guns. It was further seen that the usage of guns was greater for self-protection rather than for committing crimes and statistics also revealed that there was no strong benefit obtained from the strong gun control laws Skousen 2008. On the other hand, those in who support more restrictive gun control laws argue that gun possession has not per se helped reduce violence and attacks on US citizens nor have they helped reduce crime rates.


Sample Essays On Gun Control In The United States

gun control in usa essay

The violence has been anywhere from mass school shootings that have devastated the nation to murders that have led to huge racial debates. In addition, other minor crimes such as hijackings are also done through the use of guns as a means of instilling fear in the victims Haerens 177. Criminals usually do not care about breaking the law to obtain a firearm. A common argument for this is that gun control laws take guns away from law-abiding citizens, where as the criminal is willing to break the law National Rifle Association. Main body It has been observed that numerous individuals own guns across the globe and a variety of reasons as to why they chose to own them.


Gun Violence In The United States: [Essay Example], 773 words GradesFixer

gun control in usa essay

Gun control is not considered as a single issue rather it is considered as a root cause of many issues more considerably contributing towards a crime issue and even a rights issue by some people. In order for positive change to occur, people need to become mindful and unbiased in their decision-making. Enacted in 1994, this act prohibited the ability to manufacture, transfer, or possess a semiautomatic assault weapon unless the gun owner had the gun before the law was put in place. In my research I read that "Woman and weaker individuals may have no means of self-defense from rape or other crimes, especially in the inner city" Messerli. There is no check and balance on the people who are purchasing weapons and the cause of this purchase. Although gun control policies have been formulated to restrict firearm distribution to reduce mass shootings and gun violence, various studies still indicate high incidences of gun violence in the US.


Gun Control In The United States

gun control in usa essay

Some think this right is only for military use and not for the common person but "the court explains that all citizens are the militia; the Second Amendment is an individual right, just like every other right protected in the Bill of Rights, and is independent of membership in any organized group or military unit" MacBradaigh. Although the outcry for restrictions on the access of guns was spurred by the assassination of John F. Perhaps one of the most notable instances of extreme gun violence happened in 1999. In the country we live in today, you need to go through a background check in order to buy a gun, and get special licenses to do other things with it, such as open and concealed carry of a gun. Would Banning Firearms Reduce Murder and Suicide? Throughout American history, the debate on gun control has divided the nation. Twenty-seven people were killed, most of them elementary school students and their teachers.
