Gum in school. 8 Reasons Why Gum Has No Place in the Classroom 2022-11-07

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Gum has long been a controversial subject in schools. Some argue that it helps students focus and relax, while others believe it creates a mess and distracts from learning. So, should gum be allowed in schools?

On the pro-gum side, some argue that chewing gum can help improve concentration and memory. Studies have shown that chewing gum can increase blood flow to the brain, leading to improved alertness and performance on cognitive tasks. Additionally, gum can help reduce stress and anxiety, which may improve overall focus and concentration.

However, there are also valid concerns about the negative effects of gum in schools. One major issue is the mess that gum can create. It is not uncommon for students to accidentally drop gum on the floor, where it can be difficult to remove and create a sticky mess. Additionally, gum can get stuck in hair and on clothing, leading to embarrassment and discomfort for students.

Another concern is the potential for gum to be a distraction in the classroom. Students may be more focused on chewing and blowing bubbles than on paying attention to the lesson. This could lead to a disruption in the learning environment and make it harder for students to concentrate.

Overall, the decision to allow gum in schools should be made on a case-by-case basis, taking into account the specific needs and concerns of the school and its students. Some schools may find that the benefits of gum outweigh the potential drawbacks, while others may decide that the risks are too great. Ultimately, the best approach will depend on the unique needs and circumstances of each individual school community.

Chewing Gum In Schools

gum in school

One hundred and eight students ages 13-16 were assigned to either chew gum during math class, while doing math homework and during tests or to refrain from chewing gum during the same activities. You can also hide the gum under your tongue or on the roof of your mouth. With Covid, who wants to clean up gum that has been in someone else's mouth?? Gum is also bad for the environment The amount of gum on Earth is causing problems for the environment. The gum base cannot be chemically broken down. A classroom is to learn, it should be the best learning environment. Chewing gum can improve your memory and cognitive performance.


How to Chew Gum in Class: 12 Steps (with Pictures)

gum in school

I believe cell phones should not be in schools. Practice chewing this way for edible food that you put in your mouth. Second, gum can be sticky and messy, making it difficult to clean up. It can help with concentration and focus. Preliminary research suggests that regular chewing can help you remember names, make you thinner, whiten teeth, etc. Modern chewing gum does not biodegrade either as it is made from synthetic plastics. Give your competitor a piece of chewing gum.


8 Reasons Why Gum Has No Place in the Classroom

gum in school

Lastly, if you let kids chew gum then the popping is more distracting. This happens because as you are chewing the gum, you are swallowing more than your saliva. Things like many clubs, arts programs, more teachers, or even a larger school. Why Gum Should Not Be Banned? There could be rules that nobody is allowed to chew gum during presentations, which would take care of that because students would rather follow those rules than getting their privilege taken away completely. In fact, chewing gum speeds up you heartbeat and blood pressure just enough to wake up both the left and right hemispheres in your brain, accessing your memory and helping you to concentrate better. Teachers have differing views about whether students should be allowed to chew gum in school. Can u chew gum at work? It may cause higher levels of sugar alcohol.


Chewing Gum in School

gum in school

That is wrong and should not be happening in school. In many schools, soda pop vending machines would be the essay way to provide a popular drink such as coke in middle schools even in high schools but can you imagine if this will be continued? Chewing gum could help protect your teeth and reduce bad breath. Can you believe that chewing gum can be traced back 5,000 years ago?! This is especially true for young children who might not know how to chew properly or who try to swallow their gum instead of spitting it out. Chewing gum can increase focus, make students more relaxed, and reduces bad breadth. Other teachers argue that gum chewing is distracting and disrespectful. The school to prison pipeline mainly targets students who are of color and those who struggle with some form of disability. Chewing gum is an activity that keeps your mind focused on the task which must be completed.


10 Reasons Why Gum Should Not Be Allowed In School

gum in school

Chewing gum is a very stable product because of its non-reactive nature and its low moisture content. Gum is not soluble in water. Studies have… Chewing Gum Benefits New research shows that chewing gum offers the surprising health benefits. Did he hit somebody or curse at a teacher? Master Of Life, Yes, it's true that there are some people who persist in believing some very silly things despite demonstrable evidence to the contrary. Besides being gross, it can also become a hygiene problem. Was she asking for it? Chewing Gum In School Essay 377 Words 2 Pages Students should be allowed to chew gum in school because it improves education with students, helps students focus, and chewing gum helps with oral hygiene.


Gum in school is something to chew on for educators

gum in school

No contrary evidence or a meta-analysis of the existing studies which points out flaws or shortcomings in their methodologies or conclusions? Studies have shown that chewing gum in class or help to remember things such as math problems and vocabulary words. I know this is a different situation, but there are some benefits out there. I asked about it and was told that adults are responsible enough so they were allowed. The Student Council also can declare designated gum chewing days with the principal's approval, Gregor said. According to Andrew Scholey from the University of Swinburne, gum chewing can help you focus because of the fact that gum flows insulin inside your brain which then enhances learning and memory capabilities. Stick your tongue through the disk without breaking it, then withdraw your tongue and clamp the edges together to make a sealed air bubble.


Should Gum Be Allowed In Schools

gum in school

Research and personal stories have shown links between marijuana and grades. In fact, gum increases the metabolic system. Schools could also consider getting rid of old computer labs, which could save electricity and space. Some schools do allow gum in classrooms, while others have a no-gum policy. Some believe that gum chewing is the nastiest habit in the world, it can impede the learning process, and gum chewing can be noisy and distracting to other students. Gum can also make their jaws stronger. This can be seen in their poor academic performance during school.


3 Pros and Cons of Chewing Gum in School

gum in school

Always make sure you have a tissue, old wrapper, or piece of paper in your pocket to put the discarded gum into. Should chewing gum be banned at school? In his professional life he's a real estate businessman and hobbyist blogger who research blogs about what it takes to make your home feel like yours with all new furniture or electronics for example but also security systems that will keep you safe from break-ins! Last Updated: Dec 28, 2022 By:. Gum stays in the mouth, it makes no noise, it isn't shared in class, and it is wrapped in a little paper before being thrown away. Another reason Is because helps your breath. Once swallowed, the saliva works to balance out stomach acid levels.


Gum Chewing In School Is Good For The Brain

gum in school

For one thing, gum can be a major distraction. One reason why I think go should be allowed at school It helps people focus. One reason is that phones can be disruptive in classrooms, and they can also be used to cheat on tests or share answers with other students. Chewing gum will make you lose concentration and focus, which could disrupt an entire class or meet up with a friend for lunch or another activity. Why Is Censorship Important In Schools 666 Words 3 Pages Censorship Censorship in schools may not be the best choice for enriching the future minds of the United States of America. Most of the teachers' time is spent on discipline issues, including gum chewing.
