Christology topics. Introduction to Christology 101 — Who Is Jesus? 2022-10-21

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Christology is the study of the person and nature of Jesus Christ. It is a central aspect of Christian theology, as Jesus is considered the central figure in Christianity and the embodiment of the divine. There are a number of important topics within the field of Christology that have been the subject of much discussion and debate throughout the history of Christianity.

One of the central questions in Christology is the relationship between the divine and human nature of Jesus. Many Christian traditions hold that Jesus was fully human and fully divine, with both natures united in one person. This belief, known as the doctrine of the hypostatic union, is based on passages in the New Testament that describe Jesus as both the Son of God and the Son of Man.

Another important topic in Christology is the role of Jesus in salvation. Christians believe that Jesus came to earth to redeem humanity from sin and reconcile us to God. This belief is based on the belief that Jesus willingly took upon himself the punishment for the sins of humanity through his death on the cross.

A third important topic in Christology is the nature of Jesus' resurrection. Christians believe that Jesus was resurrected from the dead and that this event was a central aspect of his ministry and teachings. The resurrection is seen as a sign of Jesus' victory over death and as a promise of eternal life for believers.

There are also a number of debates within Christology regarding the exact nature of Jesus' divinity and humanity. Some Christian traditions hold that Jesus was fully divine and fully human, while others believe that his divinity was superior to his humanity. These debates have led to a number of different Christological statements and creeds that have been developed over the centuries.

Overall, Christology is a complex and multifaceted field of study that encompasses a wide range of topics related to the person and nature of Jesus Christ. These topics have been the subject of much discussion and debate within the Christian tradition and continue to be an important area of study for theologians and believers alike.

51. Christology: The Doctrine of Christ

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Jesus of Nazareth: Lord and Christ: Essays on the historical Jesus and the New Testament Christology. They also agree that the idea that Jesus is God was the view of the very earliest Christians soon after his death. The First Council of Ephesus debated Mia Physis 'but being made one', κατὰ φύσιν — Council of Ephesus, Epistle of Cyril to Nestorius, i. However, all the aspects must be regarded as approaches to the Paschal mystery; as much as possible, they must be elaborated into synthetic views. The starting point is with the ministries of Christ and to the point of his resurrection. Until the middle of the 2nd century, such terms emphasized two themes: that of Jesus as a preexistent figure who becomes human and then returns to God and that of Jesus as a creature elected and "adopted" by God. Mankind thus puts on the form of humanity proper to the glorified Son of God cf.


Introduction to Christology 101 — Who Is Jesus?

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Louisville: Westminster John Knox Press, 1994. To be sure, this mystery is the same for all, and yet it must be set forth so that all should be able to assimilate it and celebrate it in their own lives and cultures. This soteriology rests on the words and consciousness of Jesus himself Jesus knows that he is to die for all, for our sins; in this perspective he lives out his entire earthly life, he suffers, and he rises from the dead. In the sixth century, Clovis had completed the Frankish conquest of Gaul; the Vandals controlled North Africa; the Visigoths, forced to retreat from southern Gaul by the Franks, continued to dominate Spain; and the Angles and Saxons had settled in Britain. He was truly man and truly God.


Select Questions on Christology

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He has published multiple books and scholarly articles on early Christology, the Gospels, the Septuagint, and other topics. He appeared to Mary Magdalene John 20:11-18 , to another Mary Matt 28:1-2 , to Cephas 1 Cor 15:5 , to the two disciples on the road to Emmaus Luke 24:13-35 , to James 1 Cor 15:7 , to ten disciples Luke 24:36-43 , to Thomas and the other ten disciples John 20:26-29 , to seven disciples at the Sea of Tiberias John 21:1-14 , to more than 500 people 1 Cor 15:6 , to the eleven at his ascension Matt 28:16-20; Acts 1:1-11 , and finally to Paul 1 Cor 15:8. The Politics Of Jesus. Evangelical Christology and Soteriology Today. Acceptance, belief and confession of Jesus Christ as the Son of God and the Savior of the world and humanity is the most basic element that distinguishes a Christian from a non-Christian. His love is endless and available to all of us.


(PDF) Topics in Twentieth

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Random House Canada, 2008. They contribute towards an understanding of the meaning and identity of Christ McMahon 32. Transaction Publishers, 2008 Retrieved from: 4 Eastern Orthodox -- What are the main beliefs. Â You will see a list of articles to choose from OR use our 3 Most studies are part of a series category or sub-category. Besides Jerusalem, the city most central to the development of Acts is probably Antioch.


440 Christianity Topic Ideas to Write about & Essay Samples

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Retrieved 5 March 2015. Dogmatic theology deals with doctrine of the faith. From this Spirit all nations and all human beings have received their own particular riches and charisms. Jesus Christ, the Son of Man, the Son of God, the Anointed One, or a dozen other titles he claims or has been given; what can we know of him? More precisely, the state of sin is exchanged for the state of divine sonship. His humanity had been prophesized in various passages in the Old Testament. Even though many of the passages could refer to more than just one theology, it is achievable to separate the different theologies into the four categories. This is being done to prove the applicability of the teachings and also why….


Christology Essays: Examples, Topics, Titles, & Outlines

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In a manner of speaking, it demythicized Hellenism and effected a Christian purification of it. Yet another reason for His death is seen in Romans 5:10 and 2 Corinthians 5:18, 19. The Lateran Council in a. If Ave speak in a strict sense and just at a purely notional level, it is not easy to describe as "expiatory substitution" or as "vicarious expiation" the action by which God irrevocably effects salvation through the life and death of the eschatological Savior, as well as through the Resurrection that makes him Savior in a definitive and irreversible manner. Matthew speaks of this as a "new creation" palingenesis; Mt 19:28 , and Paul discerns there that which every creature is awaiting Rom 8:19 , while the book of Revelation 21:1 , using the terminology of the Old Testament Is 65:17; 66:22 does not hesitate to speak of "new heavens" and of a "new earth". Jesus, which means "God Saves," is both a Christological and a soteriological title.


What Is Christology?

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John the Baptist works within the prophetic tradition and his teachings were rooted in Jewish Old Testament philosophy, eschatology, and theology. But do we know about Him? In a nutshell, they set forth "the history of the essence" of Jesus Christ. July 24, 2018 What is Christian ethics and what role should it play in the life of a believer? In Chapter Two, the author addresses the humanity of Jesus. Christology The Nature and Person of Christ Christology is a field within the larger project of Christian theology that has as its central focus the continuing examination of the nature and person of Jesus Christ, Scholars in this field focus on the letters of the New Testament as well as the canonical gospels to help them determine the complexities of the relationship between Christ's person and his nature and how these connect with as well as differ from the nature and person of God the Father. While, every good Catholic takes this Triumvirate for granted, it is left to theological scholars like Jurgen Moltmann to dissect and analyze the salient features of the Trinity. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. The other nineteen apply to the Son of Man who is to come, whoever that might be.


3. Christology: Jesus Christ

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The proponents of the Explosion view would say that the highest Christology of the later New Testament writings e. The life and times of St. Was the stone rolled back or not? That God is a person or personal is one of the fundamental claims believers have continuously made about God. The canon, rules of faith, creeds, papal decrees, and dogmas are vital in the preservation of Church identity. Aside from controversial, historical, and modern areas of focus, there are several other Christian persuasive speech topics to explore.


Christology Essay Examples

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In the case of Christology, the scriptural example is that authority is most often used for, and with men and women. The challenge of Jesus: rediscovering who Jesus was and is. The materials will complement your interest to make the research go smoothly. Christ emptied Himself of something when He became a man. Abide in me, and I in you" and serves as an admonition to the hearer of the word to value union with Jesus above all or any other kind of union. Responses to 101 Questions About Jesus. Materials: Today's materials will be the same as the previous days.
