Graffiti vs street art essay. Argumentative Essay About Graffiti 2022-11-07

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Graffiti and street art are often seen as interchangeable terms, but they are actually quite different. While both forms of art involve creating images or messages in public spaces, the motivations and methods behind each are quite distinct.

Graffiti is a form of vandalism that involves the unauthorized marking of public property with spray paint, markers, or other types of graffiti tools. It is often associated with gangs and other criminal activity, and is often seen as a nuisance or a blight on the community. Graffiti is illegal in many places, and those who engage in it risk fines, imprisonment, and other legal consequences.

Street art, on the other hand, is a legitimate form of art that involves creating images or messages in public spaces with the intention of adding beauty or meaning to the environment. It is often done with the permission of the property owner, or at least without the intention of causing damage. Street art can take many forms, including murals, stickers, stencils, and even yarn bombing (the use of yarn or other materials to cover objects in public spaces).

One key difference between graffiti and street art is the intent of the artist. Graffiti is often seen as a way for individuals or groups to mark territory, make statements, or simply express themselves without regard for the consequences. Street art, on the other hand, is often created with the intention of adding something positive to the community. It can be a way for artists to communicate important messages or simply add beauty to an otherwise mundane environment.

Another difference is the way in which the art is created. Graffiti is often done quickly and covertly, with the intention of avoiding detection. Street art, on the other hand, is often created openly and with permission, and may involve complex planning and execution.

There is also a significant difference in the way that graffiti and street art are viewed by the public. Graffiti is often seen as a problem and a symbol of urban decay, while street art is often celebrated and appreciated as a form of public art. This is reflected in the way that each is treated by the law: graffiti is generally illegal, while street art is often protected by freedom of expression laws.

In conclusion, graffiti and street art are two distinct forms of art that are often confused. While both involve creating images or messages in public spaces, graffiti is a form of vandalism that is often associated with criminal activity, while street art is a legitimate form of art that is often created with the permission of the property owner and with the intention of adding beauty or meaning to the environment.

Graffiti and History of Street Art

graffiti vs street art essay

In today 's world, the CCA has lost its importance. The artist can use any different medium he wants, but the most commonly used is spray paint Graffiti Artist. However, most of the time the owners ended up liking it, if they somehow manage to get respond from the owners. . It started with rock painting and basic sculptures, which then evolved and developed into the higher art of the Renaissance and ensuing periods in history. This image displayed publicly, and is intended to be …show more content… He has completely wound up and it looks like he is going to launch the bouquet across town, but then one realizes that they are just flowers, and if this rioter were real, they would go maybe ten feet.


Graffiti: Vandalism Or Street Art: [Essay Example], 736 words GradesFixer

graffiti vs street art essay

Should graffiti be considered Art? One of the biggest examples of this is how it has effected the advertising industry. By challenging the authorities, the graffiti artists established that they could work well outside of the social norms for art. Sociologist Daniel Rossides describes five social class: the upper class, the upper-middle class, the lower middle class, the working class and the lower class. New York: Abrams, 2008 , 37. Activism: Over the years, graffiti has evolved in style, form, and purpose.


Disadvantages Of Street Art

graffiti vs street art essay

The report will address implemented strategies that have been. The effect is to suggest that street art acts as a gateway into more severe criminal offenses. While most people would say that all they see are buildings, people, cars, and all of the other obvious answers. Despite the obvious separation between the blues and the church, the blues is often seen as a"secular religion", as well as a form of art and modern mythology Spencer 55. However, many others believe differently, they see graffiti as filthy and ruining private property.


Graffiti Vs Graffiti Essay

graffiti vs street art essay

After all, imagine a state in which music was a criminal act and labeled as a vandalism of the public sound space. People just need to understand not all forms of graffiti are related to gangs and vandalism. The Hibiscus, like the trans person, grows on the fringe and lights up Indian streets in an unapologetic burst of color and diversity. Well I have, every time that I pass by on US-59 in fact. Typical of Banksy, the image uses a stencil of a man. They are ruled by someone who is not seen in this picture. Besides, it is possible to say that the second approach could be taken as an old fashioned now.


Graffiti Vs Graffiti

graffiti vs street art essay

My friend and I knew that it was wrong to drawing on the table which was school property. There are still two different approaches to it. Graffiti artists use to write on the outsides of trains, some still do but due to new cleaning procedures those pieces never see the light of day, because they knew that there was a possibility that their name could be seen in a state across the country even though they wrote it in New York. If these things are observed and well organized by the government or other bodies, the non-artists think that graffiti and street arts can be used to decorate city and old buildings, hence become the centre of attraction for tourists from all over the world just like the one in Penang. Not only does it provide a canvas for visual expression, but also draws strength from its ability to directly communicate uncensored messages to passers-by. This brings all walks of life together by having something in common. It is obvious, that one of the main characteristics of art is the forethought of the work, images and messages which it conveys.


Graffiti Vs Street Art

graffiti vs street art essay

Enjoying open spaces and appreciating this art has, in many cases, helped people from all over the world to generate positive change, turning this space into a center of creative effervescence and human interaction. This picture appeared at the time, while tension between various states is extremely high. Graffiti has often been looked at as a sign of crime, gang activity, poverty, and vandalism. Personal Narrative: Graffiti In The City Of Houston 948 Words 4 Pages Whether you want to be working at McDonalds or working only 40 hours a week. People paint on the walls to express feelings or send a message to the world. People said that Kingshaw is seen as weak, indecisive, he could have chosen a different path instead of the one leading to the pond.


Graffiti vs. Street Art

graffiti vs street art essay

She also discusses the gender inequality within graffiti artists and muralists, the influences of graffiti on LA, and east coast influences on muralists in the 1980s. It is still illegal for it to be done publicly without permission or consent by the owner of the property. . I saw a man being video recorded while he was climbing up a fence of a military airport. This happened because the lack of exposure and knowledge that has been taught to them. Inspired by the beauty of nature, Senkoe painted these birds in the Lodhi colony to represent the colorful diversity of the people who live there and also to encourage them to communicate with each other and share stories, just like the birds would.


Graffiti vs Street Art Essay

graffiti vs street art essay

Graffiti is not only a work of art, it also includes the underground culture that surrounds and reveres that art. The more cut and dried difference between all forms of graffiti is whether or not they are considered legal. The Barton Hall district was a very neglected area that was known to be home to a lot of crime and drug problems. Going along with society, art reflected problems and feelings peculiar to people who lived at the certain period of time. Artists want people to see their message and, that is why, choose very unexpected places.


Graffiti Vs Street Art Analysis

graffiti vs street art essay

Taking into account a great size of the work, it is possible to say that the author also had to devote much time to planning and choosing the way how to draw it. The flowers are meant to show power, life, and growth rather than weakness and fragility. Differences between politics, cultures, morals, etc. Their quality and quantity changed over the last few decades. That is why, all these facts could be taken as a great evidence of the influential character of street art and its great contribution to the development of modern art in general. Artists may work on an art project that is intended for a smaller group of viewers while other artists may go for a larger audience and it generally comes down to what message the artist is trying to convey. Generally speaking, graffiti is a sort of painting which is scratched or sprayed on a wall or other surface or area in a place where people could see it.
