German imperialism. Imperialist Tensions: The Rise of German Imperialism 2022-10-22

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German imperialism refers to the various forms of territorial expansion and control exercised by the German Empire and its predecessor states, including the Holy Roman Empire, throughout its history. This process of imperialism has had a significant impact on the shaping of modern Germany and its place in the world, and has also had significant consequences for the countries and peoples that were subjected to German imperialism.

One of the earliest forms of German imperialism took place during the Middle Ages, when the Holy Roman Empire, a loose federation of German-speaking states, sought to expand its territory through a combination of military conquest and political maneuvering. This process of expansion was often driven by a desire to gain access to new resources and markets, and was often accompanied by religious and cultural conflict as the Holy Roman Empire sought to spread its particular brand of Christianity.

The modern German Empire, which was established in 1871 following the unification of various German-speaking states, also engaged in imperialism. This period of imperialism was marked by a number of territorial acquisitions, including the colonization of parts of Africa and the Pacific, as well as the annexation of various territories in Europe, such as Alsace-Lorraine. The German Empire also played a significant role in the partition of Africa, which was carried out by European powers in the late 19th century.

German imperialism was often justified on the grounds of bringing civilization and order to the territories it controlled, and was often accompanied by a sense of cultural superiority. This sense of superiority was also evident in the way that the German Empire treated the people of the territories it controlled, with a number of brutal and oppressive policies being implemented in order to maintain control.

The consequences of German imperialism were far-reaching and significant. In the territories it controlled, German imperialism often resulted in the suppression of indigenous cultures and the exploitation of natural resources, leading to widespread poverty and economic degradation. The legacy of German imperialism also continues to shape the modern world, with many of the countries and territories that were once subject to German control still grappling with the consequences of this period of history.

In conclusion, German imperialism refers to the various forms of territorial expansion and control exercised by the German Empire and its predecessor states throughout its history. This process of imperialism has had significant consequences for the countries and peoples that were subjected to it, and continues to shape the modern world in a number of ways.

German Imperialism

german imperialism

Nearly all German bishops, clergy, and laymen rejected the legality of the new laws, and were defiant in the face of heavier and heavier penalties and imprisonments imposed by Bismarck's government. Oldenbourg, München 1989, pp. Both aspirations would become reality, nurtured by a press replete with Kolonialfreunde supporters of colonial acquisitions and a myriad of geographical associations and colonial societies. In a period of four years, 1904-1907, approximately 65,000 Herero and 10,000 Nama people perished. Carl Peters and his cronies committed unspeakable crimes in East Africa; including excessive flogging, chain-gang torture, and punishment by iron-hat. The scorched earth policy and food shortages have been exacerbated by the shootings. At first, the Nama began displacing the Herero, leading to bitter warfare between the two groups that lasted the greater part of the 19th century.


Imperialist Tensions: The Rise of German Imperialism

german imperialism

After the collapse of the Eastern Bloc, France initially sought an alliance with Germany against America. These were frequently disputes about access to land and water, but also the legal discrimination against the native population by the white immigrants. John Wiley and Sons Ltd. Wehler's examination of Nazi rule is shaped by his concept of "charismatic domination", which focuses heavily on Hitler. Volkswagen sold almost 42 percent of its new cars in China in 2021 and made 40 percent of its profits there.


How German imperialism is gearing up for World War III

german imperialism

Campus, Frankfurt am Main 2004, pp. This showed itself best in Austria, where they are the junior partners in the national government. Ideas viajeras y sus objetos. Jurisdiction over indigenous peoples, especially in criminal cases, was invested in the colonial officials in the colonies. While some historians have abandoned the Sonderweg thesis, they have not provided a generally accepted alternative interpretation. Walther, "Sex, Public Health and Colonial Control: The Campaign Against Venereal Diseases in Germany's Overseas Possessions, 1884—1914.


African holocaust

german imperialism

European chemists made new explosives that made artillery much more deadly. Retrieved 11 April 2022. Another form of administration in the colonies was the Residentur. German atrocities in Togo and Cameroon were equal to, if not greater than, the atrocities the Germans inflicted on the natives in the other colonies. Beer, The Emergence of the German Dye Industry 1959. Even the article we are directing you to could, in principle, change without notice on sites we do not control. Colonization and Conflict During the 17th and 18th centuries, the Herero migrated to what is today Namibia from the east and established themselves as herdsmen.


Germany's Superpower Quest Caused World War I

german imperialism

New York: Peter Lang. The First World War in East Africa. It is noted that in a given period it hid Nazi criminals, and still together with the political police it arrested and tortured workers inside its premises and as if it were still little, they used slave labor on the Rio Cristalino farm in the state of Pará, which was part of its properties. Now, if you think that her speech was greeted with suspicion after all, this is the organisation of the big German steel, car, and machine tool-manufacturers, which in reality is a cartel of some of the biggest contributors to climate change , you would be quite wrong. At the same time, the great powers, and particularly Germany are destabilising the internal policies of all the countries of the Balkans.


German imperialism: ground between two millstones

german imperialism

A history of the German republic. It was the USA which obliged the Bosnian Croats to ally themselves with the Muslims, in complete contradiction to all the Croatian war aims in Bosnia. Many years later a German political party would apply almost the very same methods and procedures in their quest for expansion. It was the USA, which at the last moment of the war in Bosnia before Dayton, prevented Bosnian and above all Croatian forces from capturing Banja Luca, and thus from banishing Serbs to the east of Bosnia. According to the new imperial constitution, the states were in charge of religious and educational affairs; they funded the Protestant and Catholic schools. Deutsche Kolonial- und Weltpolitik 1880—1914.


Germany Imperialism Timeline

german imperialism

In the 1950s, historians in Sonderweg led Germany to the disaster of 1933—1945. The German East Africa Company was an organization created in 1885 to manage Germany's colonial conquest The Maji-Maji Rebellion was a two year war based on the belief that if a magic water known as "Maji Maji" was sprinkled on the Germans' bodies, that it would turn their bullets into water. It must also become a militarypower commensurate with its economic interests. The German government, however, found such charges unworthy of investigation. In the last year or so, Green parties all over Europe haven risen to new heights in polls and elections. In fact, under the guise of helping to seal off the Polish eastern frontier from illegal migrants heading for Germany, Bonn has begun to equip and even finance important parts of the Polish military apparatus. Scientists did research and came to the conclusion that the Tutsis were "superior" to the Hutus because of their lighter skin and larger skulls.


German Imperialism Flashcards

german imperialism

Bismarck sits atop the globe, smoking a long pipe and reading a book entitled "Social Reforms", while personifications of Britain, France, Russia, and other nations quarrel below. The French educators sought to preserving French culture among the Vietnamese elites and relied on the Mission Culturelle — the heir of the colonial Direction of Education — and its prestigious high schools. Band: Gesamtdeutschland, Anhaltische Staaten und Baden. Comparative Welfare State Politics: Development, Opportunities, and Reform. His remark hits the nail on the head. German Studies Review, vol. The Second Reich: Kaiser Wilhelm II and his Germany.



german imperialism

Sara Miller McCune founded SAGE Publishing in 1965 to support the dissemination of usable knowledge and educate a global community. Retrieved April 7, 2015. In Germany itself, after a surge in the polls last year which for some time even indicated that in new elections, the Greens could become the strongest party, they still poll solidly over 20 percent. Although not explicitly stated, this is true of Germany and EU relations with the United States too. Furthermore, Germany cannot play a role in world politics independent of the EU. In March 1884, Möwe.
