Geopolitical significance of indian ocean. Economic and Strategic significance of Indian Ocean Region. ~ My Perception of World 2022-10-24

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The Indian Ocean is a vast body of water that spans over 20% of the Earth's surface, and its geopolitical significance cannot be overstated. Located between Africa, Asia, and Australia, the Indian Ocean has played a crucial role in the development and expansion of civilizations and empires for centuries.

One of the most important factors contributing to the geopolitical significance of the Indian Ocean is its strategic location. The ocean sits at the crossroads of major global trade routes, connecting the East and West through the Suez Canal and the Strait of Hormuz. This has made the Indian Ocean a crucial artery for the movement of goods and resources, as well as a key area for military operations.

The vast natural resources found in the Indian Ocean region, including oil, gas, and minerals, have also played a major role in its geopolitical significance. These resources have been a source of wealth and power for many nations, and have been the subject of conflict and competition.

Another factor contributing to the geopolitical significance of the Indian Ocean is its diverse array of cultures and civilizations. The region has a long history of cultural exchange and cooperation, and it is home to a variety of religions, languages, and traditions. This diversity has made the Indian Ocean a melting pot of ideas and influences, and has played a significant role in shaping the global political landscape.

In recent years, the geopolitical significance of the Indian Ocean has grown even further due to the increasing importance of the region in the global economy. The rise of China and India as major economic powers has led to a greater focus on the region, and the growth of international trade has made the Indian Ocean an increasingly important hub for global commerce.

Overall, the Indian Ocean is a vital and strategic region with a long and complex history of geopolitical significance. Its strategic location, natural resources, and cultural diversity have all contributed to its importance on the global stage, and it will continue to play a central role in shaping the future of international relations.

Short essay on Geopolitics of the Indian Ocean

geopolitical significance of indian ocean

Building Maritime Security Situational Awareness, Issue No — 182. However, they also understand the opportunities and space for collaboration that come from an Indian Ocean identity. . However, the Indian Ocean which has 36 littoral and 11 hinterland countries, has become one of the most important zones of geopolitical activity after the Second World War. China would prefer a geographic siege of India, which would end up driving India to the unimportant fringes of the Indian Ocean. Navy Admiral Michael Mullen are well-recognized persons who often talk about the value of maritime power. IO strategic waterways have taken special attention in maritime trade.


What is the geopolitical importance of Indian Ocean?

geopolitical significance of indian ocean

What is geopolitical significance? Countries are well aware of security in chokepoints, sea lanes, and strategic waterways. From this perspective, it is suggested that the following idealized types of geopolitical models be identified, namely: natural-geographical, socio-geographical, activity-related, and chronogeopolitical. These threats may have traditional implications for extra-regional maritime users. The current geopolitical contest in the Region As the new cold war is being predicted by various experts, and also with the rising importance of Indo-Pacific there are numerous powers like US, China, India, and Japan who are interested in Sri Lanka. In addition, emergence of the region as an important geopolitical construct, where the great powers would compete for influence and possibly eventual dominance has added another dimension to the regional security environment.


The Geopolitical Significance of the Indian Ocean

geopolitical significance of indian ocean

Eurasian region and Indian Ocean has great strategic attraction owing to their geography, which combines them as a single pivot of global geopolitics in the 21st century. The US and UK have raised several times the fear of communism. Admiral Alfred Thayer Mahan stated the importance of sea power by highlighting six elements of geography access to sea routes , physical conformation ports , extent of territory, population, character of the people, and character of government. Maritime Security Challenges in South Asia and the Indian Ocean: Response Strategies. Speaking at the Our respective futures are intertwined and heavily dependent on how well we cooperate on the challenges and opportunities in the Indian Ocean in the decades ahead. The Indian Ocean consists of marginal seas touching the littoral states.


(DOC) Geopolitics of the Indian Ocean

geopolitical significance of indian ocean

The Indian Ocean has remained significant from geopolitical point of view. Historically and strategically, the northern portion of the Indian Ocean is considered very im­portant because it is accessible from the west and the east only through narrow straits. OPEC countries, from time to time, have put some pressure on the western countries. Percentage of the World oil shipment through Indian Ocean choke points. Therefore, countries are reluctant to disturb in good order at sea. . Why is the Indian Ocean important to China? A tilt towards the US was often seen in Sri Lanka, as made visible during the Korean War when US flotilla was stationed at Sri Lankan Ports.


Sri Lanka’s Geopolitics in the Indian Ocean

geopolitical significance of indian ocean

Besides these agricultural products, the countries of the Indian Ocean region are rich store ho of the mineral wealth. Its maritime threat perceptions are similar to those of other littoral countries. In 2019, Moscow held the first ever Russia-Africa summit and invested in its relations with Mauritius, Comoros, and Madagascar. Both littoral and extra-regional states have to play a vital role to prevent the maritime domain from threats and challenges. The US, being the most dominant global power, has been trying to extend its influence in the Eurasian region for many decades.


Geopolitics of the Indian Ocean realm

geopolitical significance of indian ocean

The Indian Ocean, due to this fact, has special significance for the West in general and the US in particular. It extends from the Bay of Bengal in north to Antarctica in south covering a range of 9600 kilometers and from Southern Africa in west to Western Australia in east with an estimated range of 7800 kilometers. Our vision is to orient the readers to grasp the facts objectively and analyse critically. The expanding economies and ever increasing demand for natural resources has rekindled the maritime vision of these growing nations. India has a huge military presence in Andaman and Nicobar island. This paper examines the emerging trends of naval aviation in the context of prevailing geopolitics in the region with a focus on strategic importance of Indian Ocean and the Eurasian landmass. Maritime Security in the Indian Ocean: Contest for power by major maritime users and non-traditional security threats.


Geopolitical Competition and Economics in the Indian Ocean Region

geopolitical significance of indian ocean

Geo-strategy is required to deal with geopolitical problems and is the sum of the efforts to influence and act through these factors. Much as they did in the past, islands will come to play a critical role in shaping the new order in the Indian Ocean region. Almost all the leaders of these newly elected or re-elected governments have underlined the importance of their geography and their identity as islands against the backdrop of great power competition in the Indian Ocean. China, as the second biggest oil importer, sends 80 percent of oil imports through the Indian Ocean the Strait of Malacca. The major products commerced through this route encompass iron, coal, rubber, tea and crude oil. Sea routes of the Indian ocean are key to the prosperity of Coastal countries and it is also a common property to all.


Geopolitics of Indian Ocean

geopolitical significance of indian ocean

The changing scenario has attracted the direct or indirect involvement of western of countries. Many of these are now used as military bases by the United States and its allies U. Therefore, security in this region is very important for the global economy and must be secured from Middle East turbulence. Indian Ocean can be choked anytime by controlling these outlets. The strategic importance of Srilanka in the Indian Ocean — A look at the history Before becoming the colony of the British, Sri Lanka was ruled by both the Portuguese and the Dutch.


The Indian Ocean is now at the heart of global geopolitics

geopolitical significance of indian ocean

Emphasis on their maritime identity rather than on a subregion allows island nations to break out of subregional political dynamics and engage with countries across the globe on different issues. Maritime Domain Awareness in the Department of the Navy. Roxy and Aditi Deshpande Observations in the Indian Ocean The history of the Indian Ocean observations stretches back approximately to the 1870s Deseret al. New York: Random House Trad Paperbacks. Natural resources, maritime commerce, location of busy sea routes and strategic significance have made the region significant in the strategic calculus of great powers throughout the history. Within its territorial sea, a country maintains sovereignty of the sea, seabed, and airspace. This will again jack up the shipping cost besides adding 4750 nautical miles and 12-14 extra days.


Economic and Strategic significance of Indian Ocean Region. ~ My Perception of World

geopolitical significance of indian ocean

According to Morgenthau alliances are a necessary function of the balance of power, when nations competing with each other have three choices in order to maintain and improve their relative power positions. International Security, An Analytical Survey. Again, any disruption in this channel will lead to rise in the freight cost and also delay in shipping as alternate route is substantially very long. In 2019, Russia had held military exercises with the navies of China, South Africa and Iran in the Western Indian Ocean. However, their own game of survival is inevitable. India claims that the main channel of the river flows to the east of the new island, whereas Bangladesh maintains that it flows to the west , thus making the island an integral part of the Bangladesh territory.
