Gasland documentary summary. Summary Of The Film 'Gasland' By Josh Fox 2022-11-08

Gasland documentary summary Rating: 5,9/10 271 reviews

Gasland is a documentary film directed by Josh Fox that was released in 2010. The film explores the impact of hydraulic fracturing, or "fracking," on communities in the United States. Fracking is a process used to extract natural gas from shale rock formations by injecting a mixture of water, sand, and chemicals into the ground at high pressure.

The film follows Fox as he travels around the country and interviews people who live near fracking sites. He discovers that many of these communities are experiencing serious environmental and health problems as a result of the fracking process. For example, some people living near fracking sites have reported that their tap water is contaminated with methane and other chemicals, and that they have suffered from respiratory problems and other health issues.

One of the most striking moments in the film occurs when a man in Colorado sets fire to the water coming out of his tap, demonstrating that the water is so contaminated with methane that it can be ignited. This scene is particularly alarming because methane is a highly flammable gas that can be explosive if it accumulates in high concentrations.

In addition to the health risks posed by fracking, the film also discusses the environmental impacts of the process. Fracking requires a large amount of water, which is often taken from local sources and can lead to water shortages in the surrounding area. The chemicals used in the fracking process can also contaminate the water supply, posing a threat to both human health and the environment.

Despite these concerns, the film also highlights the economic benefits of fracking, particularly for communities that are struggling financially. Many people living in areas with fracking sites have reported that the industry has brought jobs and economic opportunities to their communities.

Overall, Gasland is a thought-provoking and eye-opening documentary that highlights the complex issues surrounding fracking and its impacts on communities and the environment. While it is clear that fracking has the potential to bring economic benefits, the film raises important questions about the long-term consequences of this practice and whether the costs are worth the benefits.

'Gasland' review: Documentary on gas drilling in Pennsylvania isn't perfect, but it's worth watching

gasland documentary summary

People need to be alerted about how real fracking is and the damages it is doing. Also, interviewing people adds a side of distress and need for change or help in this particular documentary. This is untrue, and has been disproven by highly qualified epidemiologists, such as David Risser. Some of the chemicals used have been known to cause infertility, autism, ADHD, diabetes and thyroid disorders. With this in mind, jobs are created, cleaner gas is in the ozone, money is saved for the countries overall expenses, but the process behind to reach that goal consist of risks that can become a threat to water supply, food supply, and the environment as a whole. To begin with, the vertical depth separation between drinking water aquifers and reservoir targets for gas production is several thousand feet of impermeable rock.


GasLand (2010): American Appetite for Energy

gasland documentary summary

Such plants would take several years to build and yet we are already seeing the industry rush into drilling as fast as they can get past anything holding them up. Up to six hundred different chemicals are used in fracking, most of which are very toxic, including uranium, mercury, formaldehyde and ethylene. Many companies out of Tennessee and North… Hydraulic Fracturing and Its Concern Today Hydraulic fracturing, commonly referred to as fracking, has been a hot topic of debate in the United States of America since its inception in 1947 and first well drill in 1949. The natural gas industry defends hydraulic fracturing, better known as fracking, as safe and efficient. Others are convinced that fracking contaminates groundwater, thus polluting our drinking water. Fracking can cause contamination in the environment. Therefore discussing these subjects is becoming increasingly difficult.


Summary Of The Film 'Gasland'

gasland documentary summary

When he goes out west, he discovers the government has turned a blind eye to the drilling process and the harmful effects the chemicals can the water supply. The diagram on page 3 outlines the process defined as fracking for an easier understanding of how invasive the process is to the environment. One place where fracking has come up is in New Brunswick, where there is a large shale reservoir. It shows an in-depth look at a method known as fracking which horizontally drills into deep rock in search of the black gold. The trip began when Fox received a letter from a gas company offering to lease them land for gas drilling. Intrigued, he set off to find other places where this was taking place.


Gasland Part II (2013)

gasland documentary summary

Within 10 seconds of running the water a small explosion of flame blew out and they both jumped back. Josh Fox, the director of "Gasland," chronicles his search to discover what gas drilling in the Marcellus Shale might do to his beloved Delaware River watershed should he and his neighbors sign the leases they received in the mail. I very much look forward to getting my hands on this and showing it to people in our area. From meeting energy needs to creating jobs and helping the economy, natural gas is an invisible miracle. Total Advanced A : The student work in the criteria exceeds the requirement Fracking Do the benefits of hydraulic fracturing outweigh the costs? Also, interviewing people adds a side of distress and need for change or help in this particular documentary. All over America, numerous interest groups participate in a continuous debate on the ethics of this procedure.


Gasland Summary

gasland documentary summary

Thus, gas companies provide the least remedy for the impacts of what they have done. In each state he traveled to, Fox made it a point to stop in and visit citizens from towns that were severely affected by the drilling. Pros And Cons Of Fracking In The United States 118 Words 1 Pages This is Keirstan, I was wondering if we could put this in as an editorial. The last I heard of this is that a local county councillor was taking on the company on the ground that it posed serious health hazards for humans. Multi-national oil corporations approach unsuspecting land owners and purchase their land for oil exploration.


"Gasland" The Documentary

gasland documentary summary

The garden hose of one familys multi-million dollar house could have been used as a flamethrower it had so much natural gas coming out of it. This film changed that, especially in the field of psychology. The natural gas industry accounts for forty percent of methane gas emitted in America. In addition to having strong graphic displays all throughout the film, Fox flourished in doing interviews with the people affected by the drilling. The people who work on these fracking sites are at risk of exposing to toxic chemicals. It shows an in-depth look at a method known as fracking which horizontally drills into deep rock in search of the black gold. My concern is that knowing how we have been complicit in the consumption of fossil fuels, fouling our planet, etc.



gasland documentary summary

I live 10 miles from Dimmock, Pa. These activities are advantageous for gas executives, but extremely harmful for people and wildlife near contaminated area. The fluid that comes back up out of the ground is saturated with salts, is sometimes radioactive and often contains harmful heavy metals like arsenic. Many cities welcome fracking while others try to completely ban it. The office of magistrate dates back to the 12th century when Richard 1 appointed "keepers of the peace". The natural gas industry comes into a community and destroys the watershed leaving people without drinking water or a safe place to live. Fracking may be a key provider of oil but this expensive, polluting, low energy-return process is not worth the loss of wildlife habitat, natural land and innumerable water resources.


Film Review: Gasland II, an Explosive Fracking Follow

gasland documentary summary

The film is really the story of that trip. The second half will be the story of expensive-to-produce hydrocarbons, from increasingly inaccessible places, with a rapidly falling energy return on investment and an increasing impact, both environmentally and in terms of carbon emissions. However, in recent years this narrative has come under increased scrutiny as environmental groups, scientists, and average citizens have raised concerns about the true impact of hydraulic fracturing. Buckeye has leased 7,500 acres of mineral rights in Georgia allowing them to unlimited drilling on these properties. The public comment period for the DRBC draft regulations is still open until the 15th of this month. There are 2 stages for the test and the first stage is the evidential stage, being noted in the CPS 4. This was partly due to Josh and the samples he collected.
