Fritz redl and william wattenberg theory. The Redl and Wattenberg Model and the Kounin Model 2022-11-05

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The story of Adam and Eve, found in the book of Genesis in the Bible, is a well-known tale that has been interpreted in various ways over the centuries. At its core, the story is about the creation of humanity and the first man and woman, Adam and Eve. However, beyond its literal interpretation, the story of Adam and Eve has often been seen as a symbol or allegory with deeper meaning and significance.

One interpretation of the story is that it represents the inherent desire for knowledge and understanding that is present in all humans. In the story, God places the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil in the Garden of Eden and tells Adam and Eve not to eat from it. However, the temptation to know and understand good and evil proves too great, and Eve eats from the tree and then gives some of the fruit to Adam. In this way, the story can be seen as a metaphor for the human desire to seek out knowledge and understanding, even if it goes against the rules or warnings given to us.

Another interpretation of the story is that it represents the fall of humanity and the loss of innocence. In the story, after Adam and Eve eat from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, they become aware of their own nakedness and are ashamed. This can be seen as a symbol for the loss of innocence and the realization of sin and wrongdoing. As a result of their disobedience, Adam and Eve are expelled from the Garden of Eden, which can be seen as a metaphor for the fall of humanity from a state of grace and innocence.

Finally, the story of Adam and Eve can also be seen as a symbol for the relationship between men and women. In the story, Eve is created from the rib of Adam, which has been interpreted as a metaphor for the relationship between men and women as being one of partnership and equality. However, the story also includes the idea of the "fallen woman," with Eve being blamed for tempting Adam to eat from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. This interpretation has been used to justify discrimination and prejudice against women, and has been challenged by feminists and others who argue that the story should be understood as a metaphor for the equality and partnership between men and women rather than a justification for the subordination of women.

In conclusion, the story of Adam and Eve has been interpreted in many different ways over the centuries, with different people seeing different meanings and symbols in the story. Some see it as a metaphor for the human desire for knowledge and understanding, while others see it as a symbol for the fall of humanity or for the relationship between men and women. Regardless of the specific interpretation, it is clear that the story of Adam and Eve continues to be a powerful and enduring symbol in Western culture.

Classroom Management Theorists

fritz redl and william wattenberg theory

Provide encouragement by rewarding more than punishing to build self-esteem. Jones has developed methods of classroom management that are both powerful and affordable for all teachers. Alfie Kohn From Discipline to Community Low Control Classroom meetings bring social and ethical benefits, foster intellectual development, motivate students to be more effective leaders. The two methods are different and almost contradicting to each other. Byrne will learn how use operant conditioning to get his seventh grade students to listen. A reinforcement strengthens a response, reinforcement The Role Of Reinforcement In Operant Conditioning 126 Words 1 Pages Reinforcement and punishment are methods used in operant conditioning and both can be positive and negative but work in a unique way.


Fritz Redl & William Wattenberg

fritz redl and william wattenberg theory

Together, they altered the way many teachers view their role inside the classroom. On the other hand, classical conditioning is a learning way that connects between two stimuli which produce natural response. A portion of the first weeks of every school year should be dedicated to learning and practicing classroom procedures and disciplinary actions as a result of not adhering to the procedures. According with her theory students misbehave to seek attention of power, to get revenge, or to avoid failure. He also received various awards like the White House Citation for his contribution in child mental health in 1965. Any punishment that is used should be pre-planned and mildly unpleasant.


theorist fritz redl and william wattenberg

fritz redl and william wattenberg theory

If we have something better to do, we let it ring. I cannot control my students, I can merely explain to them that they control their actions, give them the information to make better choices and provide an environment which meets their needs and leads them to desire better choices. Before the Second World War spread through Europe, Redl emigrated to the United States. I will use this plan as a guide during the course of the year in order to help me make decisions, plan lessons, and work with students effectively. With the controlled disposition, students comply with policies because they fear being punished, on the opposite side, cooperation disposition where students comply with rules because they see them reasonable and important to have a safer school environment.


History And Background Of Fritz Redl And William Wattenberg

fritz redl and william wattenberg theory

This special stimulus has the effect of increasing the operant — that is, the behavior occurring just before the reinforcer. Wubbels 2011 noted that teachers normally cite classroom management, with student misbehavior and discipline included, as one of the prominent problems they encounter. According to Purje, "the aim of Responsibility Theory is to always inform the student that the student is responsible for and has power over their thinking, their behaviour, what they say, their choices, and their learning" Purje, 2014, p. The positive reinforcement has consequences and comes with a rewarding outlook. However Jones says that the teacher must succeed in managing discipline and instruction.


Fritz Redl William W Wattenberg BY CINDY CASTRO

fritz redl and william wattenberg theory

Theorist Description Type Practice B. The Redl and Wattenberg Model is a model of discipline, concerning group dynamics. Redl and Wattenberg believe that in order for teachers to be effective in disciplining students, they must use encouragement and use punishment sparingly. Students are first introduced to the concept that they have responsibility for their thinking, behaviour, choices and what they say. Proper Classroom management leads to class control and conducive teaching learning environment.


The Redl and Wattenberg Model and the Kounin Model

fritz redl and william wattenberg theory

In such cases, CBT has a lot to offer. Students are helped to understand their motives. Pavlov's Theory Of Classical Conditioning 1265 Words 6 Pages Ivan Pavlov and Burrhus Frederic Skinner are the behaviourist theorists I studied. Because of this, teachers need to manipulate the whole group of students, not just individuals. Redl and Wattenberg believe that students behave differently when they are in a group than they would individually. Having an organized schedule for the students to pursue the students will focus on what is being learned. In fact all we can ever get from the outside world, which means all we can give one another, is information.



fritz redl and william wattenberg theory

This kind of practice is rooted from the belief that good feelings which are related to desirable behavior would be repeated. Blanca Quiroz, and many others were are notable in their work. Cooke has a great rapport with her students and has very little difficult actively engaging students in learning. In 1973, he dealt with deviant juveniles as a consultant to the department of criminal justice at the State University of New York at Albany. Exploring the Foundations of Middle School Classroom Management. It would work out better if the adult explains to the child what was done and how to fix it than to punish with negative reinforcement.


Bf Skinner's Theory Of Behaviour Modification

fritz redl and william wattenberg theory

It is one of the most difficult tasks or aspect of teaching for many teachers. As such, he deems that desired behaviors could be repeated by selecting appropriate reinforcers Obiakor, 2001. It is designed to develop capacity for identifying, adapting and sustaining effective instructional practices. Jacob Kounin Instructional Management Medium control Educators use effective instructional behaviors teaching techniques, movement management, and group focus to influence student behaviors. A directress is often times guiding students through multiple subjects at one time.
