Ancient greek contributions dbq. dbq ancient greek contributions 2022-10-10

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The ancient Greeks made numerous contributions that have had a lasting impact on Western civilization. From philosophy and politics to art and architecture, the ancient Greeks left a lasting legacy that is still evident today.

One of the most significant contributions of the ancient Greeks was their development of democracy. The Greeks were the first civilization to develop a system of government in which citizens had a direct say in the decision-making process. This system of government, which was developed in the city-state of Athens, became a model for democratic governments throughout the world.

Another major contribution of the ancient Greeks was their development of philosophy. The Greeks were the first civilization to engage in systematic philosophical inquiry, and many of their ideas and concepts continue to shape the way we think about the world today. For example, the Greek philosopher Aristotle's ideas on ethics and politics continue to influence contemporary thinking on these topics.

The ancient Greeks also made significant contributions to the arts and architecture. The Greeks were known for their sculptures, which often depicted mythological figures and scenes from daily life. The Greek architectural style, which is characterized by the use of columns and geometric shapes, has also had a lasting influence on building design.

In addition to their contributions to the arts and architecture, the ancient Greeks also made significant advances in science and mathematics. The Greek mathematician Euclid's work on geometry has had a profound impact on mathematics and is still taught in schools today. The Greek philosopher and scientist Aristotle also made important contributions to the study of biology and the natural world.

Overall, the ancient Greeks made numerous contributions that continue to shape the way we think and live today. Their ideas and innovations in philosophy, politics, art, architecture, science, and mathematics have had a lasting impact on Western civilization and continue to influence contemporary thought and culture.

dbq ancient greek contributions

ancient greek contributions dbq

Philosophers came to Athens to discuss the fundamental questions that have puzzled humankind throughout the ages. They set these contributions through Greek philosophers, its form of government, and ancient buildings. Socrates way of teaching was not simply telling his students something directly and having them accept an answer without doubt like most straightforward teachers of the time did, but rather to propose a question or series of questions and see what his students had to say about it. In this play, Antigone defies the king s order and buries her brother, who was killed while leading a rebellion. Because each city-state in ancient Greece possessed its own government, some of these types existed other than democracy, namely monarchy, aristocracy, tyranny, oligarchy.


Free Essay: Ancient Greeks Contributions DBQ

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E "Our plan of government favor the manu instead of the few; that is why it is called a democracy. . Without the ancient Greeks, the Western world may not have as much establishment or values that it posseses today. Many achievements of the ancient Greek civilization have positively affected the west. Speaking of Nike, the Olympic games were held in celebration of her, and was often seen as the main event. A man may serve his country no matter how low his position on the social scale.


Ancient Greek Contributions

ancient greek contributions dbq

The Greeks have created a great stir in modern day values, events, and philosophy, and they were just getting warmed up. Government was not the only way the Ancient Greeks had contributions to Western Civilization. Creon: And still you dared to overstep these laws? While every citizen has an equal opportunity to serve the public, we reward our most distinguished citizens by asking them to make our political decisions. Look at each document and answer the questions that follow. This essay will compare and contrast the ancient governments, namely monarchy, aristocracy, tyranny, oligarchy and democracy in Ancient Greek city states. Shields History 105 1 September 2017 Ancient Greek Contributions Through the mythical powers and the great rulers of the Greek society, Ancient Greeks did a lot to form western civilization. Some of these philosophers inspired many and lead many to a better life due to their wisdom.



ancient greek contributions dbq

As seen in document 1, which is an excerpt from Pericles' funeral oration, the ancient Greeks were one of the first to have a democracy. Document 5 Question 1. The ancient Greeks improved our society with great inventions, ideas, and contributions to Western civilization. Finally, the Greeks have influenced art and architecture with the building of the Parthenon. .


Dbq: Ancient Greek Contributions

ancient greek contributions dbq

I will follow that treatment which, according to my ability and judgment, I will consider for the benefit of my patients, and abstain from whatever is harmful. Also, as seen in document 3, which is a quote from Socrates, this quote tells us that a life without adventure is a life that there is no point to live. Because our modern practices have stemmed from and are directly linked to these Greek principles, we can call ourselves Hellenistic people. DBQ 1: ANCIENT GREEK CONTRIBUTIONS What were the contributions to Western civilization from ancient Greeks? The Greek philosophers have had a very big impact on society and their works have influenced many governments and societies. The assembly voted on issues throughout Athens and passed laws. Yet in a way, people have the power to overthrow other powerful representatives; Pericles Funeral Oration, gave us the idea of keeping the civilization as a democracy rather than Oligarchy, Monarchy, and many more.


DBQ: Ancient Greek Contributions

ancient greek contributions dbq

The ancient Greek philosophers Socrates was a radical thinker of his time. These forms essentially made up their culture and defined their lifestyle. These givings of important ideas, inventions, and structures have had an extraordinary influence on the surrounding environment, society, and in the future. Document 8 Question 1. He wanted every individual having the same amount of justice. The ancient Greek philosophers Socrates was a radical thinker of his time. This has fascinated us, and has even influenced some of our brands of clothing, Nike for example Nike being the goddess of victory.


Ancient Greeks Contributions DBQ, Sample of Essays

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As seen in document 2, which is from the play Antigone by Sophocles, the quotes show that when you defy a tyrant they will be mean this democracy also allowed social mobility and everyone was allowed to serve in the military. Many roots of the civilization we have today can be traced back to the Ancient Greeks. The ancient Greek mathematician Euclid influenced mathematics in a large way after developing the Pythagorean theorem. The drama that unfolds within the play Antigone written in about 441 B. Roots in the most influenced areas of math, art, philosophy, and drama can be traced back to the ancient Greeks.


Ancient Greek Contributions DBQ .doc

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What values are expressed in this Greek play? They created classic models for politics, literature, architecture, art, music and dance, all interwoven into the emergence of Philosophy as a body of study. This task is designed to test your ability to work with historic documents. For example, Switzerland uses the same idea by asking all citizens to vote on proposed ideals, while countries such as Germany, France, the United Kingdom, and the United States use a variant called indirect democracy. If the ancient Greeks had not given us political, artistic, and intellectual factors, modern society would not be as efficient as it is today. One way of describing this method is teaching by means of asking.


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Their culture has contributed to modern society sporting events, such as track and field, medical oaths, modern day geometric principles, and teaching methods. Greek culture and its people had one of the greatest and most drastic impact on the Western and modern day culture. The Greek culture has had a very large impact on the way people have lived. Antigone: For me, it was not Zeus who made that order. Though the Greek democracy was not as polished and fair, it was still influencial to modern cultures.
