Female characters in the iliad. Representation of Female Characters in Iliad by Homer Essay Example 2022-10-27

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The Iliad, an epic poem written by the ancient Greek poet Homer, tells the story of the Trojan War and the heroics of the warrior Achilles. While the main focus of the poem is on the male characters and their actions on the battlefield, there are several significant female characters who play important roles in the story. These characters include goddesses, mortal women, and even female animals, all of whom contribute to the narrative and add depth to the world of the Iliad.

One of the most prominent female characters in the Iliad is the goddess Athena. Athena is the patron of the Greek army and is deeply involved in the events of the Trojan War. She advises and assists the Greek heroes, including Odysseus and Ajax, and is often depicted as being fiercely loyal to her favored warriors. Athena is also a symbol of wisdom and justice, and her interventions in the story often serve to balance out the more destructive and reckless actions of the male characters.

Another important female character in the Iliad is Helen, the beautiful queen of Sparta whose face launched a thousand ships. Helen is the main cause of the Trojan War, as she was abducted by Paris, the prince of Troy, and taken to the city against her will. Helen's role in the story is complex, as she is both a victim of circumstance and a symbol of temptation and desire. Despite being a central figure in the conflict, Helen is largely a passive character, with little agency of her own. However, her presence and actions do have a significant impact on the outcome of the war.

The mortal women of the Iliad are also important figures in the story. The most notable of these is Andromache, the wife of Hector, the Trojan prince and greatest warrior. Andromache is a devoted wife and mother, and her love for Hector and her son Astyanax is a driving force in her actions. When Hector is killed by Achilles, Andromache is captured and taken as a concubine to the Greek hero Neoptolemus. Despite her difficult circumstances, Andromache remains strong and resilient, and her fate serves as a poignant reminder of the suffering and loss caused by the war.

In addition to human female characters, the Iliad also features several significant animal characters, including the horses of Achilles and Hector. The horses are depicted as being intelligent and perceptive, and they play a crucial role in the battle scenes of the poem. The horse of Achilles, Xanthos, is particularly noteworthy, as he speaks to the hero and foretells his own death and the fall of Troy.

Overall, the female characters of the Iliad serve to enrich the narrative and add depth and complexity to the story. While they may not be as central to the action as the male characters, they play important roles and contribute to the themes and events of the poem.

Female Characters In "The Iliad"

female characters in the iliad

Femininity has not only a bigger role in this epic, but it seems as though it is honored with its own unique power. Aphrodite appears to Helen and tells her to go to Paris in the bedroom. They were involved in almost every single important thing in The Odyssey. Helen is so upset that she wishes that she was dead, but even that decision is not hers to make. She calls herself hateful and then says that it would be blameworthy to go to bed with Paris. The first section will revolve around an examination of the role women had at the time Homer was retelling the famous myth of Helen of Troy.


The Iliad: Character List

female characters in the iliad

In contrast, in Othello, women are taken, distrusted, scorned, and disregarded. The Iliad features many females who exert power either through their godly sway or their promiscuity. There is an obvious distinction between what women and men are allowed to do, the men can easily get away with actions that are deemed inappropriate and unsuitable for women. Apollo A son of Zeus and twin brother of the goddess Artemis, Apollo is god of the sun and the arts, particularly music. This warlike depiction of The Iliad leaves little room for the female characters who, while scarcely seen on the battlefield, prove crucial to the story of this bloody ancient conflict.


Representation of Female Characters in Homer’s Iliad

female characters in the iliad

Important Role of Women in Homer's Odyssey Before we delve into the traits of individual characters, it is important to understand certain assumptions about women that prevailed in the Homeric Age. Homer illustrates the agony that Briseis is feeling as a result of the death of Patroclus and illuminates her heart-wrenching past. While Paris and Menelaus are deciding her future she is inside weaving. In return for an old favor from the nymphs, Hephaestus makes a wonderful shield for the nymph Thetis' son, Achilles. It is these ideas that lead us to question the accuracy of The Iliad, and before considering The Iliad to be true, Homer's reliability as a creditable writer must be considered. Without a trophy girl to fuel their pride, men feel inferior.


The Role of Women in the Iliad: How Women Were Represented in the Poem

female characters in the iliad

He therefore supports the Achaeans in the war. However, both females end up murdered by their husbands. Their most important feature is their beauty and it is the sole defining entity of their worth. In the end, the slightly more egalitarian Trojan society is destroyed by the monopolizing masculinity of the Achaean armies which shows the Greeks view towards women in a cruel manner as they believe that societies like Troy should be obliterated. It is important to note that women as powerful as this was rare in the eyes of Ancient Greek society because women were treated unequally to men.


The Main Female Characters in The Iliad And Their Relationship With The Male Characters

female characters in the iliad

Poseidon The brother of Zeus and god of the sea. Calchas An important soothsayer. Here we learn that not only does she neither hate her husband nor love Paris, but she did not want to go to Troy at all. The Iliad tells the remarkable story of the Trojan war. Women were valued, but they participated in the affairs of the world only when they had the tacit or open approval and permission of the men who directed their lives. Women could exercise very little power in Ancient Greece due to literary, social, and political ideals. From this point of view, a perspective is developed into the "best" and "worst" in women.


The Role of Women in The Iliad

female characters in the iliad

These men are stout warriors but when it comes to their possessions, especially women, they completely change and are transformed back into children. Hera succeeded in sleeping with Zeus, thus tipping the scales in favor of the Greeks. In the Iliad, women cause the battles, and the men have them. Masculinity in The Iliad is portrayed by men who seize a place as a master, while femininity is encapsulated by women who have little say in the decisions made in society, and are accustomed to being seen as the property of men. Homer eloquently shows how women in these ancient societies are treated by showing the lack of consideration the men have for the female characters.


Representation of Female Characters in Iliad by Homer Essay Example

female characters in the iliad

This could also mean that women have a huge impact in what happens in society. Their unique yet controversial personalities, intentions, and relationships are vital to the development of this epic and adventurous journey of Odysseus. Beauty pertains to the goddesses and women. There are several scenes where female goddesses take on powerful roles lending guidance and support for male characters. However, while they can more easily express their opinions; they, like the Archean women, are rarely heard.


The Role of Women in Homer’s Iliad: [Essay Example], 678 words GradesFixer

female characters in the iliad

Though, she is confined only to speaking her opinion and is unable to act on her statements. In this lesson, we will look at some of the female characters of The Iliad, the roles they play, and how these roles serve the themes of the epic. The Portrayal Of Women In The Odyssey 1401 Words 6 Pages Women are weak, helpless, and have no real purpose other than to serve men and take care of children. Andromache begs her husband not to go back to the war because she knows that he will die, leaving her a widow and her son an orphan. By the same token it wishes to investigate the duplicity of her complex character and whether or not she is to be labelled the puppet or the puppeteer. Like Hera, Athena passionately hates the Trojans and often gives the Achaeans valuable aid.
