Extended family essay. Advantages and Disadvantages of an Extended Family System 2022-10-18

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An extended family is a family unit that includes not just the nuclear family (consisting of a mother, father, and their children) but also other relatives such as grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. Extended families have played a significant role in many cultures throughout history and continue to do so in modern times.

One of the benefits of being part of an extended family is the sense of community and support that comes from having a larger network of relatives. When times are tough, extended family members can offer emotional and practical support, such as helping with childcare, lending a listening ear, or providing a temporary place to stay. This sense of community can be especially valuable for elderly family members who may not have a spouse or children to rely on.

Another advantage of being part of an extended family is the opportunity to learn from and be influenced by a wider range of people. With multiple generations and diverse personalities within an extended family, there is a greater opportunity to gain knowledge and perspective from a variety of sources. This can be especially beneficial for children, who can learn about their family history and cultural traditions from their elders.

However, being part of an extended family also comes with its challenges. For example, there may be conflicting opinions or tensions between family members, particularly when it comes to decision-making or conflict resolution. In addition, the responsibilities and expectations placed on extended family members can be overwhelming, especially for those who live far away and may not be able to offer as much support as those who live closer.

Despite these challenges, being part of an extended family can be a rewarding and enriching experience. It provides a sense of belonging and connection to one's roots and cultural heritage, as well as opportunities for personal growth and development. In an increasingly individualistic society, the support and community provided by extended families can be especially important for the well-being and happiness of their members.

Extended Family Essay Examples

extended family essay

All extended family, the aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents come together to celebrate these. Review of Related Literature The image and perception of a family have become subjective, it has become something that is dependent on the culture one has been accustomed to. Besides, one of my cousins is cohabitation because he and his wife are living together in six years without marriage. Because differences between people seem to grow stronger and more disruptive as years pass, it is critically important to strive to understand and truly value a potential spouse 's uniqueness and the ways that they think, feel, and experience life events. The family is the first and primary agent of socialization. Children within this family structure receive strength and stability from both parents and generally have more opportunities due to the financial ease of two parents who both contribute this way to the household.


Nuclear Family And An Extended Family

extended family essay

So, instead of me looking at her as a mean mother, as an adult I see her as a traumatize women with deep hurt and unforgiveness that now has turned into a strong bitter root in her life. Despite all these merits, the joint family system suffered a great setback due to a number of reasons. I recognize that my family is not perfect, but I do know that everyone in my family has the biggest heart. Typically, a nuclear family may be conceived as a unit consisting of acouple, children, and grandparents, and pets. .


Essay On My Extended Family

extended family essay

I also learn how to have my own relationship with God and understand that my mother has a lot of unresolved issues and that she was passed from one unhealthy foster home to another. When he meets his husband, they have a long relationship. Mestdag and Vandeweyer Fahrenheit 451 Family Analysis 846 Words 4 Pages According to the survey from Mccann, one of the reasons that family spends less time together is because the children are often watching TV or playing computer games. Males with high self-esteem tend to seek out females of high physical attractiveness. Being born in a town where both sets of grandparents resided in addition to all the rest of my extended family was very comforting to me.


My Family : An Extended Family

extended family essay

Children in the family receive attention from all the members, and grandparents in the family instill in their minds strong cultural and traditional values. Because nontraditional families are generally found to be in lower social classes, extended kin are often close by and willing to exercise their care taking abilities Gerstel and Sarkisian 50. When I was four years old, my parents broke up. Although this two men are both amazing and mean the world to me, they are both completely different in every aspect. All these breed a much needed cooperation amongst members of the family.


Nuclear/Extended Family

extended family essay

The love and respect shown towards all the other members of the family seemed to be too vague to imagine. This is where children learn about love, acceptance, security, and companionship Kendall, 2017. Being a tight-knit Asian family we are prone to have big families with extended relatives living under one roof. The dua is essentially a ritual by itself and I guess it could be interpreted as a type of magic. However, in recent years, this form of family bonding has declined due to the rise of technology. In the winter, I shoveled the snow from their sidewalks and occasionally, when the snow accumulated from multiple storms, I cleared the snow off their roof.


Extended Family Structure

extended family essay

He is like a mighty mountain, protecting me every time I stumble and help me stand up after the fall. Two or more brothers marry the same woman, live together and work together to help the family function. My mother teaches me many lessons to become a successful person, behave in my life and take responsibility for myself. In an extended family system, these adults often play a parent like role and contribute to providing for the family financially or otherwise. It 's inevitable that a family is going to fight. They were such strict Catholics and I was not married and they did not even know the man I was pregnant by, let alone to know that he was 13 years older than me, had five other children and was still legally married. Sharing of chocolates and goodies was on a much lower key! Learn More In the modern age, the trend towards family structure has shifted to the nuclear system where a father, mother, and their children constitute a compact unit.


The Importance of Extended Family

extended family essay

My sister always takes cares me, but her concern makes me uncomfortable. As already mentioned, many people find it easy to identify with a group, but this is not the case of many people as well. The family can determine the class of an individual, the education level, and their religion. In a patrilineal system the responsibility falls in the male members and authority over the children is up to the father or his elder brother. No matter what bad comes into our lives we all sick together and try to make the best of what we have. Her father was born in Spain and met her mother when visiting in the United States.


Essay On Extended Family

extended family essay

Regardless of the circumstances, all three nontraditional families were stable and capable of fostering strong family relationships, both within a nuclear and extended household. An extended family system provides stability for the children, especially when their parents are separated e. We did balloon releases, cookouts, grave visit, family portraits and more. We made it through though it was hard, tough, a mountain to climb, but we did it, and we came out better and stronger than before. My uncle who lives there also lives with his mother and father and I cannot imagine why my father would follow suit. Most of my extended family is in New Mexico. My mom tells us stories about what her dad would do if he was still with us now.
