List of filipino values. 12 Positive Filipino Traits and Values 2022-11-04

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Filipino values are the collective values that shape the cultural fabric of the Philippines. They include a mix of indigenous, pre-colonial, colonial, and contemporary influences, reflecting the complex history of the country. These values are deeply ingrained in the national character and inform the way Filipinos think, speak, and behave.

One of the most prominent Filipino values is the concept of "pakikisama," or harmonious relationships. This value emphasizes the importance of maintaining harmony and avoiding conflict in social interactions. Filipinos often go to great lengths to avoid offending others or causing disharmony, and will often make concessions or compromises in order to maintain good relationships.

Another important value in Filipino culture is "utang na loob," or the sense of obligation and indebtedness to others. This value is based on the idea that people have a duty to repay favors, kindness, or other forms of assistance received from others. This sense of obligation is often extended to family, friends, and even strangers, and can be a powerful motivator in Filipino social interactions.

Filipinos also place a high value on "hiya," or shame and dignity. This value is closely tied to the concept of pakikisama and serves to regulate behavior in order to maintain harmony and avoid offending others. Hiya is often used to discourage selfish or inappropriate behavior, and can be a powerful social force in the Philippines.

Other important values in Filipino culture include "respeto," or respect for authority and tradition, and "pagpapakatao," or personal development and self-improvement. Filipinos are taught to show respect for their elders, authority figures, and traditional customs and beliefs, and to strive for personal growth and self-improvement.

In summary, Filipino values are an integral part of the country's cultural fabric and inform the way Filipinos think, speak, and behave. These values include pakikisama, utang na loob, hiya, respeto, and pagpapakatao, and serve to maintain harmony, regulate behavior, and encourage personal growth and self-improvement.

Filipino values

list of filipino values

In 1987, a variant of Tagalog became the base for the official language of the Philippines. And on the flip side, as much as possible, every birthday, anniversary, and festival or fiesta , among other celebrations, is celebrated by a crowd of people gathering together to feast. People who use the term bahala na do not see anything wrong with it, as it serves as a sort of positive affirmation that allows them to deal with a problem right then and there. The home in the context of the country and its dwellers is significant as it holds the smallest unit of government which is the family. Many of these practices have become part of Filipino culture and are considered superstitious at times. The family is at the center of the Filipino community.


What are the 10 Filipino traits and values?

list of filipino values

So if you want to feel proud for being a Filipino, here are som positive traits we Pinoys are known for: 1. Five values that are important to me while I am on this journey of becoming a social worker is my education, positive energy, not judging people based on their past, a reflect and meditate on my life, and be a generous to other. You can make decision of your life without being controlled by the others. What do you think? However, if a couple has a tribal wedding, they will wear traditional attire. Learn how Philippines values and culture produce amazing professionals.


Understanding Filipino traits, values, and culture

list of filipino values

In the face of adversity, we do whatever we can to help each other. But sometimes these values should be occasionally re-visited , re-examined,to find out whether they facilitate or impede us from being successful in a new environment. Some of the examples of Filipino values that we are most familiar with and which easily come to mind are utang na loob debt of gratitude and delicadeza propriety. Filipinos possess a genuine and deep love for family. UPDATE: Coronavirus COVID-19 is forcing a lot of companies to review their traditional staffing, offshore, and work-from-home WFH options.


Filipino Values Generations Should Continue Practicing

list of filipino values

Filipinos always see the entry of another year as a time for change. In fact, according to the Family Family bonds are important to Filipinos. Filipino Core Values that are to be discussed are: 1. Independence means that you can support yourself without owning or depending on yourself concerned with livelihood or studying. Filipino values may be attributed into many influences. Filipino values are centred at preserving social harmony, motivated mainly by the desire to be accepted within a group.


5 Filipino Values to be Proud Of

list of filipino values

It is perhaps the most representative of how Filipinos value adaptability and quick thinking. Faith And last, but certainly not the least, Filipinos are known for their strong faith in God. If you are conducting business in the Philippines, you should be aware of how professional relationships work. The country has a long list of national holidays, and many provinces and cities have their own sets of local holidays. What are Filipinos known for? They are imparted from the get-go throughout everyday life, are profoundly imbued, and are impervious to change. Values make people decide of what is best.


5 movies that teach us key Filipino values

list of filipino values

We thoroughly understand this. It is one way of showing deep appreciation for lending out a hand. Through the app, you can communicate with the locals better! Why do we have so much expectation from our co-Filipinos? Sometimes, we take it too far, they end up spoiled and irresponsible. This factor not only affects the quality of service provided by the workforce but also plays an important role in how the office dynamics work. Outsourcing enables businesses to slash costs and, at the same time, maintain and rebuild their companies. Childhood — is the phase wherein children comply with the values of those who assert power on them parents, teachers, nuns, and priests. The views expressed are their own and do not necessarily reflect the views of COCOGEN Insurance.


Filipino Values Words

list of filipino values

Optimism, humor, and positivity are valued traits in the Philippines. It is an integral part of every culture. Henslin defined norms as "expectations of 'right' behavior. For them, getting to know each other while having some food is the best thing in the world. Good Work Ethics When it comes to work, Filipinos are diligent and tend to go the extra mile, wherever they may be.


Filipino Values Essay

list of filipino values

Among these are strong religious faith, respect for authority, and high regard for amor proprio self-esteem and smooth interpersonal relationships. Because of marching band, I changed my habits of procrastination and transformed into a schedule-oriented Norm Violations In Sociology 1725 Words 7 Pages Values, as defined by James M. Regardless of their specific beliefs, most Filipinos are devoted to prayer, attending church, and participating in activities related to their faith. Single aunts, uncles, or grandparents look after them while their parents work. Filipino work ethic Philippines — a top outsourcing destination Managing a Filipino workforce Managing people generally is not easy. A party is only considered a party if you at least invite your family, your extended family and their friends.


List of Classic Filipino Values & Traits That Are Slowly Forgotten

list of filipino values

Majority of the people are Catholic, though there are those who practice Christianity, Islam, and other religions, as well. In the Philippines, no one leaves with an empty stomach. Religion More often than not, the Filipino people place their moral values in religion, particularly Catholicism and Islam. Filipino salaries and income the Philippine workforce earns considerably less than the workforce of the West. Weddings There are various kinds of weddings according to family wishes, religion, or whether the geographical location is rural or urban. They like to gather for birthdays, christenings, graduation, and other special occasions. Caring can also take many forms, one of which is sending money and goods to loved ones, or even strangers.
