Example paper using apa format. APA Format Examples, Guidelines & Reference Pages 2022-10-30

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The Black Death, also known as the bubonic plague, was a pandemic that devastated Europe in the 14th century. It is estimated that the plague killed between 75 and 200 million people, which was about 30% to 60% of Europe's population at the time. The Black Death had significant social, economic, and cultural consequences that shaped the course of European history.

One of the most immediate effects of the Black Death was the massive loss of life it caused. The plague spread quickly and was highly contagious, with a mortality rate of up to 50%. It struck indiscriminately, killing people of all ages, classes, and occupations. The loss of so many people in a short period of time had a profound impact on society. Many families were left without a breadwinner, and there was a shortage of labor as a result of the high mortality rate. This led to a rise in wages, as people who survived the plague were in high demand.

The Black Death also had a significant economic impact. The plague disrupted trade and commerce, as people were afraid to travel or trade with infected areas. This led to a decline in the production and trade of goods, which had a ripple effect on the economy. Many businesses and industries collapsed, leading to widespread unemployment and poverty. The plague also led to a decline in the population, which reduced the demand for goods and services.

In addition to the economic and social consequences of the Black Death, the plague also had cultural and religious implications. The plague was seen as a punishment from God, and many people turned to religion for solace and hope. The plague also led to a shift in the balance of power between the Church and the state. As the Church was seen as the only source of comfort and salvation during the plague, its influence grew, and it became more powerful than ever before.

In conclusion, the Black Death had a profound and lasting impact on European society, economy, and culture. The loss of life, economic disruption, and cultural and religious changes brought about by the plague shaped the course of European history and left a lasting legacy that is still evident today.

Reference List and Sample Papers

example paper using apa format

Instead, the title of the paper goes at the top of this page but not in bold format. You reread the last line you typed. This is where you interpret your findings in a broader context. Since the info cannot be effectively contained in short replies or emails, researchers talk via research papers. We believe these self-report methods in tandem with biometric methods can help ensure the validity of the questionnaires, and provide information beyond the scope of self-report scales.


50+ SAMPLE APA Paper in PDF

example paper using apa format

APA American Psychological Association style is a style guide used widely for academic writing in the social sciences and psychology. Times New Roman in 12-point is recommended. Child Development, 71, 960-980. Teaching reading in the 21st century, motivating all learners. NICHD Early Child Care Research Network. Font styles such as Calibri, Times New Roman, and Arial are considered acceptable choices. In making the running head, keep in mind that it should be in all capital letters, and it also should be 50 characters in maximum including the spacing and punctuation.


APA Sample Papers

example paper using apa format

Step by Step Process in Writing an APA Paper Here are the steps needed to write an effective paper in the APA format: 1. The formatting of abstracts and title pages must also be done in accordance with the APA manual of style that is being used. Paint Me a Picture Suppose you drew something beautiful. You can develop several titles from a list of keywords from your research paper. Developing expertise in reading comprehension. Research Question 2: How do biometric measures correlate with self-reported measures of visual appeal? Additionally, professional papers include a brief version of the essay's title in fewer than 50 characters.


APA Research Paper

example paper using apa format

Only you couple each reply with ten or a hundred pages of explanation. Remember, you cannot rush quality. In writing the results section, you should describe how you analyzed the data and what you found while conducting the research. The information here is usually too detailed to be included in the main body of the research paper and would be too distracting to the reader. The appendices should appear in the order that the information is mentioned in your essay Each appendix begins on a new page Your research paper ends with a list of all the sources cited in the text of the paper. Abstract Your Body This is the meat and blood of your research paper.


APA Format Examples, Guidelines & Reference Pages

example paper using apa format

This level dictates that the style of writing should be formal and without the usage of slang, humor, any bias in the language, and any references in the pop culture. The research paper should include a title page, abstract, introduction, methodology, results, discussion, and references. Strategies and techniques in teaching reading. Select the few ones that sound good to you, or ask your friends to choose which they like best. We also have PDF versions of both a student paper and a professional paper linked below.


example paper using apa format

Keep in mind that it should be double-spaced without any other extra spaces between references. Alphabetize the list by the first word in the reference. Although this research spans various domains, the reliance on self-report measures to gauge concepts like visual design and web quality is prevalent throughout much of the literature. Bringing it all together: The multiple origins, skills, and environmental supports of early literacy. You can break this section down into labeled subsections if you find your data analyses to be complex. It boomed soon after progress in communication.


example paper using apa format

An abstract helps the reader decide if it is worth their time to continue reading the rest of the paper. If multiple experiments were conducted during the study, their results are to be listed separately from each other. This level indicates the style of writing that is to be used. A case study is a category of research paper that presents information that is related to an individual, a group, or a larger set of individuals. Verbal protocols of reading: The nature of constructively responsive reading. Oligopoly of writing styles When you are relaying information, you can do so in multiple styles. Reading Teacher, 45 9 , 696-703.


example paper using apa format

Developmental Psychology, 30, 679-689. But as you familiarize yourself with the rules and the proper format of an APA paper and build experience, it will get easier. An APA-style paper is generally used in the field of science. Proceedings of the 26 th Australian Computer-Human Interaction Conference on Designing Futures: The Future of Design, 316—323. A catchy title is even more necessary. The reference section of an APA paper should follow all the appropriate APA guidelines about the author names, dates, Appendix Section.


example paper using apa format

These subjects are then analyzed for a specific reason or a case and the researcher will then report on the methods that were done, the results that were found, and the conclusions based on the results during their study. You also have to explain what makes that research significant for your paper. Here are nine quick rules for this Reference list. You have to read a lot of articles and synthesize their content. General APA Formatting Expectations When it comes to writing your APA paper, it's all about the format. Surveys are often distributed after a task is completed, and its accuracy is dependent on the ability of the participant to remember their experience during the study.


example paper using apa format

In this area, provide an alphabetical listing of the references sorted by the last name of the author, or the last name of the first author if there are multiple authors. This data was analyzed, in Table 2, to discover relationships between the independent and dependent variables, as well as relationships between certain dependent variables. The writing and citation style is direct and easy to understand. A picture book reading intervention in day care and home for children from low-income families. As stated earlier in the article, the abstract serves as the summary of the paper and is 250 words in maximum.
