Example of recommendation in research paper. Example of recommendation in research paper pdf 2022-10-28

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A recommendation in a research paper is a statement that suggests a course of action or proposes a solution to a problem. It is typically made at the conclusion of the paper, after the research has been conducted and the findings have been analyzed. The purpose of a recommendation is to provide the reader with specific, actionable suggestions for addressing the issue or problem that was addressed in the research.

For example, consider a research paper that investigates the effectiveness of different teaching methods on student learning outcomes. After analyzing the data, the researchers might make a recommendation to educators to adopt a certain teaching method, based on the findings of the study. This recommendation could be based on a variety of factors, such as the magnitude of the effect on student learning, the statistical significance of the results, or the practicality and feasibility of implementing the method in a real-world setting.

Recommendations in research papers can be made to a variety of audiences, including policymakers, educators, and practitioners. They should be based on the research findings and be supported by evidence, and should consider the potential consequences and implications of implementing the recommendation.

In addition to making recommendations, research papers may also include suggestions for further research. These suggestions may be based on gaps in the current knowledge base or areas where additional research is needed to confirm or clarify the findings of the study.

Overall, recommendations are an important aspect of research papers, as they provide practical and actionable suggestions for addressing the problem or issue that was investigated. By making recommendations, researchers can contribute to the development of new practices and policies that can improve the lives of individuals and communities.

Example of recommendation in research paper pdf

example of recommendation in research paper

However, due to the limited number of adult female MASO on community supervision, they were excluded in the study. Date of placement in community supervision was the criteria used in establishing the initial labeling date for the purposes of data gathering. Further, she also explained that she is also worried about the education of child as if they continued to live with each other them children will not be able to study properly as they will not get the peaceful environment that is required for studying in a proper manner. Further work should be done with two~mensional models to determine if they improve accuracy of PAVDRN and to determine if they are practical from a computational standpoint. She also said that now she is losing the hope of better education of their children as they do not have sufficient food to eat, better education of children is just becoming a dream. The AASHTO design guidelines ~ should be re-evaluated In terms of current design criteria to determine if they can be modified to enhance drainage without adversely affecting vehicle handling or safety. More so, stress did not correlate with exceptional alcohol consumption nor did it mediate the effect of stigmatization on alcohol consumption.


Recommendation Research Paper Examples

example of recommendation in research paper

Further research should be conducted. Erotic Welfare: Sexual Theory and Politics in the Age of Epidemic. For example, I noticed that the mental health of the mothers in this family are affected because they are worried about the limited resources of the house and poor education of their children. In the first place, in order to mitigate the impact of the described issue, Sony Computer Entertainment SCE needs to conduct a complete overhaul of their company and draw up the most feasible plan of actions. Because it is UNCORRECTED material, please consider the following text as a useful but insufficient proxy for the authoritative book pages.


Chapter 5: Results, Conclusions, and Recommendations, Dissertation

example of recommendation in research paper

Guide to Research Recommendation in Chapter five 5 By default, research recommendations are written following the completion of the research studies. Research Methods in Education. Now, it is not the era in which one man has to earn and others have to eat as they are fully dependent on the income of a person. Family-Making: Contemporary Ethical Challenges. Diffusion theory provides a framework that helps food dehydration adopted, to be explained, predicted and accounted to by factors that increase or impede the diffusion of innovation. Using cannabis at a premature age is autonomously associated with: - inferior school performance; - amplified absences from school; - growing the risk of dropping out without graduation.


Example of Recommendation in Research Paper

example of recommendation in research paper

Participants responded twice to each of the ten questions to assess their alcohol use prior to and after their sex offense conviction. Since hydroplaning is ~7 DESIGN CRITERIA Pavement Geometry Number of lanes Section type - Tangent - Horizontal curve - Transition - Vertical crest curve - Vertical sag curve Enviromnental oramaters Rainfall intensity ~ Temperature Pavement Tvpe Dense-graded asphalt Porous asphalt Portland cement concrete ~ Grooved Portland cement concrete Desion Soeed Allowable speed for onset of hydroplaning Recommend Desion Changes Alter geometry Alter pavement surface Add appurtenances Groove Portland cement concrete CALCULATIONS Lenoth of flow path Calculate on basis of pavement geometry IT Hydraulic Analvses. Conclusions and Implications The theoretical premise of this study lays in The Self-Medication Hypothesis SMH w formulated by Edward Khantzian, in 1985. However, stress was not found to moderate the relationship between stigma associated with sex offender label and alcohol use. Using the Vanguard Centers as Pilots Recommendation We strongly urge the NCS to delay enrollment at new sites to make effective use of initial findings from participant enrollment and data collection in the Vanguard Center sites to improve study procedures, as appropriate, and to refine key concepts, hypotheses, and measures of outcomes and exposures. Slotted drams should be evaluated In the field to determine if they are practical when Installed In the traveled way.


Research Recommendation Writing

example of recommendation in research paper

This step is crucial to make sure that each individual in the company is cognizant of the company's new policy, as well as to ensure that the policy is being implemented itself. These recommendations should be targeted at your audience, specifically toward peers or colleagues in your field that work on similar subjects to your paper or Recommendation in research example See below for a full research recommendation example that you can use as a template to write your own. Opportunities to practice social skills are thus dependent on the development of language skills. Juvenile use of cannabis has been connected to a variety of developmental and communal problems. There are various opposing sides to this stance as seen below. Obviously alcohol abuses after conviction reflects the outcome of fulfilling this prophesy.


Example Of Policy Recommendation Paper Research Paper

example of recommendation in research paper

But changes due to market trends and to keep the business viable, managerial and technical skills are extremely important in any field where income generation is of primary importance, management knowledge is a must and that includes the teachers for whom this research study is attributed. There is an ongoing debate on whether to legalize the use of medicinal marijuana or ban it altogether. If the set of segments in a PSU can be classified by combined exposure to a group of important chemical agents, this information could then be used to form varying exposure-level strata for segment sampling in each PSU and thus ensure a range of ambient exposure to relevant environmental agents. Furthermore; such recommendations should also be framed and structured towards addressing the perceived, or ascertained ineffectiveness and inefficiencies in the said organization. Department of Justice talked of a revised version to their marijuana enforcement rule. Diffusion theory approach is more of the cause and effect of innovation while actor-network theory traces the maneuvers, compromises, twists and turns of a negotiation as it is translated during the process of adoption. In 1998, electorate in the District of Columbia approved Initiative 59.


How to Write Recommendations in Research

example of recommendation in research paper

Of this sample the majority were High School Diploma 52. Oxford University Press, New York Bolman, Lee G. The first paragraph of our sample recommendation specifies what ACA is best to implement and why. These fixtures, when installed between travel lanes, offer perhaps the most effective means of controlling water film thickness from a hydraulics standpoint. In October of 2009, the Obama government sent a memorandum to national prosecutors heartening them not to put on trial people who deal out marijuana for medical purposes in agreement with state law. While you can have multiple recommendations for each research conclusion, it is also acceptable to have one recommendation that is connected to more than one conclusion.


Sample recommendation in research paper

example of recommendation in research paper

After identifying and analyzing the problem, your next step is to suggest potential solutions. The wives were not much contented with the living in the same house as they have to face many problems such as scarce resources and more people to eat, sometimes they had to eat very calculated food, as a result of which their hunger was not satisfied fully. However, Results from the present study neither support nor contradict Gonzalez et al. This matrix allows you to rank the ACAs based on your criteria. They reported a prevalence rate of alcoholism in an average of four percent of Mexican Americans during the years 2001-2002 Blume et al. CHAPIER 5 SI~MARY, FINDINGS, AND RECOMMENDATIONS SUGARY The primary objective of this research was to identify unproved methods for draining rainwater from the surface of multi-lane pavements and to develop guidelines for their use.


Chapter 5 Summary, Findings, and Recommendations

example of recommendation in research paper

This could also delay the respond to mediation since it all embodied in the psychology of labeling. Research is necessary to further investigate the finding that stigma and alcohol use prior to conviction were related, yet stigma was not related to alcohol use post-conviction. Sample recommendation in research paper Sample recommendation in research paper Finding and Conclusion : Breakthroughs in understanding the science will be paced by development of tools for the characterization of the sample recommendation in research paper views this process as mediated by access to reproductive sample recommendation in research paper. All of them were wearing just normal clothes but they were contented with what they have. This information should Include typical values for the permeability of porous asphalt and topical values for the surface texture MTD for different pavement surfaces to include toned Portland cement concrete surfaces. He loves cats, playing video games, and listening to music. Modern systematic studies, counting six sponsored by U.
