Ephemeral artery. NEON INDIAN 2022-10-24

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An ephemeral artery is a type of blood vessel that appears temporarily during embryonic development and then disappears. These arteries play a crucial role in the development of the circulatory system and are found in a variety of animals, including humans.

During embryonic development, the circulatory system begins to form as a simple tube-like structure called the primitive heart tube. As the embryo grows and develops, the primitive heart tube begins to differentiate into the four chambers of the heart and the main arteries and veins that will eventually carry blood throughout the body.

One type of artery that appears temporarily during this process is the ephemeral artery. These arteries are short-lived and serve a specific purpose during development before disappearing. They are found in various locations throughout the body, including the head, neck, and limbs.

One example of an ephemeral artery is the ductus arteriosus, a blood vessel that connects the pulmonary artery to the aorta in the fetal heart. This vessel allows oxygen-poor blood from the right ventricle to bypass the non-functioning lungs and be pumped directly to the body. After birth, when the baby begins to breathe on its own and the lungs become functional, the ductus arteriosus closes and disappears.

Another example of an ephemeral artery is the omphalomesenteric artery, which supplies blood to the developing digestive system in the embryo. This artery disappears after birth, with the exception of a small portion that remains as the superior mesenteric artery, which supplies blood to the small intestine.

Overall, ephemeral arteries play a crucial role in the development of the circulatory system and are vital to the growth and development of the embryo. While these arteries may disappear after birth, their importance in the early stages of life cannot be underestimated.

Lev's Notes

ephemeral artery

With above mentioned corrections, and I think the first??? It was hope and rebirth, and beauty, but sadness and grief, as well. And end section than complete x4 instead of incomplete? In 2008, I moved with my family to a farm in the Virginia Piedmont at the foot of the Blue Ridge Mountains, where I continue to paint and draw. Seeming stripped of all the faults that you possessed You possessed to impress Tilted facades are a losing game at best Shattered face, scattered hands,? I've painted it several times over the years, each time differently, coming from a different place inside. Seeming stripped of all the faults that you've assessed You're possessed to impress Jilted facades are a losing game at best Your shadowed face, scattered hands, timid shrugs still displaced Let it spill onto the street, either way we're incomplete You know it doesn't hurt to cheat, hurt to cheat Hurt to cheat, hurt to cheat Broken mirror shards layed out and rearranged Still the same, just reframed Inverse reflection you're expecting to receive But when you seek, doesn't ring, any bells so to speak. I especially get that vibe from the line, "Let it spill onto the street, either way we're incomplete. I studied Graphic Design with Michael Graham and Marjorie Hirano, learning typography, illustration and layout just before computers entered the scene. .


Stream Ephemeral Artery by NeonIndian

ephemeral artery

My Ephemeral Artery is what moves me forward Pumping those ideas through my mind Giving me energy until that last time The quickening pace when the pen races across the pad To fill in words between the lines Racing to empty my mind before I forget Pace quickening until I let Always fleeting An idea is a powerful thing For the pen is mightier than the sword The sword May rust And the ink May dry The well of ideas in my head are shared with others Whether or not they agree is trivial Through the many mediums these days Why do I write I do not know Brings me energy Healing of the mind For when there is turmoil on the skin And heat on your face For if you get too close to the sun you get burned I always check my Icarus complex at the gate May you find a love or an outlet for that energy For your ephemeral artery is constantly pumping Life is fleeting they may say So put it on paper Save it for another day Don't waste that ephemeral artery Hurry today! I also studied with Stephen Pace in New York and Maine, and Patricia Friend and Bill Calfee, in Maryland. General CommentThink this is it? The year my mother passed away, on April 13th, 1986, lilacs and black tulips were blooming in our yard in DC the following month, May. . I have since learned computer graphics, but I'm grateful to have learned on the cusp. . .



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Neon Indian

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Neon Indian

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