Evolution of public administration as a discipline pdf. 7741_PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION Evolution of Public webapi.bu.edu 2022-10-11

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The evolution of public administration as a discipline has been shaped by a number of factors, including the changing needs of society, advances in technology, and the influence of political and economic ideologies.

In the early 20th century, public administration was seen primarily as a means of implementing the policies and programs of elected officials. The focus was on efficiency and effectiveness, with a strong emphasis on bureaucratic processes and hierarchies. This approach, known as the "scientific management" model, was influenced by the ideas of Frederick Winslow Taylor and other proponents of industrial efficiency.

As the role of government expanded in the mid-20th century, so too did the scope of public administration. The discipline began to encompass a wider range of functions, including budgeting, personnel management, and policy analysis. This shift was driven in part by the growing demands of the welfare state, as well as the increasing complexity of modern societies.

In the latter half of the 20th century, public administration also began to incorporate more interdisciplinary perspectives, including economics, sociology, and political science. This broadening of the discipline was driven by the recognition that effective public administration requires an understanding of the social, economic, and political context in which it operates.

In the 21st century, the evolution of public administration as a discipline has continued, with an increasing focus on issues such as transparency, accountability, and civic engagement. The rise of digital technologies has also had a significant impact on the discipline, with the advent of e-government and the use of data analytics to inform policy decisions.

Overall, the evolution of public administration as a discipline reflects the changing needs and expectations of society, as well as the influence of technological and political developments. As the role of government continues to evolve, so too will the discipline of public administration, as it strives to meet the challenges of the 21st century.

Lesson 4 Evolution of Public Administration as a webapi.bu.edu

evolution of public administration as a discipline pdf

ADVERTISEMENTS: This is called the Human Relations approach to public administration and the following conclusions were drawn from the Hawthrone experiment: a Workers are not just like machines. Minnow brook Conference of 1968 is a landmark incident and its contribution is quite remark­able. W Riggs and others Edward Weidner, F. Public Administration as Political Science 1950 -1970 b. Phase IV: Crisis of Identity 1948 — 1970 The discipline was in quandary and suffered from the crisis of identity due to the abandonment of politics administration dichotomy and the principles of public administration.



evolution of public administration as a discipline pdf

All these worked for the growth of New Public Administration. They also wanted to experi­ment the Taylorian hypothesis that the workers would respond like machines to changes in working conditions. On this basis, he has outlined the following four developmental phases of Public Administration: Phase I: The analytic distinction of politics from administration. Dahl also has argued that there are three problems in the scientific theory of public administration classical theory of administration. Public Administration Review, 76 1 , 69-72. This idea started to develop towards the end of twenties of the twentieth century. To overcome from this identity crisis, public administration came to be seen as an interdisciplinary subject.


7741_PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION Evolution of Public webapi.bu.edu

evolution of public administration as a discipline pdf

Final Phase : From the 1960s the evolution of public administration took a new turn and this turn is remarkable. The administra­tive system of the UN covers almost all the aspects of community or social life. In the field of jurisprudence Roman lawyers even today are remembered. Their sole objective was everything of society must be reorganised so that men can enjoy more liberty and there must be greater equality and justice. From the fifties to the seventies a large number of countries of Asia and Africa achieved political freedom. The great Hindu epics like Ramayana and the Mahabharat contained a good deal of administrative thoughts along with the basic political setting.


Historical Evolution of Public Administration (5 Phases)

evolution of public administration as a discipline pdf

For instance, a review of public administration best practices for developing countries by Sarker 2018 incorporates prior studies in the field that focus on developed countries. Those Theories are only based on a few examples drawn from limited national and historical settings. Administrative theorists of this time recognized the relationship of public administration with politics. Scholars in the field write about a variety of debates regarding the strategies for improving public services to help citizens receive excellent services. They claim that Public Administration is a science.


Evolution of Public Administration as a discipline, new public administration

evolution of public administration as a discipline pdf

Though his concept is not directly related to public administration yet when the state authority starts to reorganise social system to ensure justice the public administration must bear the responsibility of the new attempt. The 1980s and 1990s saw significant changes in the administrative systems of developed nations. Resultantly, Public Administration touched its zenith and this phase is regarded as a golden era in the evolution of the discipline. Third Phase of the Evolution : ADVERTISEMENTS: The third stage of the evolution of public administration may be called the Human Relations approach of public administration. It would not be out of place to mention here that before World War I the administration was basically national in character but after that it became international mainly due to the advent of rapid means of transport and communication.


Analysis on the Evolution of Public Administration as a webapi.bu.edu

evolution of public administration as a discipline pdf

It has been found that the existing socio-economic-political structure of the Third World states cannot properly use the UN aids because of the weak public administration. The lack of locus, if not, perhaps, the sharpening new focus of public administration during this period, made itself evident within the university community. With this the second stage of the evolution of public administration began. The only objective of the prince shall be to ensure good administration. This is why this phase of public administration is called crisis of identity in public administration. It has also been found that many states are eager to take lessons from the UN agencies to renew and restructure their public administration. He observed: We are a long way from a science of public administration.


(PDF) The evolving discipline of public affairs

evolution of public administration as a discipline pdf

Since the academic foundations of public administration were established recently, it intersects with other knowledge domains, for instance, with political or social sciences Sarker, 2018. This has changed, partially because of new management techniques which have entered public administration, such as Last Words This was a brief discussion of the historical evolution of public administration. The prior paragraphs provide an understanding that public administration scholars develop their works based on a large number of appraised sources such as books or articles. In 1970, the National Association of Schools of Public Affairs and Administration was set up. Phase V: Public Administration as an Independent Discipline 1970 Onwards However, even when the discipline of Public Administration was at its lowest ebb, it was sowing the seeds of its own renaissance. So the word development administration is significant in administration today.


Evolution of Public Administration

evolution of public administration as a discipline pdf

Phase III: A science of management. Having practitioner points is vital since this discipline has to provide solutions to real-life governmental issues. Again, an opposite step was adopted. In general, the authors use reliable scholarly literature when writing their papers. Phase I: Traditional public administration - Public administration as a field of study emerged inthe late 1800s.
