Eratosthenes biography. Srinivasa Ramanujan 2022-11-02

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An "about me" speech is a short, personal introduction that allows you to share information about yourself with your audience. It can be used in a variety of contexts, such as at a job interview, during a presentation, or as a way to introduce yourself to a group of new people.

There are a few key elements to include in an "about me" speech. First, you should start by introducing yourself and giving your name. You can also provide a brief overview of your background, including where you grew up, your education, and any notable achievements or experiences.

Next, it's important to highlight your interests and hobbies. This can help to give your audience a sense of who you are as a person and what you enjoy doing in your free time. It's also a good idea to mention any skills or expertise you have, as this can help to show your audience what you are capable of and how you might be able to contribute to a group or project.

Finally, you should conclude your "about me" speech by sharing your goals and aspirations. This can be a great way to motivate and inspire your audience, as well as to give them a sense of what you are working towards.

Here's an example of an "about me" speech:

Hi, my name is [Name] and I'm from [City/State]. I grew up in a small town and always had a love for learning. I received my bachelor's degree in [Field of Study] from [University] and have since worked in a variety of roles related to my field of study. In my free time, I enjoy hiking, reading, and playing the piano. I'm also an avid fan of science fiction and fantasy novels.

One of my biggest passions is using my skills and expertise to make a positive impact in the world. I believe that education is the key to unlocking our full potential and I'm always looking for new ways to contribute to my community. My goal is to eventually become a teacher and inspire the next generation of leaders and innovators.

Thank you for taking the time to get to know me. I'm excited to be a part of this group and hope to contribute in any way that I can.

Biography of Eratosthenes, Greek Geographer

eratosthenes biography

Gomme, An Historical Commentary on Thucydides, II, 145—62. Se cree que Las Olimpiadas, citadas por Cronografía. Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press. Atheism in France, 1650-1729, Volume 1: The Orthodox Sources of Disbelief. Plants of the World Online. Hipparchus used two sets of three lunar eclipse observations that he carefully selected to satisfy the requirements. Hipparchus apparently made many detailed corrections to the locations and distances mentioned by Eratosthenes.



eratosthenes biography

Innes, 'Longinus and Caecilius", 277. Newton proposed that Hipparchus made an error of a degree in one of the trios' eclipses. Cleopatra appeared in In the performing arts, the death of Cleopatra in 1607. Nietzsche, Lessons of Rhetoric, 65. Among the accused, Demosthenes was the first to be brought to trial before an unusually numerous jury of 1,500. In Measurement of the Circle, he showed that On Floating Bodies, he wrote the first description of how objects behave when floating in water.


Eratosthenes (276 BC

eratosthenes biography

This theory did resolve the disagreement about the ordering of the planets but, in turn, raised new problems. Weil, Biography of Demosthenes, 66—67. Retrieved 24 July 2007. The Geography of Strabo. The place of abundance described in Solon's fragment about cakes is unknown. University of Michigan Press.


Traditionalist Generation: Definition & Characteristics

eratosthenes biography

His interest in the Previously, Phaenomena and Entropon. University of Texas Press. For the constitution they were under was oligarchic in every respect and especially in that the poor, along with their wives and children, were in slavery to the rich. An original Arabic text of this letter was once kept in the library of the St Joseph University in Beirut. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press.



eratosthenes biography

After the Spartan threat had been removed, Pericles crossed back to Euboea to crush the revolt there. The globe was virtually reconstructed by a historian of science. After Thucydides' ostracism, Pericles was re-elected yearly to the generalship, the only office he ever officially occupied, although his influence was so great as to make him the de facto ruler of the state. Ehrenberg, From Solon to Socrates: Greek History and Civilization, Routledge, London 1973 , p. MacDowell, Demosthenes the Orator, ch. He has published several books about them, establishing that the great majority are correct. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 295—322.



eratosthenes biography

Hipparchus initially used Almagest 6. Erle Leichty, Maria deJ. Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World System. In addition to that, Pythagoras got involved in the Greek political affairs and acquired some influence. According to In 461 BC, Pericles achieved the political elimination of this opponent using After Cimon's ostracism, Pericles continued to promote a populist social policy. MacDowell, Demosthenes the Orator, ch.



eratosthenes biography

In this book Eratosthenes denounced Odyssey to be legitimate. Retrieved 7 June 2008. See original text in Plato 1925. III, Paris, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, p. Jerusalem is in the centre of the map surrounded by the three continents.



eratosthenes biography

In view of Galileo's rather implausible denial that he had ever held Copernican ideas after 1616 or ever intended to defend them in the Dialogue, his final interrogation, in July 1633, concluded with his being threatened with torture if he did not tell the truth, but he maintained his denial despite the threat. Usher, Greek Oratory, 226. Desafortunadamente, solo quedan fragmentos de sus obras después de la Destrucción de la Biblioteca de Alejandría. . He reminds one of an old sprain or fracture: the moment you are out of health it begins to be active. However, some details of these calculations appear in works by other authors such as now Aswan on the Nile in Egypt and Alexandria. The sentence of the Inquisition was delivered on 22 June.


Theodorus of Cyrene

eratosthenes biography

Princeton, NJ: Princeton University press. These, it is said, are the remnants of the workmen's food converted into stone; which is not probable. It is an encyclopaedic chronicle and consists of political, economic, social, cultural, geographic description covering almost all of Europe and the Mediterranean: British Isles, Iberian Peninsula, Gaul, Germania, the Alps, Italy, Greece, Northern Black Sea region, Anatolia, Middle East, Central Asia and North Africa. Translated by Drake, S. A common criticism is that Pericles was always a better politician and orator than strategist.



eratosthenes biography

Hence, the historians shared doubts about his true contributions to mathematics and philosophy. X tells us that Hipparchus demonstrated that lunar eclipses can occur five months apart, and solar eclipses seven months instead of the usual six months ; and the Sun can be hidden twice in thirty days, but as seen by different nations. This conspiracy theory is considered till this day. Other analysts maintain an Athenian humanism illustrated in the Golden Age. Third Philippic 31 in these terms: ".
