Environmental science articles on pollution. Environmental science: Pollution patrol 2022-10-13

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Environmental science is a broad field that encompasses a range of disciplines, including biology, chemistry, physics, geology, and engineering. One of the key areas of focus within environmental science is pollution, which refers to the introduction of harmful substances into the environment. Pollution can take many forms, including air pollution, water pollution, and soil pollution, and it can have serious consequences for the health of both humans and the natural world.

Air pollution is one of the most well-known forms of pollution and is caused by the release of harmful gases, particulates, and other substances into the air. These substances can come from a variety of sources, including industrial facilities, power plants, and transportation vehicles. Some of the most common pollutants in the air include carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and sulfur dioxide, which can contribute to climate change and have negative impacts on human health.

Water pollution is another major concern within the field of environmental science. Water pollution occurs when harmful substances are introduced into rivers, lakes, oceans, and other bodies of water. These substances can come from a variety of sources, including agricultural runoff, sewage, and industrial waste. Water pollution can have serious consequences for both human health and the environment, as it can contaminate drinking water and harm aquatic ecosystems.

Soil pollution is another form of pollution that is of concern to environmental scientists. Soil pollution occurs when harmful substances, such as pesticides, herbicides, and industrial chemicals, are introduced into the soil. These substances can contaminate crops and harm the plants and animals that rely on the soil for survival.

There are many ways in which people can work to reduce pollution and protect the environment. These include reducing energy consumption, using environmentally friendly products, and properly disposing of waste. Governments can also play a role in reducing pollution by regulating the activities of industries and enforcing environmental laws.

In conclusion, pollution is a serious problem that has a range of negative impacts on the environment and human health. Environmental science articles on pollution can provide valuable insights into the causes and consequences of pollution, as well as ways in which we can work to reduce it. By understanding and addressing the issue of pollution, we can work towards a more sustainable and healthy future for ourselves and the natural world.

Environmental science: Pollution patrol

environmental science articles on pollution

Researchers are continuously trying to find solutions for the sustainable mitigation of the environmental pollution imposed mainly by anthropogenic activities. Many of the data produced by these devices are openly available through online platforms such as Xively. In collaboration with the Earth Journalism Network — an international group of environmental journalists — Myagmar and her colleagues distributed five devices, each about the size of a child's lunch box, around the city in July. The data are also often streamed and stored in ways that make them difficult to analyse and visualize to tell a coherent story, adds Smith, whose group has created particulate-matter sensors for use indoors. Last year he spent four months driving through New Delhi's frenetic roads on a rickshaw kitted out with a mid-range sensor called a DustTrak, which can deliver real-time feedback about pollution. Some environmental consequences of mining and processing coal deposits are deforestation, land damage, water pollution and hydrological damage, air pollution, noise pollution, ground vibration and rock dispersal, and visual impact.


Article on Pollution

environmental science articles on pollution

Puthur, in Sustainable Environmental Clean-up, 2021 1Green remediation Environmental pollution adversely affects the stability of ecosystem and therefore has been the focus of attention for the last few decades. Parvaiz Ahmad, in Plant Metal Interaction, 2016 Abstract Environmental pollution is one the major problems that affects biodiversity, ecosystems, and human health worldwide by contaminating soil and water. She published the data from her project, called PigeonBlog, with the aim of disrupting the status quo and giving the public a role in gathering data on pollution. Singh 1991 has defined pollution in a very simple manner, i. Wild-type organisms have a slower degradation rate of hazardous materials. More than two-thirds of US adults now say they use technology to track their heart rate and other health data; gadgets for the home sense water and electricity usage by the minute, and cities are employing sensors to track everything from pedestrian traffic to leaky pipes. Depending on the nature of pollutants and also subsequent pollution of environmental components, the pollution may be categorized as follows: 1.


Environmental Pollution

environmental science articles on pollution

Fussell Environmental Geochemistry and Health 2015. Using recent literature and a case study, we have elaborated the role of ecological pest management and industrial development that need to be focused toward sustainable environmental protection. Because open-source sensors such as these can be made anywhere, it is difficult to track how many have been produced. The present book focuses on a wide range of strategies such as fungi-assisted, biochar-assisted, chelate-assisted, nanoparticles-assisted, transgenic plant-mediated, CRISPR-assisted, compost-assisted, PGPR-assisted, phosphate-assisted, electrokinetic-assisted, and biosurfactant-assisted approaches that have been applied to enhance plant performance for degradation and uptake of pollutants. A pollutant can be any chemical toxic metal, radionuclides, organophosphorus compounds, gases or geochemical substance dust, sediment , biological organism or product, or physical substance heat, radiation, sound wave that is released intentionally or inadvertently by man into the environment with actual or potential adverse, harmful, unpleasant, or inconvenient effects. He foresees a day when people's clothes will measure their exposure to carcinogens, their phones will sniff for polluting particles and drones will hover over cities, searching for natural-gas leaks.


Pollution News, Articles

environmental science articles on pollution

But according to their inventors, at least 35 DustDuinos, some 2,500 Air Quality Eggs and 1,000 SCKs have been deployed. We discuss recent developments in CRISPR-Cas9 based microorganisms and plant genome editing for bioremediation of environmental pollution in order to clean our environment for healthy animal life on earth. The United Nations has also designated June 5 of every year to be World Environment Day in order to bring representatives of all member nations together to address the environmental problems, to create awareness and to instigate action. Here in the world's coldest capital city, residents light open fires of coal or wood to heat their uninsulated houses. Global warming, greenhouse gas emission due to industrialization and urbanization, and residual chemicals being applied in industries and agricultural sector are taking 100 million lives per annum. The use of environmental standards as criteria for decision making in a developing country like India has to be properly assessed. An independent team of researchers reported that the sensor used in the DustDuino performs as well as a higher-cost sensor when sampling air quality over windows of 1 hour D.


environmental science articles on pollution

Vijai Singh, in Assisted Phytoremediation, 2022 Abstract Environmental pollution is increasing gradually and causing a serious impact on living organisms including humans. If the norms of developed countries are applied in India, costs will be very high. Over the past couple of decades, various sources of pollution were identified that altered the composition of water, air, and soil of the environment. Pollution of air, water and land pose a serious threat to the well-being of every little thing that inhabit the Earth. The answer to all the environmental problems the world is facing today is immediate action and consistency in reduced usage of private transportation, machinery with possible carbon emission and proper disposal of waste to start with.


environmental science articles on pollution

As budget cuts cause governments to trim expensive sensor networks, citizen sensing will develop to fill the gap, says Schroyer. The city is one of the most polluted in the world, according to the World Health Organization WHO — and estimates suggest that particulate air pollution causes one-tenth of the city's deaths. The list of pollutants includes volcanic ash, trash, chemicals released by industries, smoke, plastics, etc. It can be reduced by microorganisms or plants that have biosynthetic pathways for the degradation or accumulation of environmental pollutants from soil and water. Article on Pollution Pollution is one of the most dangerous environmental problems the world is facing today. Across the globe, journalists, advocacy groups, hackers and others are starting to use low-cost monitoring devices to vastly expand the amount of data that are publicly available on forms of air pollution such as particulate matter and toxic gases. Dilip Kumar, Deepak Kumar, in Management of Coking Coal Resources, 2016 6.


environmental science articles on pollution

All this enthusiasm by proponents has not yet won over environmental researchers. Called DustDuinos, the devices measure particulate-matter concentrations and quickly upload the data to a public website. Water gets polluted when toxic substances like chemicals and plastic waste are discharged into the water bodies, and the process by which accumulated solid and liquid waste contaminate the soil and groundwater are referred to as land pollution. This chapter also explains the future perspectives of environmental sustainability and the scope of novel industrial and agricultural developments leading toward environmental sustainability. Both developed and developing nations share this burden together, though awareness and stricter laws in developed countries have contributed to a larger extent in protecting their environment. After spending a year looking at what technology was available, Díez Ladera decided that he and his team would have to realize this dream themselves. Thus, to get a license to open mines involves lengthy procedures which in turn cause delay.


environmental science articles on pollution

Such undesirable effects may be direct affecting man or indirect, being mediated via resource organisms or climate change. The aim is to test how such data can enhance urban living by showing, for example, how efforts to encourage bicycling affect air quality. Governments were not monitoring pollution at the local level, where it affects people, they wrote on their blog. The group launched a website to encourage DIY-ers to build or buy the device and monitor local pollution. In this chapter, conventional and advanced molecular biology tools for the removal and detoxification of contaminants from soil and water to improve environmental conditions are highlighted. Types of Pollution The major types of pollution include air pollution, water pollution and land pollution.
