Emily post 1922. Emily Post's Etiquette Holds a Surprising History Lesson 2022-11-03

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Emily Post (1873-1960) was an American author and etiquette expert who wrote extensively on the subject of manners and social customs. Her most famous work, "Etiquette: The Blue Book of Social Usage," was first published in 1922 and has been revised and updated numerous times over the years.

Post was born into a wealthy and prominent family in Baltimore, Maryland. She received a traditional education and was well-versed in the social graces of the time. However, she was not content to simply follow the rules of etiquette blindly, and instead sought to understand the reasoning behind them. This led her to study and write about the subject in great detail.

Post's "Etiquette" was a comprehensive guide to the rules of social behavior, covering everything from table manners and party etiquette to letter-writing and gift-giving. It quickly became a best-seller and established her as an authority on the subject.

In addition to her work on etiquette, Post also wrote about other subjects, including travel, home decorating, and fashion. She was a popular speaker and appeared frequently on radio and television programs, sharing her insights on social etiquette and the changing roles of women in society.

Despite the many changes in society since the publication of "Etiquette" in 1922, the book remains an important resource for those seeking guidance on proper behavior and manners. It is a testament to Post's enduring legacy as an expert on social etiquette and an influential figure in the world of manners and protocol.

Emily Post on Etiquette

emily post 1922

To a tea given for a débutante cards are enclosed in one envelope and addressed: Mrs. This is the custom if a young man has been away at school and college for so long that he has not a large acquaintance of his own. Selection of paper whether rough or smooth is entirely a matter of personal choice—so that the quality be good, and the shape and color conservative. Minister: or Dear Mr. The more nearly a note can express a hand-clasp, a thought of sympathy, above all, a genuine love or appreciation of the one who has gone, the greater comfort it brings.


10. Cards and Visits. Post, Emily. 1922. Etiquette

emily post 1922

Sometimes people pass salted nuts to each other, or an extra sweet from a dish near by, but not circling the table. Finally Sigrid comes in with a whole dozen plates stacked in a pile, which she proceeds to deal around the table. If one does not care to continue the acquaintance, one need not pay a second visit. Only a very underbred, thick-skinned person would attempt it. And when the first servant hands the meat course, they consider that they should not be expected to wait a moment for a second servant to hand the gravy or jelly or whatever goes with the meat.


Post, Emily. 1922. Etiquette in Society, in Business, in Politics and at Home

emily post 1922

It would be easy enough to write to Pauline, the daughter. The service is then read. Hunter Smith, or Mr. That much at least you do know. Very silent people should be sandwiched between good talkers, or at least voluble talkers. Script is seldom seen, but it is always good form and so is plain block, but with the exception of old English all ornate lettering should be avoided. Some people use smaller paper for notes, or correspondence cards, cut to the size of the envelopes.


The Emily Post Institute — Emily Post

emily post 1922

The engagement in this case is never proclaimed to the guests as an assembled audience. Worldly than in entering the sitting-room at home. But at formal dinners, dishes are never passed twice, and are therefore taken direct to the pantry after being passed. Retrieved September 25, 2021. NOT FOR THE NOVICE TO ATTEMPT I F the great world of society were a university which issued degrees to those whom it trains to its usages, the magna cum laude honors would be awarded without question, not to the hostess who may have given the most marvelous ball of the decade, but to her who knows best every component detail of preparation and service, no less than every inexorable rule of etiquette, in formal dinner-giving.


14. Formal Dinners. Post, Emily. 1922. Etiquette

emily post 1922

The first are the great hosts and hostesses; the others are the mediocre or the failures. The width of black to use is a matter of personal taste and feeling. The place to pause is on the threshold—not half-way in the room. Toplofty takes matters in her own hands and makes Mr. Unless they have had unusual practise in such arrangement they should, if possible, have the assistance of a florist, as effective grouping and fastening of heavy wreaths and sprays is apt to overtax the ingenuity of novices, no matter how perfect their usual taste may be.


Emily Post

emily post 1922

You have collected the smartest and the most critical people around your table to put them to torture such as they will never forget. It is very vulgar to fill open landaus with displayed floral offerings and parade through the streets. Do not understand by this that visits are never paid on other occasions. If one of her guests is a stranger to the others, the hostess draws a chair near one of the groups and offering it to her single guest sits beside her. On very formal and unusual occasions, Senator Lodge of Massachusetts.


24. Funerals. Post, Emily. 1922. Etiquette

emily post 1922

But two can also efficiently serve eight; or with unaccompanied dishes an expert servant can manage eight alone, and with one assistant, he can perfectly manage twelve. She offers one topic; not much of a nibble. And there are two maiden ladies in particular, joint chatelaines of an imposingly beautiful old house where, on a certain afternoon of the week, if you come in for tea, you are sure to meet not alone those prominent in the world of fashion, but a fair admixture of artists, scientists, authors, inventors, distinguished strangers—in a word Best Society in its truest sense. Believe me Very sincerely yours, or Believe me, my dear Mrs. Yours affectionately, Sylvia Greatlake.


7. Conversation. Post, Emily. 1922. Etiquette

emily post 1922

I do hope the addresses will be of some use to you, and that you will have a delightful trip, I B ROADLAWNS Dear Mrs. John Smith may be a gentleman; or may not be one. The compotiers are glass urns and the only pieces of silver used are two tall Sheffield candelabra at night, without shades, the salts and peppers and the necessary spoons and forks. Usually she prefers, if her name was Alice Green, to call herself Mrs. Their frank approval of whatever the other may do or say is very charming; and even more so is their obvious friendliness toward all people, of wanting the whole world beautiful for all because it is so beautiful to them. James Smartlington, son of Mr. Therefore it is well to remember: 58 Dresses and suits can be dyed without ripping.


20. Engagements. Post, Emily. 1922. Etiquette

emily post 1922

Where a general notice is published in the paper, it is proper and fitting that you should show sympathy by going to the funeral, even though you had little more than a visiting acquaintance with the family. It is the expression, however clumsily put, of a personal something which was loved, and will ever be missed, that alone brings solace to those who are left. It is equally bad to give your guests very peculiar food unless as an extra dish. Consequently it has become the custom to say what one truthfully can of good, and leave out the qualifications that are bad except in the case of a careless nurse, where evasion would border on the criminal. Once a card has been admitted, the visitor must be admitted also, no matter how inconvenient receiving her may be. The nearest relatives may stay apart in an adjoining room or even upon the upper floor, where they can hear the service but remain in unseen seclusion.
