Amistad movie reaction paper. FREE Amistad review Essay 2022-10-23

Amistad movie reaction paper Rating: 7,3/10 1840 reviews

Amistad is a 1997 historical drama film directed by Steven Spielberg that tells the true story of a group of enslaved Africans who rebel against their captors and take control of the ship they are being transported on. The film follows the legal battle that ensues after the ship arrives in the United States, as the Africans are charged with murder and piracy and their case makes its way to the Supreme Court.

Overall, I found Amistad to be a powerful and emotionally charged film that effectively portrays the horrors of the slave trade and the resilience of the human spirit. The performances by the cast, particularly by Djimon Hounsou as the African leader Cinque, were excellent and added depth and complexity to the characters. The film's depiction of the legal proceedings and the debates over slavery were also well done and added a sense of historical context to the story.

One of the most striking aspects of Amistad was its depiction of the brutal treatment of the enslaved Africans. The scenes of the Middle Passage, where the Africans were packed into the ship's hold like sardines, were particularly harrowing and effectively conveyed the dehumanizing nature of the slave trade. The film also showed the resilience of the Africans as they fought back against their captors and took control of the ship, despite being outnumbered and outgunned.

The legal battle that follows the arrival of the ship in the United States was also well done and added a sense of drama to the film. The debates between the pro-slavery and abolitionist factions were well executed and provided a glimpse into the political climate of the time. The film's portrayal of the Supreme Court case was also well done, as the arguments on both sides were clearly presented and the final decision was depicted as a pivotal moment in the history of slavery in the United States.

Overall, Amistad is a powerful and emotionally charged film that effectively portrays the horrors of the slave trade and the resilience of the human spirit. Its depiction of the legal battle and the debates over slavery also add a sense of historical context to the story. While the film may be difficult to watch at times due to its portrayal of the brutal treatment of the enslaved Africans, it is an important and thought-provoking work that should be seen by a wider audience.

The movie Amistad Essay

amistad movie reaction paper

There are many other films that show the same treatment to slaves. Slavery, by itself seems very unnatural and provokes mixed feelings from the heart of each person. We have these laws to ensure us and protect our rights. During the movie I felt that I to were experiencing the gruesome triumphs that the West African slaves experienced during their fight toward freedom. Crime in the south started to develop and recognized more often. The Black Caribs, or the Garifuna have a predominantly African ancestry, but also have a high degree of Native American ancestry as well.


Crash Movie Reaction Paper (300 Words)

amistad movie reaction paper

The scene had the slaves taking over La Amistad. Slavery like practices remains a grave and persistent problem today. Equiano explained his kidnapping in his narrative. It is a 3-hour epic on the life and struggles of his patriotism and poetry. This law was unpopular in the north and helped convert indifferent northerners to anti-slavery. The role of John in the movie was to persuade the judge of lend Cinque and the African people free, how this happen? Besides, no one can take your freedom and discriminate against you by your appearance, color, race, gender, age or anything else. Although she nearly lost her faith, Alicia didn't give up the hope that Nash will someday overcome his disease.


Amistad movie reaction Free Essays

amistad movie reaction paper

Your one stop-shop, as they say. That was when Patsey was tied to the post and flogged by Solomon, that really spoke to me because of how not only Patsey had to suffer but Solomon had to as well. Granted they did come into this, but as they said in the movie, in the Mende tribe, they have something of the same thing as a slave. There were many important parts in the movie, the part where the slaves took over the ship, their capture and their torture on the ship, their trials, and the return to Africa. . It showed us the state of slavery in the past.


Amistad Movie Reaction

amistad movie reaction paper

He is a famous director, he has directed many movies, for example: Jaws, Indiana Jones, Jurassic Park, E. The movie however shows that, Northup got in a fight with the white slave merchant and won; he was being hung but was saved by the owner because of his kindness and throughout the family was shown in wonderment as if they did not know what happened to Northup. Now they had a different war to fight" Rediker, 74. In the movie "Amistad" there were several conflicts. Considering the number of slaves versus the number of crew members, and also considering that the slaves had already come from lives of labor. It was clear that they were not treated as a human being but rather as a material that can be bought and sold to the market and whose owners can do anything to them without them having the right to complain. Also about the movie, I was confuesd on the Ku Klux Klan; they have a cross to symbolize God and somehow burn it, is it a bad thing or good? After a long time in the ship, they arrived to the north cost of the United States, were slavery was illegal.


At The Back of My Head: Amistad, A Movie Reflection

amistad movie reaction paper

There were some parts of the film that I did not expect however. However the film portrays the militia firing more than two rounds before retrieval. As for some of them getting derailed off course and landing on South America, I believe this also greatly affected global trade and the global economy. During the Battle of Cowpens, militia was asked to play decoy. For example in several action sequences of the film, weapons such as exploding projectiles or bombs are presented. The Patriot is pure, blatant American Hollywood propaganda.


How to Write a Reaction Paper to a Movie

amistad movie reaction paper

It all depends on how we react and let it affect your life. In today 's society that is different, you would expect white people to have the money and black to be in the lower class. In our generation now, not many know exactly what it was like to live the life that African Americans before we were born, so it's good that we have films that shows us and help us learn. In order to effectively eradicate slavery in all its forms, the root causes of slavery such as poverty, social exclusion and all forms of discrimination must be addressed. This doesn't seem very fair at all, Jackson is racist when it comes to Black people, he said that the country, USA, is only for the White race meaning own land, property, food, everything that the Black wanted all taken away.


Reflection Paper on "Amistad" Free Essay Example

amistad movie reaction paper

After few days the leader of the Africans known as Joseph Cingué,found a nail on the deck which he was able to free himseld and the others. If you feel more connected to specific characters than you possibly thought, talk about it. Two slaves are set to court to prove that they are from Africa. . Brown had many slave masters, including Dr.


Amistad Movie Reflection

amistad movie reaction paper

Did the acting seem believable? In my opinion, the movie actually seemed somewhat biased towards the slave's point of view. Being from the south it is kind of a black mark on our history, but it is something that everyone should know about. They are standards that are mostly set up by the ruling class. Also were his cabin steward and slave,two sailors and the ships cooker aboards RamĂłn Ferrer ship. Rather than turn the story of the Amistad into a celebration of the kindness and generosity of white abolitionists, Sengbe is shown to be the instigator and cause of the freedom which is eventually granted to the enslaved Africans.


Reaction Paper: Amistad Movie Analysis Essay Example

amistad movie reaction paper

Unfortunately when they try to head back to Africa they are captured and put in jail. The film starts with simple inaccuracies that can be excused, however these simple inaccuracies domino into great blunders that cannot be ignored: Some minor mistakes made by the film involve errors such as the materials used during the time period, do not actually belong to that time. The only person who tried to stop and save their lives was owner of the shop. He always went hand in hand with their values?? Although the film portrays General Nathanael Greene giving the orders, he was never present at this battle. This is a great example that we can relate to what he have learned in the class.
