Domestic violence research articles. Domestic violence 2022-11-05

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A persuasive essay is a type of writing that aims to convince the reader of a particular idea or point of view. To be effective, a persuasive essay must use strategies to appeal to the reader's emotions, logic, and credibility. In this essay, we will explore some common persuasive essay strategies that you can use to make your argument more compelling.

One strategy that is often used in persuasive essays is emotional appeal. This involves using language and examples that appeal to the reader's feelings and emotions. For example, if you are writing about animal cruelty, you might use vivid descriptions of animal suffering to stir up the reader's feelings of empathy and compassion. You could also use examples of successful animal rescue efforts to inspire the reader to take action.

Another persuasive strategy is logical appeal, which involves using evidence and reasoning to support your argument. This can be in the form of statistics, expert testimony, or examples that illustrate your point. It's important to use reliable sources and to present your evidence in a clear and logical way. This helps the reader understand your argument and see the validity of your claims.

Credibility, or ethos, is another important factor in persuasive writing. This refers to the trustworthiness and expertise of the writer. By demonstrating your knowledge of the topic and citing credible sources, you can establish your credibility as a writer and increase the persuasiveness of your argument.

Another persuasive technique is called the "bandwagon effect," which involves appealing to the reader's desire to be part of a group or trend. For example, you might use statements like "Many people are already doing this" or "Experts agree that this is the best course of action." This can make the reader feel like they are part of a larger movement and encourage them to join in.

Finally, you can use rhetorical questions, rhetorical devices, and repetition to make your argument more persuasive. Rhetorical questions are questions that are asked for effect, rather than to seek an answer. By asking questions that your reader may be thinking, you can engage them in your argument and get them to consider your point of view. Rhetorical devices, such as metaphor and repetition, can also be effective in making your argument more memorable and persuasive.

In conclusion, there are many strategies that you can use to make your persuasive essay more effective. By appealing to the reader's emotions, using logical reasoning, establishing your credibility, and using rhetorical techniques, you can create a compelling argument that persuades your reader to agree with your point of view.

Domestic violence

domestic violence research articles

Consequently, the secondary researcher cannot be sent to the subjects to reestablish consent. While there is evidence that domestic violence and sex trafficking often co-occur, there is a large disparity in the understanding and interventions utilized by law enforcement as well as the services available for victims of each crime despite the considerable overlap of victimization. The possibility that domestic violence exists at the far end of a continuum of aggression that includes our own moments of intense anger is difficult to accept. Domestic violence has also been associated with suicidal behavior, sleep and eating disorders, social dysfunction, worsening of psychotic symptoms, and drug and alcohol abuse. Many domestic violence victims also experience mental health problems, such as depression and post-traumatic stress disorder PTSD. Child Maltreat 2011; 16:137—145 , 25 Perry R, Sullivan RM: Neurobiology of attachment to an abusive caregiver: short-term benefits and long-term costs.


(DOC) domestic violence research paper

domestic violence research articles

The defensive stance that is assumed by the authors of this article is its main undoing. THE PARTNER ABUSE STATE OF KNOWLEDGE PROJECT The world's largest domestic violence research data base, 2,657 pages, with summaries of 1700 peer-reviewed studies. This paper seeks to analyze the laws under which domestic violence matters are brought with a view to making a case for the enactment of a specific piece of legislation to deal with the subject. For instance, permission might apply to an individual researcher and for only a specific use. Aggression is a fundamental human impulse, and violence a socially unacceptable manifestation of it.


Domestic Violence Research

domestic violence research articles

If a victim is undocumented, they may be afraid of seeking help or fear their abuser will use their citizenship status against them. Violence and Victims, 1 1 , 47-60. Fear of how the abuser will react, fear of losing custody of children, fear of losing the acceptance of their family, and embarrassment and shame are some reasons victims stay in abusive relationships. The study relied on questionnaire methods where potential victims were asked to reveal their situations. Overall, the research study is quite relevant and easy to synthesize. These numbers may be higher; domestic violence remains an underreported issue, and many victims do not seek help. Abstract This paper is an evaluation of peer-reviewed articles that touch on the subject of domestic violence.


Research Articles

domestic violence research articles

References 1 Black MC, Basile KC, Breiding MJ, et al. The perpetrator takes no responsibility for the violence and instead blames the victim for causing it. The understanding of these differences will allow for more informed enforcement of sex trafficking laws and expansion of service providers for sex trafficking victims. J Trauma Stress 2015; 28:49—56 , 13 Tjaden PG, Thoennes N: Full Report of the Prevalence, Incidence, and Consequences of Violence Against Women: Findings from the National Violence Against Women Survey. Learn more Assessing Current Situation of Domestic Violence against Women This article covers a study that was conducted on the Nepalese society with the view of assessing the prevalence of domestic violence. We do not accept funding from pharmaceutical companies or medical device manufacturers.


A Review of the Research on Domestic Violence

domestic violence research articles

Family violence scholars from the United States, Canada and the U. In this investigation, I analyzed arrest and sentencing data from the Boulder County Domestic Violence Research Team, and then investigated those trends by interviewing legal professionals in Boulder County to determine if gender affects sentencing outcomes in intimate partner abuse cases. Jennifer Focht and Amanda Chu, National Center for Health Research About 1 in 3 women and 1 in 10 men in the U. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. One partner is a perpetrator; the other, a victim. J Fam Viol 2007; 22:267—275 , 16 Domestic Violence: Position Paper of the American College of Physicians, 1986. Domestic violence and child protection: Partnerships and collaboration.


The Cycle of Domestic Violence

domestic violence research articles

The article offers solutions to the problem of the lack of collaboration between child protection and domestic violence sectors. Fem Criminol 2012; 7:282—297 , 6 Coker AL, Davis KE, Arias I, et al. They may also be less likely to be believed or be less likely to believe they themselves are being abused due to the lack of education about the topic. The Power and Control Wheel. The Hotline operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week.


Domestic Violence: Analysis and Evaluation of Articles

domestic violence research articles

In about 30-60% of families where intimate partner violence takes place, child abuse also takes place. John and Julie Gottman have conducted 40 years of breakthrough research with thousands of couples. Domestic violence and mental health. When battered women use violence: husband-abuse or self-defense?. As the leading fields in mind, brain, and behavior, it is our mandate to understand and rehabilitate all human behavior, without prejudice.


Domestic Violence Awareness

domestic violence research articles

Dev Psychobiol 2014; 56:1626—1634 ,. The abuser is often someone the victim intimately knows or lives with. Situational domestic violence arises from arguments spinning out of control. Pediatr Clin North Am 1998; 45:355—364 , 12 Okuda M, Olfson M, Wang S, et al. Abusive Incident The abusive incident usually occurs when the tension finally breaks. If this impression is not sincere then this often steers a victim away from the judicial system, not allowing justice to be served.
