Development of sociology as a discipline. The Emergence of Sociology As A Scientific/Academic Discipline 2022-11-08

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Sociology is a discipline that studies the social world, including the relationships and interactions between individuals, groups, and societies. It seeks to understand how social structures, institutions, and cultures shape human behavior and experience, and how individuals and groups influence and are influenced by these social forces. The development of sociology as a discipline has a long and complex history, with roots in a variety of fields including philosophy, economics, and anthropology.

The early origins of sociology can be traced back to the works of philosophers such as Aristotle, who wrote about the importance of understanding how societies function and how individuals fit into them. In the 18th and 19th centuries, the Industrial Revolution and the rise of capitalism led to a growing interest in the social and economic conditions of the time. This interest was reflected in the work of figures such as Adam Smith and Karl Marx, who wrote about the ways in which economic systems shape social relations and the distribution of wealth and power.

However, it was not until the late 19th and early 20th centuries that sociology began to emerge as a distinct discipline. During this time, a number of thinkers began to argue that the social world could be studied scientifically, using methods similar to those used in the natural sciences. These thinkers, including Auguste Comte, Herbert Spencer, and Emile Durkheim, are often considered the founding fathers of sociology.

Comte is considered the father of sociology and is credited with coining the term "sociology." In his work, Comte argued that social phenomena could be studied and understood through the scientific method, just as natural phenomena could. He also proposed a hierarchy of scientific disciplines, with sociology occupying the highest level due to its focus on understanding society as a whole.

Durkheim is another important figure in the development of sociology. He argued that social phenomena were the result of social forces and that they could be studied objectively. Durkheim used a variety of methods, including statistical analysis and field observations, to study social phenomena such as suicide and crime. His work laid the foundation for the study of social norms and social institutions, and he is often credited with establishing sociology as a distinct academic discipline.

In the 20th century, sociology continued to evolve and expand as a discipline. Theorists such as Talcott Parsons and Max Weber made significant contributions to the field, developing new theories and approaches to understanding the social world. In the post-World War II period, sociologists such as George Herbert Mead and Herbert Blumer focused on the importance of subjective experience and the role of language and communication in shaping social reality.

Today, sociology is a diverse and multi-faceted discipline, with a wide range of theories, methods, and areas of study. It is an important field of study that helps us understand the complex and constantly changing nature of human society and how it shapes our lives.

History of Sociology

development of sociology as a discipline

Therefore, modernization can be seen as an attempt to the current moment, conditions, styles, and ways in general, particularly those who are custom-bound. He noticed the ties that bound people changed significantly with the increase of industrialisation. Sociology of education is a branch of sociology which investigates how public institutions and individual experience affect education and its outcomes. With fellow sociologist Wilhelm Dilthey, Weber introduced the concept of verstehen, a German word that means to understand in a deep, empathetic way. All these changes would have been overwhelming as people went from their 'old world' of working the land and having satisfaction for the work they did to the 'new world' of mass populated, industrial areas where they sold their labour.



development of sociology as a discipline

Sociology is a social product. No need to stress and have sleepless nights. We could then determine, once and for all, what sort of social changes were possible. The colonization presented social problems between white and colored people with the white race emerging as the oppressors and colored people as the oppressed. His concept of the comprehension of social context as a whole, rather than individual action was very important in his line of work. Herbert Spencer Herbert Spencer believed that no one should guide social reform.


The Development of Sociology as an Academic Discipline Essay

development of sociology as a discipline

Sociology majors are given the opportunity and encouragement to develop their own ideas about society and to express them verbally and in writing. It raised the issue of gender discrimination, violence against women and women empowerment etc. In 1897, Durkheim attempted to demonstrate the effectiveness of his rules of social research when he published a work titled Suicide. Wells-Barnett 1862-1931 Figure 5. Technological advances were seen with the invention of electricity, which improved the production in factories and made life easier, and the railways and steam ships, which helped improve travel.


Sociology of Education. Origin and Development as a Branch of Sociology

development of sociology as a discipline

Historically, modernization took place when the agrarian economy shifted to the industrial economy. In Suicide, Durkheim believed it was not feasible to study the immediate circumstances in to why people kill themselves because any personal circumstance can serve as a pretext for suicide Ferrante, 2007. It created an environment to change the old ideas within the philosophy of religion. She is also credited with the first systematic methodological international comparisons of social institutions in two of her most famous sociological works: Society in America 1837 and Retrospect of Western Travel 1838. However, it was only in the 19th century that systematic attempts were made to study society and to establish a science of society, viz.


The Development of Sociology as a Discipline

development of sociology as a discipline

The Industrial Revolution created this divide of classes known as the bourgeoisie they own the means of production and the proletariat who sell their labour to the bourgeoisie Ferrante, 2007. Fatalistic suicide occurs when the ties to the group are so oppressive that there is no chance of escape Ferrant, 2007. Because of his political publication, Karl became stateless and lived in exile in London together with his children and his wife 17. His theoretical work on Suicide became extremely popular among the social sciences. References Marshall G, 1998.


The development of sociology as a discipline

development of sociology as a discipline

Emile Durkheim Emile Durkheim developed sociology as an independent discipline and science. While it did affect societies in a positive way as they were becoming socially aware and a lot of positive improvements were being implemented in societies, the revolutions also made way for chaos and anarchy in societies due to the new ills that were taking over the states. Nursing In the nursing course, you may have difficulties with literature reviews, annotated bibliographies, critical essays, and other assignments. These views encouraged the growth of a sociological approach to understanding the society and subsequently to sociology as a distinct science of society. He noticed the ties that bound people changed significantly with the increase of industrialisation. This is particularly true of sociology, which not only is derived from that conditions but takes the conditions in society as its basic subject matter. Prior to the development of Sociology, earlier attempts at understanding human behaviour were humanistic in approach, unguided by the principles of scientific methodology.



development of sociology as a discipline

Psychology While psychology may be an interesting subject, you may lack sufficient time to handle your assignments. It was a time of great social and political upheaval with the rise of empires that exposed many people — for the first time — to societies and cultures other than their own. These transport systems radically improved the ease and speed with which goods could be transported. Lastly; this paper has also illustrated the difference between sociology and sociology of education. Charles Horton Cooley 1864-1929 Charles Horton Cooley posited that individuals compare themselves to others in order to check themselves against social standards and remain part of the group. In the wake of industrialisation, some sociologists that argued for a system of understanding sociological change were; Auguste Comte, Herbert Spencer, Emile Durkheim, Karl Marx and Max Weber. According to Karl, he believed that societies developed through the tension and economic antagonism that exist in them which was as a result of socio-economic competition between the rich and the poor.


Emergence and Development of Sociology (Notes): Explained

development of sociology as a discipline

Our academic writing service got you covered! Fortunately, our computer science experts are up to the match. Social thought from lore to science Vol. His groundbreaking 1896-1897 study of the African American community in Philadelphia incorporated hundreds of interviews Du Bois conducted in order to document the familial and employment structures and assess the chief challenges of the community. In Webers work The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism he writes that the Protestant particularly Calvinist ethic influenced people to work in the secular world Ritzer, 2011. Human social life is an intricate system organized in multiple and diverse levels of social domains.


Origin & Development of Sociology as a Separate Science

development of sociology as a discipline

He also influenced a lot of other philosophers such as Marcel Mauss, Claude Levi Strauss and many more. Like other thinkers influenced by the Enlightenment a philosophical movement of the 17th and 18th centuries that emphasized reason and individualism , Comte believed society developed in stages. New York: New York University Press. Durkheim developed the concept of functionalism which maintains cultural and social unity through interactions Ferrante, 2007. Significantly for modern sociology they proposed that the use of reason could be applied to address social ills and to emancipate humanity from servitude. As society evolves in this fashion, the most capable individuals rise to the top and the least capable die out. In the early 1900s, sociology reached universities in the United States.
