Blood diamonds book summary. Blood Diamonds Essay 2022-10-22

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Blood diamonds, also known as conflict diamonds, are diamonds that are mined and sold to finance armed conflict and civil wars in countries such as Angola, Sierra Leone, and the Democratic Republic of Congo. The term "blood diamonds" was coined in the late 1990s to highlight the brutal and inhumane practices that often accompany the mining and trade of these diamonds.

The book "Blood Diamonds: Tracing the Deadly Path of the World's Most Precious Stones" by Greg Campbell is a non-fiction work that explores the history and global impact of blood diamonds. The book traces the origins of the diamond trade, starting with the discovery of diamonds in South Africa in the late 19th century and the subsequent development of the De Beers diamond cartel. It then goes on to examine the role that diamonds have played in conflicts in Africa and the efforts of the international community to address the issue of blood diamonds.

One of the main themes of the book is the way in which the diamond industry has exploited and manipulated the demand for diamonds in order to maintain its profitability. The De Beers cartel, which controlled the majority of the world's diamond supply for much of the 20th century, used a range of tactics to create an artificial scarcity of diamonds and drive up their price. This included hoarding diamonds and limiting their production, as well as using marketing campaigns to associate diamonds with love and romance.

The book also discusses the role that blood diamonds have played in fueling conflict in Africa. In countries such as Angola and Sierra Leone, diamonds have been used to finance rebel groups and fuel civil wars. These conflicts have resulted in widespread human rights abuses and have had a devastating impact on the local population.

In response to the issue of blood diamonds, the international community has taken steps to address the problem. In 2003, the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme was established to certify that diamonds are "conflict-free." While the Kimberley Process has had some success in reducing the trade in blood diamonds, it has also been criticized for its lack of transparency and for failing to adequately address the issue of human rights abuses in the diamond industry.

In conclusion, "Blood Diamonds" is a thought-provoking book that shines a light on the dark side of the diamond industry. It exposes the exploitation and manipulation that has characterized the diamond trade, as well as the devastating impact that blood diamonds have had on communities in Africa. It also highlights the efforts of the international community to address the problem of conflict diamonds, but also the limitations and challenges of these efforts.

Book Summary: Blood Diamonds

blood diamonds book summary

A selfish smuggler still has love and righteous. Ty Burr wrote a review on this film and claims that he enjoyed it but there were some parts in which he said that it was just like any other movie. From this council, the idea of the Kimberly Process will develop. At seven levels, from Starter to Advanced, this impressive selection of carefully graded readers offers exciting reading for every student's capabilities. This book details the exploitative diamond trade and civil wars, centered in Sierra Leone and the neighboring countries.


Detailed Review Summary of Blood Diamonds by Jon Land

blood diamonds book summary

Canada enacted the Export and Import of Rough Diamonds Act in 2002, which aims to control the flow of rough diamonds through its regions. Up until the late nineteenth century, a diamond was rare stone. Suddenly, the market was deluged with this flood of diamonds, and the British organizers of the South African mines quickly realized that their investment was endangered because the price of diamonds depends entirely on their scarcity. DAYS AFTER 9-11- the American govt didn't do the right thing because there are some tenuous ties to al Quieda money laundering and the diamond trade in this country that ending Sierra Leone's 80 years of barbarism that no one in the world closer to them gave a shit about the day after 9-11 should have been the top priority of the American people. On an undercover assignment for her old boss, a trap is sprung and Danielle is arrested supposedly for killing her immediate supervisor. It shows how she is cruel.



blood diamonds book summary

They are an ornamental jewel which is globally accepted as a precious stone, used as gifts or as a symbol of love. The author also has a good structure to the book, he mostly has the events in chronological order but there are some times when he does talk about the past, especially in the beginning of the book where he mentions a lot of Sierra Leone's history. A cold blood killer was once an innocent child and also has kind heart deep inside him. Just when you think people couldn't be any worse than you already know you read about how cutting off hands, and sometimes feet, was used as a political tactic. The mining stages in Africa are known for having the worst conditions, the wages that the miners earn are just as challenging, only earning 1 dollar per day. The most common language here is Kiro; it is a mix of English and a variety of African languages. If I had any diamonds I wouldn't be able to keep them after this book.


Blood Diamonds Level 1 by Richard MacAndrew

blood diamonds book summary

Although this isn't one of the author's points, here's one of the takeaways for me: the history and practice of the diamond trade is a fine illustration of the dangers and antisocial results that come from an unfettered free market. The World Diamond Council From January 17 to 18, 2001, the World Diamond Council was established to support the eradication effort for the blood diamond trade. Not being familiar with the geography didn't help either. The Jungle tells about the lives of the workers in factories, specifically meat, and how harsh and disgusting their work really was. But Botswana has something essential that other African countries do not: a government known forā€¦ hi guys 4. Can they put aside their doubts and work together to bring down a corrupt, power-hungry overlord or will their chance at love be over before it ever starts? I should send MY SON into this jungle mess because some unnamed jackass "analyst" no one has ever heard of says we could have handled it in 12 days- OH yeah Mr.


What is a Blood Diamond?

blood diamonds book summary

The transitions in the film also easily made you feel as if you are part of the diamond trade itself. I had no idea what to expect from the book, and was shocked to learn the horrid details and atrocities that have been occurring for decades there. Not the book itself, it's pretty well written, but who wants to know the diamond you bought your wife has cost so much: slave labor, mutilations, murders, children soldiersā€¦? These armed forces used proceeds from sales of illegitimate diamonds to fund their operations. A huge part of the history in America is industrialization. Have clueless they are. People not unlike myself. These "blood diamonds" are smuggled out of West Africa and sold to legitimate diamond merchants in London, Antwerp, and New York, often with the complicity of the international diamond industry.


Summary of blood diamonds Free Essays

blood diamonds book summary

As if the common cutting of limbs, the raping, the murders of children, is all par for the course. Really tough but certainly recommended. The movie Blood Diamond tells the story of the civil war located in Sierra Leone. Too much of the book is about the author, how brave he was to go there, the hardships he suffered, , how if everyone was as clear-sighted as him, there wouldn't be a problem, bla bla bla. The council comprises diamond industry figures and implemented a new process that helps certify rough diamonds. No matter what a diamond seller says, stones are untr I learned a lot about an area of the world I knew very little.


Blood Diamonds: Summary of Blood Diamonds

blood diamonds book summary

The world won't be safe until we switch to 'fair' trade. Campbell's examination of the diamond industry--from its beginnings to the more recent history--is a fascinating and in-depth look into the growth of a luxury industry and commercialism, offering real insight into the tangled ways in which politics, warfare, business, natural resources, and criminality can become so enmeshed as to be virtually indistinguishable to a third party. Solomon was forced to work in the diamond mining fields under the command of a cruel fearless leader named Captain Poisen. He's disgusting- the whole whiny little selfish bitch story - I wish I could have helped, but there was nothing I could do, I just paid for my flight to Africa and my flat back home and only had enough cipro for myself, but America should straighten this out but those selfish American millionaires and too busy war mongering and buying their girlfriends diamonds- like we all sit around with our monocles and fainting salts while our servants prepare tea on silver platters- I got news for you Campbell- We have our own violent children, medical deficiencies and economic problems. Blood Diamonds is the gripping story of how diamond smuggling works, how the rebel war has effectively destroyed Sierra Leone and its people, and how the policies of the diamond industry--institutionalized in the 1880s by the De Beers cartel--have allowed it to happen. The depth of research and detail in this book is amazing. Danny Archer is the man who buys these diamonds and supplies both the rebels and government with weapons.


Blood Diamonds: Tracing the Path of the World's Most Precious Stones by Greg Campbell

blood diamonds book summary

The most interesting part of this is the fact that it is said that many of its owners have met with a gruesome fate. The impact in this region will be felt for decades. And in such conditions, age or gender are rarely considered, as women, children, and the elderly are forced into labor. These children would predominantly be abused sexually and physically. Blood Diamonds provided me with a muc The RUF and most of the diamond industry, particularly DeBeers, were guilty members in Sierra Leone's civil war. In Sierra Leone, rebels took control of diamond mines by systematically chopping off the arms and hands of as many as 20,000 children, women and men until the diamond operations were turned over to them. Blood Diamonds provided me with a much-needed perspective of the mutiny and devastation that swept through Sierra Leone through these years, and of the unfairness of it all.
