Describe discriminatory practice in health and social care. Discuss Discriminatory Practice Within Health and Social Care Essay Example 2022-10-15

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Discriminatory practice in health and social care refers to the unfair treatment of individuals or groups on the basis of their race, ethnicity, gender, age, sexual orientation, religion, or other personal characteristics. This type of discrimination can take many forms, including denying access to care, providing unequal treatment, or using derogatory language or stereotypes. Such practices can have serious consequences for the health and well-being of those affected, as well as for the overall quality and effectiveness of the health and social care system.

One common form of discriminatory practice in health and social care is the unequal distribution of resources, such as funding or access to medical facilities. For example, some communities may have limited access to hospitals or other health care facilities, leading to a lack of access to quality care. Similarly, some individuals or groups may be denied access to certain treatments or procedures due to their personal characteristics, such as their race, ethnicity, or sexual orientation. This can lead to health disparities and contribute to ongoing health problems for these groups.

Another form of discriminatory practice in health and social care is the use of stereotypes or biased language when interacting with patients or clients. This can include using derogatory language, making assumptions about individuals based on their personal characteristics, or failing to respect their autonomy and dignity. Such practices can create a hostile or unwelcoming environment for those receiving care, and may discourage them from seeking out necessary medical treatment or support.

Discriminatory practices in health and social care can also take the form of unequal treatment, such as providing lower quality care or failing to address the specific needs and concerns of certain groups. For example, individuals from certain racial or ethnic backgrounds may be more likely to receive inadequate care or to be mistreated by health care providers. This can lead to poor health outcomes and a lack of trust in the health care system for these groups.

Eliminating discriminatory practices in health and social care is essential for ensuring that all individuals have access to high-quality, respectful care. This can be achieved through a number of strategies, including increasing diversity in the health care workforce, providing cultural competency training for health care providers, and implementing policies and procedures to address and prevent discrimination. It is also important for individuals to speak out against discriminatory practices and to advocate for fair and equitable treatment for themselves and others.

Discriminatory Practice In Health And Social Care Essay

describe discriminatory practice in health and social care

This is a clear sign or Low self-esteem and self-identity as an effect of bullying. If a patient requires surgery and the risks outweigh the benefits the doctor has no right to make the decision for them as the individual needs to understand the conditions of the treatment so they are able to think thoroughly before they agree on the decision and if they are willing to accept the risks of the operation. In health and social care, the effects of discrimination can be catastrophic and even end in the death of a service user. If an individual does not see why the practices need to be put in place and are an employee of a health and social care provider they might cause trouble by refusing to follow them, which can make service users who needs the practices lose self-worth. M1Bullying:One of the discriminatory practices that I have chosen to assess is bullying.


LO2 P2

describe discriminatory practice in health and social care

If a prejudice comment is made, it is done by beliefs and not true facts, making some harsh comments can affect an individual behaviour and emotion which leads to the act of discrimination. I would then be invited to a meeting at a reasonable time and location, at which my grievance would be fully investigated. Experiences of discrimination affect them in various ways, ranging from stalled career progression to negative effects on their self-esteem and psychological well-being. We will explore them here. This causes a division in society and people are discriminated due to their class which can lead to depression as they have to be labelled with the class, this can lead to self fulfilling prophecy as people will start to live up to their labels and cause forms of criminality in society e. The Disability Discrimination Act DDA makes it unlawful to discriminate against someone who has a disability.


Describe discriminatory practice in health and social care

describe discriminatory practice in health and social care

There are different forms of abuse however some of the major abuses are child abuse and domestic violence. For example paying a male nurse more money than a female nurse for the same job because of his gender. Adults and young people as a result of discrimination and low self-esteem can also display negative behavioural traits. Again if a maternity nurse or someone working on the maternity ward believed that the patient should have had an abortion because they not in the right psychical or mental state to look after a child, they may treat them differently or in a poorer manor to older couples on the ward who do have a more stable environment to bring up a child in. Prejudice is a preconceived judgement or opinion. There are several reason that a person may choose to discriminate against others, it may be down to their religion, psychical or mental ability, gender choices, appearance or academic performance. All members of staff have a job role to follow.


Discriminatory Practice In Health And Social Care

describe discriminatory practice in health and social care

Professionally registered staff in that workplace has codes of conduct as well as their job roles. However there is a huge difference in some groups compared to others. Aldworth BTEC Level 3 National Health and Social Care: Student Book 2 M. Mclaney Introductory Econometrics J. Betty is friendly with all of the other service users and gets along well with all of the friendly staff who will do anything that they can to ensure that her needs are met and that she is happy. Hooper Cambridge International AS and A Level Biology Coursebook with CD-ROM M.


P2. Describe discriminatory practice in health and social care.

describe discriminatory practice in health and social care

Megan works closely with our writers, voice artists, companies and individuals to create the most appropriate and relevant content as well as also using and managing SEO. In a hospital, if there is a male doctor and they are viewing a patient who is gay, the doctor should ignore their sexuality and continue assessing the patient. These judgements are usually from peoples negative opinions or experiences about an individual or particular group of people. Individuals will become violent towards police and health care professionals and professionals are in danger of being attacked by the individual as they have not had a good past. Sexuality can also determine what opposite of sex an individual is attracted to e. Giving a label to someone means that you can categorise people into a certain group.


Unit 7 Assignment 1 Level 2

describe discriminatory practice in health and social care

Jeta is experiencing age discrimination because she is seen to have less of an authoritive figure compared to her teacher. Bibliography Books Stretch, Beryl Editor ; Whitehouse, Mary Editor. . If they are to cope well, they need to believe in themselves and their ability to manage, whatever situation they are in. Teenagers would suffer majority of the time due their environment. This maybe if someone was to single another out, or treat them differently to others due to their personal opinions and beliefs or maybe due to stereotypes linked to that person.


Describe discriminatory practice in health and social care Essay Example

describe discriminatory practice in health and social care

Governments have been accused of marginalising groups of the population in terms of their health and social care needs. This may be because of their age, gender, religion, sexuality or culture. It could also be refusing to treat a patient because they are of a different race or religion. There are two main types of discrimination, these are known as overt and covert. Coupland-Smith BTEC Nationals Business Student Book 2 Activebook C. Unit 2 Task 1 P2 Describe discriminatory practice in health and social care 1.


Free Essay: Discrimination In Health And Social Care

describe discriminatory practice in health and social care

There are occasions when statutory powers are used legitimately to override individual rights. The media assumes that if someone is in prison, they are associated with bad behaviour and are automatically given a negative impression on. A way that someone could be discriminated against would be because of their race. In a health and social care environment, respecting other cultures that come to use the service shows that workers have a clear understanding of the different cultures in the world and are able to support them and not consider them different as this could portray them as not respecting other cultures and being close minded. Betty asks Laura to help her go to the toilet, Laura replies that she will as soon as she has finished her break. However if a worker was to discriminate against someone for these choices, they may not show as much care towards to Jehovah witness because they do not agree with their beliefs or decisions on the matter in hand, where as they would still be giving the up most care to other patients on the ward. It is actually against the law to discriminate against someone due to their sexual orientation, and it is more generally known as homophobia.


P2 Discriminatory Practice in Health and Social Care

describe discriminatory practice in health and social care

One of these factors is social background. Stereotyping Stereotyping is one of the major discriminatory acts. Anyone planning a career in health and social care should be aware of the potential negative effects caused by discrimination. Stereotyping can lead to wrong assumptions about individuals and can lead to them being harmed by the workers or another individual using the service. I have chosen this one as it is such a common problem within society and I have also personally witnessed and been through some of the effects in which it has on people.
