Demerits of population. How serious is our declining population growth problem? 2022-10-17

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The increasing population of the world is a cause for concern for many people. While a growing population can bring economic and social benefits, it also has its drawbacks. Here are some of the main demerits of population growth:

  1. Environmental impact: A growing population puts pressure on natural resources such as water, land, and food. It also leads to increased pollution and greenhouse gas emissions, which contribute to climate change.

  2. Limited resources: As the population increases, there is less available land and natural resources to go around. This can lead to resource scarcity and competition for resources, which can lead to conflict.

  3. Overcrowding: A growing population can lead to overcrowding in cities and urban areas, which can lead to problems such as traffic congestion, housing shortages, and a lack of public services.

  4. Social issues: A growing population can also lead to social issues such as unemployment, poverty, and crime. These issues can be exacerbated if the population growth is not accompanied by economic development and job creation.

  5. Health risks: A growing population can also lead to health risks, particularly in areas with poor sanitation and inadequate healthcare infrastructure. This can lead to the spread of diseases such as malaria, cholera, and Ebola.

In conclusion, while population growth can bring economic and social benefits, it also has its drawbacks. It is important for governments and policy makers to consider the negative impacts of population growth and work to address them through sustainable development and resource management.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Population

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The goal of universalisation of education is far away. This is the most important; labor productivity. Several countries are investing in regulating declining birth rates to address the impending labor deficit. Population growth has both advantages and disadvantages. On account of rapid growth of population people are required to spend a major part of their income on bringing up their children.


Disadvantages Of Overpopulation, Essay Sample

demerits of population

What are disadvantages of population growth? So with population growth the land-man ratio is disturbed. There are a myriad of shortcomings that are brought about by overpopulation and the following section discusses some of these. The Relationship Between Economic Growth and Population Growth. Resources, however, are in infinite quantity; thus, this is an issue because if a large number of people utilize them, they'll run out and become scarce, resulting in poverty. Producers can export commodities to areas afflicted by natural catastrophes or artificial risks instead of only producing locally.


12 Main Consequences of Population Growth

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Capital formation in agriculture suffers and the economy is bogged down to the subsistence level. I mean, first of all, look, the U. ADVERTISEMENTS: This article throws light upon the twelve main consequences of population growth. Pressure of Population on Land: Over the last four decades from 1971 to 2001, the population of India has increased from 108. Thus low per capita productivity reduces the propensity to save and invest.


Advantages And Disadvantages Of a Large Population

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ADVERTISEMENTS: Population can be a limiting factor to economic development because of the following reasons: 1. They will often involve themselves in crimes such as robbery, drug trafficking and other crime related activities. With adequate resources, developed countries make use of their population for the betterment and welfare of their citizens, but developing and underdeveloped countries face significant issues such as a lack of food, air, and water, illiteracy, poverty, a high mortality rate, unemployment, and deforestation as a result of this growth. There is little or no congestion in areas with low population: Congestion simply means the gathering of things into a heap or mass. More money will be available in tax revenue to fund public services like environmental and health care programs.


14 Major Negative Effects of Population Explosion

demerits of population

A growing population can generate economic growth. In order to cope with the increasing requirements of the rapidly growing population natural resources are being exploited irrationally. It has been proven that fertility rates in African nations are higher than in Western nations. UDCs have a backlog of unemployment which keeps on growing with a rapidly increasing population. Labour Force: The labour force in an economy is the ratio of working population to total population. There is no generation of unsuitable waste that is harmful to the individual and Environment: Dense cities of the earth produce non-biodegradable waste. The increase in population leads to an increased demand for food products, clothes, houses etc.


What are the Demerits of Over Population?

demerits of population

One obvious advantage that a large population might offer is a larger supply of human resources. Depletion of natural habitats: As the population of the people in a given region grows it reaches to the point where the originally available space for the people to settle on is no longer enough hence forcing them to move to regions originally occupied by other living species. To learn more, see our. The crimes that are prevalent in populated areas are: a. Some countries require population expansion to maintain social equilibrium, while others must take immediate action to limit the numbers.


Pros and Cons of Overpopulation

demerits of population

Since it is not possible to increase capital per worker i. However, a rapidly growing population makes the load heavier. Correspondingly, the labour force engaged in agriculture has increased. This tends to raise the level of unemployment manifold as compared with the actual increase in labour force. Industrialisation, urbanisation, growth of mega cities and increasing vehicular traffic have led to atmospheric pollution. The growth of population tends to retard the per capita income in three ways: ADVERTISEMENTS: i It increases the pressure of population on land; ii it leads to rise in costs of consumption goods because of the scarcity of the cooperant factors to increase their supplies; and iii it leads to a decline in the accumulation of capital because with increase in family members, expenses increase.


What are the advantages and disadvantages of population growth?

demerits of population

So it is difficult to estimate correctly the number of unproductive consumers or non-working population. On the other side, population growth is becoming more and more expensive, especially for the environment. For this reason they opt for setting up their businesses in densly populated areas. With the growth of big towns and cities to accommodate growing population, there has been water pollution. As a result, their income decreases, and they are less able to save money, negatively affecting capital formation. Imagine the overcrowding and civil unrest that could occur, if this were the case.
