Dekada 70 movie summary. Theater review: Rousing 'Dekada '70' continues fight against oppression 2022-10-16

Dekada 70 movie summary Rating: 5,7/10 739 reviews

Creativity is a crucial aspect of human life that allows us to generate new and innovative ideas, solve problems, and express ourselves in unique ways. It is a valuable skill that has the potential to benefit individuals, communities, and society as a whole. Therefore, it is important to nurture and encourage creativity in all aspects of life, including education.

However, there is a widespread belief that schools often kill creativity. Many people argue that the traditional education system, with its emphasis on memorization, standardized testing, and conformity, stifles creativity and discourages students from thinking outside the box. In this essay, we will explore this claim and consider whether schools really do kill creativity.

One reason why some people believe that schools kill creativity is that they place a strong emphasis on conformity and the correct answers. Students are often expected to follow rules and procedures, and deviations from the norm are not always encouraged or rewarded. This can create a culture of fear and conformity, where students are afraid to take risks or express themselves in unique ways.

Another reason why some people believe that schools kill creativity is that they focus primarily on academic subjects, such as math, science, and language arts. While these subjects are important, they do not always provide opportunities for students to engage in creative activities. For example, a student may be asked to solve a math problem or write an essay, but they may not have the opportunity to design a product, create a piece of art, or engage in other forms of creative expression.

Additionally, the pressure to perform well on standardized tests can also limit creativity. Schools often place a great deal of emphasis on test scores, and students may feel pressure to focus on preparing for these tests rather than exploring their own interests and passions. This can lead to a narrow focus on academic subjects and a lack of time for creative pursuits.

However, it is important to note that not all schools kill creativity. Some schools, particularly those that adopt a more progressive approach to education, actively encourage creativity and allow students to explore their own interests and passions. These schools may use project-based learning, inquiry-based learning, and other pedagogical approaches that give students the opportunity to engage in creative activities and express themselves in unique ways.

In conclusion, while it is true that some schools may discourage creativity, it is important to recognize that not all schools are the same. Some schools actively encourage creativity and provide students with the opportunity to explore their own interests and passions. Therefore, it is important for educators, parents, and policy makers to consider ways to nurture and encourage creativity in all aspects of education.

Dekada '70 Movie

dekada 70 movie summary

The acting is generally impressive, most especially that of lead actress Santos, who gives a luminous, sensitive performance. This intrigues the audiences with a feel for adventure. It is a novel of a mother, her examination of her oft-unappreciated role in modern society, and how she struggles to find for herself a sense of purpose and identity while suffering through the very pit of the nation's disintegration. But Gani rapidly became the family goat because he made the simplest mistake of getting pregnant with a girl, his girlfriend Evelyn. Amanda and Julian visit Jules in prison where he recounts his experience with torture and solitary confinement.


Film Analysis for Dekada '70 Essay Example

dekada 70 movie summary

Danilo Barrios as Jason Bartolome — the fourth child of the Bartolomes who was dating his girlfriend Bernadette. They were living a normal and peaceful life until Ferdinand Marcos declared Martial Law. Jules was so braved facing the government whoever behind the administrations. But in 1972, a re-elected Marcos declared martial law on television. That jolly family we saw minutes ago is no more. Julian just wanted Amanda to be the second person in their house while Amanda wanted to be more than that.


Dekada '70 (film)

dekada 70 movie summary

Sa bandang huli'y binawi din ang mga katagang ito ng ". The two parents granted their children the right to always express themselves freely. It is because of the heroine, the matriarch of the family that kept the family afloat. Jules attends the wake in handcuffs and in tears. Antonio Aguilar reported both of the parents take care of the children and their priority is to protect them. It is a tale of she becomes torn between the letter of the law or her responsibility as a mother. The musical and the novel it is based on tells the story of Amanda, a mother of five boys, and how her family gets caught in the middle of the tumultuous decade.


Dekada 70 Analysis

dekada 70 movie summary

It is a tale of she becomes torn between the letter of the law or her responsibility as a mother. Amanda harasses Tom about being restless and sullen and begrudges him the only source of pleasure he has like drinking and going to the movie theatre. Sace is still a boy. Amanda and Julian blame each other on their son's death and on the verge of separation, are interrupted by news that Jules is finally released from prison. Seeing that their friend grew unhappy after her husband left her for a younger woman, they found themselves in the similar situation. Amanda and Julian, while at it, has their own problems.


Free Essay: Dekada 70

dekada 70 movie summary

Amanda was the subservient wife of self-made architect Julian Bartolome, and loving mother to a brood of five rambunctious boys, namely Jules, Gani, Em, Jason and Bingo. Their existence were nothing more than empty imitations of loving couples, lacking so much of the very essence that binds the couples together. The minute we see them, we are questioned on under what circumstance can a happy and peaceful family like this change in the course of the film. This is because the audience doesn't get to know if they get together. Amanda cried for nights. Why was Bartolome killed? This musical with music by Matthew Chang, lights by Meliton Roxas Jr.


Dekada 70

dekada 70 movie summary

It also cannot be denied that Rono had not forgotten the sentence of history on his home country. Emmanuel joins in the search and discovers in a morgue that his brother's body was found inside Amanda, drunk, not knowing what Emmanuel has found, berates him for coming home late. These different ambitions for different freedoms played as the moral center of the film. But Amanda just slapped her son. He was in the middle of his twenties after all that happened.



dekada 70 movie summary

Almost as if the stripped-down set was made to highlight something else: Meliton Roxas Jr. Amanda is constantly criticizing and nagging her two adult children Laura and Tom. Meanwhile, while there is a struggle for class freedom in society, there was also a struggle for personal freedom within the home. A rally took place and many were hurt and some even died, Julian as a father lectured Juls with the danger he is in mentioning the suspension of the Writ of Habeas Corpus. Directed by Chito S. . If found, please report to the nearest authorities.


Theater review: Rousing 'Dekada '70' continues fight against oppression

dekada 70 movie summary

The nearly empty rectangle which served as the stage, naked scaffolding on both ends, barely echoes the milieu. She was a member of the middle class; her family did not take money, like the rich, nor did her family suffer the worst of the financial crises, like the poor. He was last seen drowning in theatre and film. The battle for the whole nation became a very big priority for Jules and Emmanuel that they would occasionally forget to fight for their own family, as shown in their dismay after learning the death of their own brother Jason. She accuses Tom of doing things that are causing him shame. The amount of times that these women discuss their mourning is unavoidable.
