Continuing professional development for teaching assistants. Continuing Professional Development For Teaching Assistants 2022-10-10

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Continuing professional development (CPD) is an essential aspect of the role of a teaching assistant (TA). It involves ongoing learning and training in order to improve skills, knowledge, and practices, and to stay up-to-date with the latest developments in education. CPD is crucial for TAs as it enables them to support teachers effectively, and contribute to the learning and development of the students they work with.

There are a number of ways in which TAs can engage in CPD. One option is to attend workshops, seminars, and conferences, which can provide opportunities to learn new techniques and approaches, and to network with other professionals. These events can be organized by schools, education departments, or professional organizations, and may cover a wide range of topics, such as behavior management, assessment, or use of technology in the classroom.

Another option is to participate in online learning, which can be a flexible and convenient way to access a wide range of resources and courses. There are many websites and platforms that offer online CPD opportunities for TAs, covering topics such as teaching strategies, special educational needs, or language development. Some of these resources may be free, while others may require a fee.

In addition to attending workshops and participating in online learning, TAs can also engage in CPD through action research, where they reflect on their own practice and identify areas for improvement. This can involve setting goals, collecting data, and evaluating the effectiveness of different approaches. Action research can be a powerful way for TAs to develop their own skills and knowledge, and to make a meaningful contribution to the school or educational setting in which they work.

CPD is not only important for TAs to improve their own practice, but it also benefits the students they work with. TAs who engage in ongoing learning and development are better equipped to support teachers and facilitate learning, which can lead to improved student outcomes. CPD can also help TAs to stay motivated and engaged in their work, as they have the opportunity to learn new things and stay up-to-date with the latest developments in education.

In conclusion, CPD is an essential aspect of the role of a TA, and there are many ways in which TAs can engage in ongoing learning and development. By participating in workshops, online learning, and action research, TAs can improve their skills, knowledge, and practices, and contribute to the learning and development of the students they work with.

7. Continuing professional development for GTAs

continuing professional development for teaching assistants

Nationally focussed activities would meet the demands of national and or local initiatives. This Report raised awareness of the need for CPD within Local Education Authorities and CPD became a priority in the education system in general ibid. Departments are encouraged to provide training to support the continuing professional development of their GTAs, particularly to address needs identified by their GTAs or students eg from module evaluation forms , or relating to discipline-specific practices. The more training courses you undertake, the more knowledge and CPD points you will achieve. You can also complete e-learning, which can count as part of your CPD. Introduction to Blackboard This session gives teaching assistantsan overview of the important features available on Blackboard that enhance teaching and learning.


Continuing Professional Development For Teaching Assistants

continuing professional development for teaching assistants

Some teaching assistants are expected to do more mundane tasks such as setting up the classrooms and decorating the bulletin boards. This means you are required to objectively assess your abilities and identify training that would bridge any gaps in your knowledge, or aim to improve any areas of weakness. Bolam 1993 p112 cited in Earley, 2005 identifies that there are three key types of professional activity that are engaged in under the heading of CPD. Stages of Child Development English and Mandarin Chinese Children undergo stages of development the moment they are born. At the time of writing, there are over 400,000 teaching assistants TAs and support staff working in the UK.


Teaching Assistant Professional Development — Professional Development for Schools

continuing professional development for teaching assistants

The role of any Teaching Assistant TA or support staff is to raise standards through the support of pupils, teachers, the curriculum and the school. It can be exhausting. It also enables them to have up to date knowledge on policies and legislation and can help them build confidence to deal with difficult situations. There are TAs must be competent to carry out their role and responsibilities effectively. Regular CPD training is a vital part of achieving competency. It is significant to note, that the TAs are still barely mentioned within the government literature on CPD in schools. Sanctions could include a compulsory requirement for the individual to become updated within a specific time limit.


Continuing Professional Development

continuing professional development for teaching assistants

GTA training courses including the Introduction to Learning and Teaching offered by the University are recorded in SkillsForge which means that PGRs can produce a record of the training that they have undertaken to share with future employers. The purpose of this conference is to help participants develop practices and skills in partnering with their teachers in order to assist students in achieving their full learning potential. The idea of collaboration seems easy enough but, in reality it can be challenging to collaborate with others. After completion of your course, including passing the quiz, you can download your PDF certificate immediately. Our professional-looking certificates are fully CPD regulated. If individuals do not meet mandatory and compulsory requirements to undertake CPD, then such non-compliance will result in sanctions. A strong performance management cycle with ample opportunities for self-led CPD, is essential.


CPD Courses For Teaching Assistants

continuing professional development for teaching assistants

Very rarely do students need help, but if you do, our staff are here to assist. The framework is designed to help with board performance reviews, identifying training needs, succession planning and induction. Our e-learning courses will help you with your CPD. Continuing professional development CPD is the engagement of professionals in learning activities to develop their skills and abilities. Departments should ensure that GTAs are encouraged to reflect upon the feedback they receive and identify how they might improve their performance. Classroom Dynamics Teaching assistants are introduced to the basics of student engagement strategies and classroom dynamics.


CPD for Teaching Assistants and Support Staff in Schools

continuing professional development for teaching assistants

Some activities will be more relevant to a teacher at certain times than others and will therefore be prioritised by that teacher. The success of a voluntary policy relies on the self-motivation of individuals. The DfEE Induction Training File noted that appraisal and performance review work for schools in 2000 still related only to teaching staff DfEE 2000b. Cross-Cultural Communication English and Mandarin Chinese It is essential for the teaching assistant to maintain good communication with the teacher whom they are supporting. Again the employer may abdicate responsibility and fail to give support in terms of time and funding.


Teaching Assistants Professional Development Program

continuing professional development for teaching assistants

You can work through it at your own pace at a location of your choice. How to use the competency framework A teacher competency framework provides the guidance to meet the industry standards. Teacher Training and Development Teaching assistants and support staff are a very significant and essential resource in primary classrooms, so much so that it is hard to imagine how schools could manage without them. Managing Increasing Workload and Conflicting Demands English and Mandarin Chinese Workload never seems to diminish. If you are not already aware of the CPD training required for your role and responsibilities, you should ask your employer and check current professional development standards for TAs. There is also a danger that employers may abdicate CPD responsibility to the professional body. CPD helps improve TAs knowledge and skills so they can carry out their role effectively.


continuing professional development for teaching assistants

CPD gives TAs the knowledge and skills to keep up with these changes, which will also help them better support their pupils and teachers. It can help them identify and address any potential issues and challenges with pupils and colleagues. . Teaching Assistants Panel A discussion panel where teaching assistants share their experience working with faculty and students at AUC. The exclusion of the group, in relation to CPD advice from the DfES, raises the question as to the value placed upon TAs in schools.


continuing professional development for teaching assistants

Individual professionals, who need to plan, undertake and evidence CPD which meets the needs of current practice and future career development. Feedback should be prompt to enable GTAs to adjust their approach, if this is necessary, as soon as possible. Support staff training ideas A range of different Within-school activities examples include coaching, mentoring, support for individual members of staff arising from performance management interviews, team teaching, sharing good practice, lesson observation and feedback, and whole school development activities. The site is intendedto serve as a portal linking to information and resources on professional development and training for GTAs, departmental support, recruitment and employment issues, and additional support offered by the Graduate Student Association GSA. It is very important to acquire basic cross-cultural communication skills. Apart from the above topics, experienced teaching assistants and educators, who have been in the role for more than five years, will share their practical skills and helpful tips. The James Report DES, 1972 identified the need for further professional development for teachers and stressed the importance of in-service education and training INSET.
