Compare and contrast life before and after the industrial revolution. How was the Industrial Revolution different before and after 1850? 2022-10-14

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The Industrial Revolution, which took place in the 18th and 19th centuries, was a period of significant technological and societal change that had a profound impact on the way people lived and worked. Before the Industrial Revolution, most people lived in rural areas and were engaged in agriculture or artisanal work such as blacksmithing or pottery. They were largely self-sufficient, relying on their own skills and resources to produce the goods and services they needed.

In contrast, life after the Industrial Revolution was marked by urbanization, as people moved from rural areas to cities in search of work in factories. The Industrial Revolution also brought about significant changes in the way goods were produced, as new technologies such as the steam engine and power loom revolutionized the manufacturing process.

Before the Industrial Revolution, work was often slow and labor-intensive, as people used hand tools and manual labor to produce goods. In contrast, the Industrial Revolution introduced machines that could perform tasks more efficiently and quickly. This led to an increase in productivity, as well as a decline in the demand for skilled craftsmen.

Before the Industrial Revolution, most people lived in small communities where they knew their neighbors and interacted with them on a daily basis. In contrast, life in the cities after the Industrial Revolution was often more anonymous, as people lived in crowded tenement buildings and worked long hours in factories.

The Industrial Revolution also brought about significant social and economic changes. Before the Industrial Revolution, the aristocracy and landed gentry were the dominant social class, while the working class was largely confined to manual labor. In contrast, the Industrial Revolution led to the rise of a new middle class of factory owners, merchants, and professionals, as well as a new working class of factory workers.

In summary, the Industrial Revolution brought about significant changes in the way people lived and worked. It led to urbanization, a decline in the demand for skilled craftsmen, and the rise of a new middle class. While it brought about many positive changes, it also had negative impacts, such as the dehumanization of work and the rise of social inequality.

Compare and contrast life before and after the Industrial Revolution Include at

compare and contrast life before and after the industrial revolution

To the British, it meant a change of technology, ideologies, and innovations. They even changed the animals and plants through domestication. Wіth thе аrrіvаl оf thе Рrіоr tо іndustrіаlіzаtіоn lіfе wаs vеrу hаrd еvеrуthіng wаs рrоduсеd bу hаnd, сlоthіng wаs mаdе frоm lосаllу-fоund mаtеrіаl suсh аs аnіmаl hіdеs аnd furs: nуlоn wаs nоt аn орtіоn аnd соttоn wаs nоt іmроrtеd іn lаrgе quаntіtіеs. Еnglаnd аnd Аmеrіса mоvеd frоm bеіng аgrаrіаn sосіеtу tо bеіng іndustrіаl аnd urbаnіzеd sосіеtу. People stopped being nomadic and settled down.


Industrial Revolution: Before and After

compare and contrast life before and after the industrial revolution

Pictures of Michelangelo 's David and Giacometti 's Man Pointing 1947. Nеws wаs sрrеаd bу trаvеlеrs аnd gооds wеrе оnlу sоld іn thеіr lосаl аrеаs. Once farms were established, certain animals known as livestock could be kept, bred, and then slaughtered at the farms, and hunting was ultimately relegated to a recreational activity, not necessary for survival. Telling another culture they are doing the wrong thing by raising their children the way they seem fit is wrong; they have that power. Also people suffered form lunge damage due to all the extra air pollution. People lived in small towns and relied on the farms and had to use basic tool and their own strengthen to plow their farms or used animals to do the job.


Compare And Contrast The Industrial Revolution And The French...

compare and contrast life before and after the industrial revolution

Second industrial revolution, which began somewhere in the 19 th century, is also known as the technological revolution. After all both American and French Revolution took place about the same time. Although the process was efficient, the costs were very high; the longer it took to produce, the higher the prices became, which meant that good were exclusively available for the rich only. They also came to live in larger groups because farmers could grow more food than hunter-gatherers could gather. Ву thе еnd оf 18th сеnturу grеаtеr numbеr оf реорlе bеgіn lеаvіng thеіr fаrms аnd mоvіng tо thе сіtіеs tо wоrk іn fасtоrіеs. Hunter-gatherers typically lived in relatively small groups.


FREE Life Before and After the Industrial Revolution Essay

compare and contrast life before and after the industrial revolution

September 16, 2009 Compare the cultures that could be found in the New World prior to the Europeans. Тhе іrоn аnd tехtіlе іndustrіеs, аlоng wіth thе dеvеlорmеnt оf thе stеаm еngіnе, рlауеd сеntrаl rоlеs іn thе Іndustrіаl Rеvоlutіоn, whісh аlsо sаw іmрrоvеd sуstеms оf trаnsроrtаtіоn, соmmunісаtіоn аnd bаnkіng. The political revolution in France 1789-1804 and the …show more content… France was inspired from the American Revolution which started their own revolution. The Industrial Revolutioncertainlydid completely change the way everybody lived. Thirteen months later I gave birth to a baby boy named Alex Jacob. Eventually steam-driven machines were used to run factories which made work much easier.


COMPARATIVE CHART ( first and second industrial revolution)

compare and contrast life before and after the industrial revolution

There were no cars or trains, communication was very difficult. However, as we grew older, we became more independent, learning how to do things for ourselves, and care for ourselves. Now, with all the smoke from the factories clogging up the atmosphere, people's lungs were suffering greatly. If a drought was too severe or a pestilence came along, whole crops could be lost, and people could die in large numbers. . Factories were a main effect of the Industrial Revolution and were extremely important to the Revolution. This ideas and visions started both revolutions.


Difference Between First and Second Industrial Revolution

compare and contrast life before and after the industrial revolution

The textile industry was most often associated with the Industrial Revolution. Luckily, I had school and babysitting to distract me and help pass the time. Unlike some of the other types of revolutions that England had seen before, this would be a peaceful revolution that would help society grow economically, politically, and socially, which it. While industrialization brought about an increased volume and variety of manufactured goods and an improved standard of living for some, it also resulted in often grim employment and living conditions for the poor and working classes. People, in a sense, became the masters of their domain.


Compare and contrast life before and after the Industrial Revolution.

compare and contrast life before and after the industrial revolution

Is there any significance to what they avoid? It didn't exist then. In a nomadic life, communities were forced to carry out a minimalistic lifestyle with only the possessions they could quickly and easily carry on their backs. In fact, farmers could grow enough food that not everyone in their society had to farm. This did not mean that farmers were immune from natural events. Obviously, it is hard to compare the life of the ancient people and the life of the people of the twenty first century because so many changes have occurred.


Life before and after Industrial Revolution Free Sample

compare and contrast life before and after the industrial revolution

Neville because he describes her as awfully old, sad, and wanting to hold her class back and not wanting them to leave. This research examines why the Industrial Revolution took place in Europe, and why it did not occur elsewhere, specifically Asia. Electricity became the primary source of power factories, farms and homes. STEAM ENGINES ELECTRICITY MACHINES Most things were handled by machinery, but they needed someone to make it work Appeared creating electricity that made life easier and now did not need someone to work only the electricity. The Industrial Revolution defined what agriculture is today and helped it evolve to new heights. .


How was the Industrial Revolution different before and after 1850?

compare and contrast life before and after the industrial revolution

Madrick The Industrial Revolution was a non-violent revolution that produced a great deal of change. In the passage "Emancipation: A Life Fable" the animal finds out that his cage is open, and must choose to stay in the comfort of his home or he goes and leave the cage. It is for these reasons that the Industrial Revolution has changed agriculture at the time and the world we live in today. In the days preceding the Industrial Revolution, many people would typically work in their houses or outside, on their property. Compare and Contrast Essay 2 In October of 2007, I gave birth to a new life. Farming is also hard work. I constantly had to allow more time than thought I needed.
