Chinese culture and western culture. Western and Chinese Cross 2022-10-27

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Chinese culture and Western culture are two of the most influential cultures in the world. While they have many differences, they also have some similarities.

One major difference between Chinese culture and Western culture is the role of tradition. Chinese culture places a strong emphasis on tradition and maintaining cultural values and practices. For example, many Chinese families continue to follow traditional gender roles, with men expected to be the breadwinners and women expected to manage the household. In contrast, Western culture is more focused on individualism and breaking away from traditional roles.

Another difference between these two cultures is the emphasis on collectivism versus individualism. Chinese culture values collectivism, where the group is more important than the individual. This can be seen in the importance of family and community in Chinese society. In contrast, Western culture values individualism, with a focus on the rights and freedoms of the individual.

However, there are also some similarities between Chinese culture and Western culture. Both cultures value education and hard work, and place a strong emphasis on achieving success in one's career. Both cultures also have a rich history and a diverse range of artistic and cultural traditions.

Overall, Chinese culture and Western culture are two very different cultures, but they both have their own unique strengths and values. Understanding and appreciating these differences can help to create a more harmonious and understanding global community.

The Similarities Between Western And Chinese Cultures: Free Essay Example, 1701 words

chinese culture and western culture

My aunt continues to casually interrogate me about school and whatever activities I am involved in. Though they are natural phenomena, people are afraid to talk about them. Sometimes Chinese people will sacrifice for family, or the team. It can reduce communicative conflicts. Then their mother looked at them angry and did a gesture which meant be quiet. Eventually, they have formed their own unique characteristic respectively. It raises the personal independence and self-mentioned at the first place.


Major Differences between Chinese and Western Culture

chinese culture and western culture

If they do this, the Chinese will feel hurt. Such kind of philosophy brings vitality to western culture, so the natural sciences, psychology and methodology achieve a rapid development. As I work on my homework every night, it is common for my parents to continually emphasize the many benefits of education before I hit the adult stage of my life. Large investments and business startups tend to involve multiple members of the family so the potential wealth and success from the investment can be spread amongst everybody. People in western countries often feel uncomfortable about this. As we all know that everyone has the consciousness to protect his own body. One nationality can develop by its own renovation, from little to much, from backwardness to advancement, and it progresses with the development of society.


Difference Between Chinese Culture and Western Culture Essay Example

chinese culture and western culture

Aspects Chinese Eastern Western Perspective Holistic Analytic Priority Group Individual Tendency Paradoxical thinking Rule-based thinking Focus Relationships Categories Attitude Keep real feelings Show real feelings Means of Expression Indirect Direct 1. They think that will disturb others. On the Complementarity of Chinese and Western Cultures. Studying intercultural communication can reduce the communicative obstacles Every nationality has its own history to develop its cultures. Metaphysics is the main feature of western philosophy.


Western and Chinese Cross

chinese culture and western culture

For instance, they can make friends with our Chinese and learn from us. Transforming the teaching concept of the teachers China. Privacy: Does it Really Matter? Just like any other culture, the Chinese can be exceptional in some aspects while completely flopping at others. Traditionally, few things are more important than work ethic. In fact, the Chinese dishes, vegetable dish is usual food. What ultimately defines Chinese culture are the methods by which these values are achieved. Then in the next part we will compare the taboo in the different cultures.


Chinese and Western Culture; Chinese Culture vs Western Culture

chinese culture and western culture

These mark a new western food culture exchanges and infiltration. Social etiquette involves a wide range. Part of these differences is what drives competition and misunderstandings between nations. But Chinese people spend much time on other things. Diet is actually the contents of our daily lives, but why we call it culture? The sensibility of Chinese culinary culture is a sublime sensibility, infiltrating rational sense, also the realization of the nature of life.


The Comparison Between Chinese And Western Cultural

chinese culture and western culture

Give another example, Wang Liyin 2007 , a researcher who studied the taboo from the perspective of social etiquette between the Chinese culture and the Western culture. Issues of Cultural Development in China during the Transition Period 13. . These standards will always be upheld by orthodox Chinese culture. One example of such cultural universal is the directness of American versus the humbleness of the Chinese people. These are just a few of the many differences between Chinese and Western cultures. It may be a great help to the communication of the Chinese and western cultures.


Understanding Chinese and Western Cultures

chinese culture and western culture

See some China Tours and easily plan your trip. In addition, you neither give others the white flowers which are seen as the symbol of the bad omens and the symbol of death. Later that night, my mother receives a phone call from my uncle living is Los Angeles. Initially, in my book, the conflicts stem from the different history. Chinese culture is often Chinese traditions and practices Chinese language, food, architecture, music, dance, martial arts, and medicine. So, they set a high value on their time.


The Differences of Chinese and Western Food Cultures :: Science Publishing Group

chinese culture and western culture

The first aspect we will discuss is about the taboos in visits to others. Acknowledgements I would like to take this opportunity to thank my tutor—Huang Tianhong, who offers me academic and constructive advices on composing this paper. Indeed, the Westerners such as Americans in the development of the west, they put the whole family on the truck, and go out of the city in amid rumbling with the supplies. The rule of using language is different because of the difference of culture. In all aspects of life, be it religion, music, art or medicine, Chinese are totally different from Westerners; in fact, poles apart, and trying to compare these two cultures is like comparing day with night.
