Cell phones while driving essay. Persuasive Speech: The Use Of Cell Phones While Driving 2022-10-31

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Cell phones have become an integral part of our lives, providing us with a constant connection to the outside world. However, using a cell phone while driving can be extremely dangerous and has been shown to increase the risk of accidents on the road. In this essay, we will discuss the risks of using a cell phone while driving, the laws that have been put in place to deter this behavior, and the steps that can be taken to prevent it.

One of the main risks of using a cell phone while driving is that it distracts the driver from the road. When you are talking on the phone or texting, your attention is divided between the conversation and the task of driving. This can lead to delayed reaction times and an increased likelihood of making mistakes, such as failing to notice a stop sign or changing lanes without signaling. Studies have shown that using a cell phone while driving is as dangerous as driving under the influence of alcohol, and can even be more dangerous in some cases.

Laws have been put in place in many countries and states to deter drivers from using their cell phones while behind the wheel. These laws vary in terms of the specific activities that are prohibited and the penalties that are imposed, but they generally aim to reduce the risk of accidents by prohibiting drivers from using their phones while driving. In some places, it is illegal to use a hand-held cell phone while driving, while in others it is only illegal to text or engage in other distracting activities.

There are several steps that can be taken to prevent the use of cell phones while driving. One of the most effective ways is to educate drivers about the risks of using a cell phone while driving and the laws that are in place to discourage this behavior. This can be done through driver education programs, public awareness campaigns, and other initiatives. Another effective measure is to enforce the laws that are already in place, through the use of technology such as cell phone detection cameras and by increasing the number of police patrols on the roads.

In conclusion, using a cell phone while driving is a dangerous activity that can lead to accidents and injuries on the road. It is important to be aware of the risks and to take steps to prevent it, such as educating drivers and enforcing the laws that are in place. By doing so, we can create safer roads for everyone.

Essay on using cell phones while driving

cell phones while driving essay

General purpose: to persuade Specific purpose: to persuade my audience that the use of cellphone while driving has become a life threatening not only to the driver but also to other motorist and pedestrians. Once issued a drivers license it can be revoked for not obeying the laws and this is not the case with cell phone usage while operating motor vehicles. As a result of the increasing use of technology, the distracted driver is also multiplying. A major strength of driving skills is a pro-active approach anticipating actions of other drivers and making adjustments accordingly. Using cell phones make it difficult to keep an eye on the outside events.


Cell Phones Should Never Be Used While Driving Free Essay Example

cell phones while driving essay

People have made of the cell phone one of the most importantand priorities in their life and this creation is stilling our time without us realizing it. Almost forgetting what you are being involved in doing. For example, a driver looking down to text will not see that he is about to drive right into a car. National data shows that cellphones were involved in 350 fatal accidents nationwide in 2011. Cellphone use should not be legal while driving because it will help prevent more accidents and also prevent more deaths. This belief is leading to enacting of laws that ban or restrict the use of communication devices like the computers and cell phones while driving Eby, may 2003. However, concerns have been raised that the use of cell phone while driving increases the risks of traffic collisions, property damages, injuries and fatalities.


Cell Phones While Driving Thesis

cell phones while driving essay

It is proven that people who drive while using a hand-held device have a higher chance of getting into an accident. I have learned that as a writer I like to use facts and statistics, and I am a technical thinker. While on the road, if anyone does use their cell phone for any reason while behind the wheel, it has been proven to be helpful and destructive. Attention Getter: Positive Impacts: The Negative Impact Of Cell Phones 1012 Words 5 Pages Cell Phones and Their Negative Impact Every day 6. Most phone service companies offer family plans where a whole family can get quality service and many of the times, the phones come free or at a discount. When a driver is concentrating on a conversation, they pay less attention to what is going on around them in favor of the voice in their ear.


Cell Phone use While Driving Essay

cell phones while driving essay

This is a much bigger problem because they're putting themselves in danger at a younger age. The risks associated with using a mobile phone by young drivers. Therefore this study by researchers at The University of Utah helps to prove that drivers who use hands free devices are more likely to cause car accidents. In particular, the people who used their phones while driving were found to mainly drive at high speed, change lanes more often and report high number of incidences of hard braking and high acceleration. The advanced technology has taken over people's lives.


Cell Phone Use While Driving, Essay Example

cell phones while driving essay

Talking on a cellphone is just as dangerous as texing, though some motorists would disagree, saying that talking on a cellphone is not as dangerous as texting, but they are very wrong. This has to be understood by all the careless people who in spite of knowing the risk of talking over the cell phone while driving. Many drivers, especially young drivers think so. It could bealso threat to our life if we do not know when to use it. Technology becomes dangerous when people use it at the wrong times, like when driving. Posted by: Gri5Helpful Report Post Like Reply 0 0 Cell phone usage while driving.


Free Cell Phones Should Not Be Used While Driving Essays

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Especially during bad weather or driving on slippery roads, drivers engaging in conversation pay less attention to these areas increasing risks of fatal accidents. Now because you picked up your cell phone instead of consternating on the road you put yourself in a situation you did not have to be in. A habit with such detrimental consequences as threatening life cannot be justified under any ground. The driver is safe and is not paying attention to his phone. Those positive reasons however, can have negative outcomes as well, including crashing, and being visually, manually, and cognitively distracted. The government has an obligation of protecting the public, thus affirming the rational of instituting binding regulations to control and restrict individuals who engage in this anti-social and harmful habit Weimer, 2007.


Using Cell Phones While Driving Essay

cell phones while driving essay

This statistic shows that 7% of drivers are using cellphones while driving. She had lost control of the vehicle and got seriously injured. This law is not a useless rule of the bunch, but it is to take care of our life and not lose it in seconds. You just lay back and let the nurses do the work c. This long essay on the topic is suitable for students of class 7 to class 10, and also for competitive exam aspirants. When multitasking drivers who use a cell phone couple this use with something else, such as eating or writing down a note, driving safety is further compromised and compounded.


Free Essay: the use of cell phone while driving

cell phones while driving essay

This fact also cannot be denied. Also in Post Traumatic Amnesia which is the memory loss of events before and after the injury was inflicted. Why We Should Be Used While Driving 450 Words 2 Pages Some states have now made it illegal to drive while using hand-held cell phones. To begin with, the driver who talks, texts, or uses their cell in any capacity is ignoring the primary responsibility of driving, which is to constantly be aware of safety. Making the use of hand-held devices illegal provides a safer experience for all types of drivers, it allows drivers to be more engaged, and it allows the driver to be alert to on going changes.
