Categories of records. Genealogy Record Types 2022-11-05

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Records are documents or pieces of information that are created, received, and maintained as evidence of an organization's activities, policies, decisions, procedures, and transactions. They can take various forms, such as papers, electronic files, photographs, audio or video recordings, and can be used for various purposes, such as providing evidence of compliance, supporting decision-making, enabling accountability, and informing the public.

There are several categories of records, each with its own characteristics and functions. Some of the main categories of records are:

  1. Administrative records: These are records that document the day-to-day operations and activities of an organization, such as policies, procedures, correspondence, reports, minutes of meetings, and budget documents. Administrative records provide evidence of how the organization functions, communicates, and makes decisions, and are often used for internal management and control purposes.

  2. Financial records: These are records that relate to the financial transactions of an organization, such as invoices, receipts, bank statements, payroll records, and budget documents. Financial records provide evidence of the organization's financial health and performance, and are often used for accounting, auditing, and financial reporting purposes.

  3. Legal records: These are records that relate to the legal affairs of an organization, such as contracts, leases, deeds, patents, trademarks, and litigation documents. Legal records provide evidence of the organization's legal obligations and rights, and are often used for legal defense and dispute resolution purposes.

  4. Personnel records: These are records that relate to the employees of an organization, such as resumes, job applications, performance evaluations, training records, and employee benefits documents. Personnel records provide evidence of the organization's workforce and management of human resources, and are often used for recruitment, retention, and personnel management purposes.

  5. Customer records: These are records that relate to the customers or clients of an organization, such as orders, invoices, payment records, and customer service logs. Customer records provide evidence of the organization's interactions with its customers and the products or services it provides, and are often used for customer service, sales, and marketing purposes.

In conclusion, records are a vital part of any organization, as they provide evidence of its activities, policies, decisions, and transactions. Understanding the different categories of records and their functions can help organizations manage their records effectively and efficiently, and ensure that they are available when needed for various purposes.

Categories of Records in Records Management

categories of records

Conducting background checks is done to ensure the safety and security of every employee. The industry you work in will drive priorities. These records may include important information on individuals, corporate bodies including their problems and conditions, and significant historical events. Before 1906 in the United States, naturalization documents sometimes only listed a home country rather than a specific town or city where a person came from. Disposition of real estate and personal property.


Chapter 7 Flashcards

categories of records

If a corporation is looking to penetrate a new market, it may rely on primary or secondary research. It's important to the existence of a corporation that a library of legal files be kept. Researchers want to extend human knowledge using basic historical evidence. Use finding aids after you have selected a record and if you need help locating the record or finding a person in the record. How they are used depends on the organization's ongoing projects or goals.



categories of records

Use background information when you need help selecting or using genealogical records. Public officials use archival records to protect the government, to give consistency and continuity to their actions, to prevent duplication of efforts, and to find successful ways for solving recurrent problems. Cemetery records typically list a person's name and birth and death dates. Marriages could have been recorded by the government, in local churches, or in the local newspaper. Electronic Records The Connecticut Uniform Electronic Transactions act CUETA defines an electronic record as "a record created, generated, sent, communicated, received or stored by electronic means, including, but not limited to, facsimiles, electronic mail, telexes and internet messaging" CGS, Section 1-267.


Personnel Records: The 6 Types You Should Keep [+Definition]

categories of records

This includes directories, catalogs and inventories. Also included are letters that have been sent to students and parents. The 1890 census was lost. More often than not, Records Managers start from scratch and reinvent the wheel. Records about an individual or family created specifically by the person. Deeds typically involve a purchase or transfer of property from one individual or group of individuals to another. Occasionally deeds can help to establish a place and time of residence for an individual, list former or future residences of an individual, list family members and their relationships, imply dates of marriage or death, or list the names of close neighbors.


Types of Records

categories of records

Each census recorded somewhat different information, so it can be helpful to find your ancestor in every census possible. This type of information includes typewritten or word-processed material. A published family history, for example, is often compiled from vital records, census records, family papers, and local histories. Well-managed files are the best way to cite employee promotions, pay raises, disciplinary actions, or even termination, and this sort of physical evidence can go a long way in guaranteeing a fair and balanced decision. What are the main documents that should be in a personnel file? In most circumstances, employee personnel files should be treated as private records that belong to the organization and the corresponding employee. Tax records were usually among the first records kept in a newly settled area and can provide valuable information when other records are not available. Probate records often list names of the relatives of the deceased and may give financial or other details.


Identify a Category of Sources • FamilySearch

categories of records

Locating church records in the United States can be challenging because some churches did not record anything, some records were kept but have since been lost or the records are kept in many locations. These documents are things like a resignation or termination letter, final performance appraisal, and final paycheck. Legal Records Records of legal value include those with evidence of legally enforceable rights or obligations of the State. Recent marriage certificates may be protected by privacy laws, which vary by state, and can generally be ordered from the state government for a fee. Land maps and plat maps can help to establish where the land was that a person owned and who their neighbors were.


Records Management

categories of records

Records management in a business includes classifying, storing, securing and preserving or disposing of records. For example, the category Customer Account Records can act as a Catalogue that leads to all Indices which further allow you to access and retrieve all Sales Account Records in any order or subset that you care about e. Court records can give details about a person's life that may not be available elsewhere, and they may give clues that can be helpful for establishing the family, neighbors, or friends of an individual. Detailed obituaries were not common previous to the 1880s and deaths may not have been recorded in newspapers at all previous to the mid to late 1800s. The legal process can be made more complex if records management is ignored.


Genealogy Record Types

categories of records

The following chart illustrates the relationship of these four categories. Operational Records: Records necessary to implement administrative policies, procedures, and operations. Subcategories for Electronic Digital Records vs. Caution: Information in compiled records is considered secondary not recorded near the time of the event. Probate records were usually among the first records kept in a newly settled area and can provide valuable information when other records are not available.


categories of records

Browse our online collection of record titles for awe-inspiring handpicked videos and photos in our curated galleries. But when you make it a point to document lateness, absenteeism, and personal performance, you can better track where employees are thriving or falling short, and then take action as needed based on this information. You cannot select an appropriate record unless your objective is clearly defined. Family members were often buried near each other. Genealogical sources can be grouped into two divisions, each with two categories. Information about how to do research, either in general or specific to a time period, place or group of people.
