Breast cancer essay paper. Breast Cancer Essay 2022-10-28

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Breast cancer is a type of cancer that begins in the cells of the breast. It is one of the most common types of cancer in women, and it can also occur in men, although it is much less common. Breast cancer can be a very serious and life-threatening disease, but with early detection and proper treatment, the chances of a full recovery are greatly increased.

There are several risk factors for breast cancer, including age, gender, genetics, and lifestyle choices. Women over the age of 50 are more likely to develop breast cancer, as are those with a family history of the disease. Women who have had radiation therapy to the breast or chest, or who have taken certain hormones, such as estrogen or progesterone, may also be at a higher risk for breast cancer.

There are several different types of breast cancer, each with its own set of characteristics and treatment options. The most common type of breast cancer is ductal carcinoma, which begins in the cells of the ducts that carry milk to the nipple. Another common type of breast cancer is lobular carcinoma, which begins in the lobules, or milk-producing glands, of the breast.

Early detection is key to successful treatment of breast cancer. Women should begin performing self-exams of their breasts in their 20s and should schedule regular mammograms starting at age 40. In addition to self-exams and mammograms, women should also discuss any concerns about breast cancer with their healthcare providers.

Treatment for breast cancer can vary depending on the stage and type of cancer, as well as the overall health and preferences of the patient. Some common treatments for breast cancer include surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and hormone therapy. In some cases, a combination of these treatments may be recommended.

Living with breast cancer can be a difficult and emotional experience, but there are many resources available to help individuals cope with the challenges of the disease. Support groups, counseling, and other forms of social support can all be helpful in managing the physical and emotional impacts of breast cancer.

In conclusion, breast cancer is a serious and potentially life-threatening disease, but with early detection and proper treatment, the chances of a full recovery are greatly increased. It is important for all individuals, especially women, to be aware of their risk factors and to take steps to reduce their risk of developing breast cancer. This can include performing self-exams, scheduling regular mammograms, and discussing any concerns with a healthcare provider. With the right support and treatment, individuals with breast cancer can lead healthy and fulfilling lives.

Breast cancer is a type of cancer that originates in the cells of the breast. It is the second most common cancer in women, and it can also occur in men, although this is rare. Breast cancer can be life-threatening if it is not caught and treated early.

There are several risk factors for breast cancer, including being female, increasing age, having a family history of breast cancer, and having certain genetic mutations such as BRCA1 or BRCA2. Other risk factors include having a personal history of breast cancer, having dense breast tissue, using hormone replacement therapy, and drinking alcohol.

There are several ways to detect breast cancer early, including self-examination, clinical breast examination, and mammography. Self-examination involves feeling your breasts for lumps or changes in texture or shape. A clinical breast examination involves a healthcare provider examining your breasts for lumps or abnormalities. Mammography is an x-ray of the breast that can detect abnormalities that may not be felt during a physical examination.

If breast cancer is detected, there are several treatment options available, including surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and hormone therapy. The type of treatment chosen will depend on the stage and type of breast cancer, as well as the patient's overall health.

There are several ways to reduce your risk of breast cancer, including maintaining a healthy weight, exercising regularly, and limiting alcohol consumption. It is also important to get regular screenings and to see a healthcare provider if you notice any changes in your breasts.

In conclusion, breast cancer is a serious and potentially life-threatening disease that affects many people. Early detection and treatment are key to improving outcomes and increasing survival rates. By understanding the risk factors and taking steps to reduce your risk, you can help to prevent breast cancer or catch it early, when it is most treatable.

Essay on Breast Cancer

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Whenever possible, distant spread of the disease should be confirmed by a lymph nose biopsy, by x-ray, or by liver and bone scans using radioactive isotopes. Our academic writing service relieves you of fatigue, pressure, and stress. If the cancer cells move to the bones, then the individual is likely to present bone pain, spinal compression, or other related complications. Breast cancer is no different. Breast cancer is a lump that forms in the breast area and sometimes can be a lump in the arm pit. According to a study, woman who takes birth control has a slightly greater risk of getting breast cancer.


Reflective essay on breast cancer Free Essays

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Therefore, it may exist for a long period before it becomes invasive and metastatic Harrisons, 2008, p. Cancer is the second leading cause Breast Cancer Research Paper Cancer often goes undiagnosed because the symptoms of it are not obvious. The free app can be downloaded at instapeer. Regional lymph nodes must also be palpated and measured. The treatment of cancer also presents critical complications such as lymphedema, which occurs after the removal of lymph nodes. Make sure you include all the helpful materials so that our academic writers can deliver the perfect paper.


Essay Paper on Breast Cancer

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We have a stringent recruitment process to ensure that we get only the most competent essay writers in the industry. Have you ever place yourself in the shoes of someone diagnose with breast cancer? All our academic writers have a minimum of two years of academic writing. Lobular carcinoma in situ, also called LCIS, is non-invasive. These cells group together and form a lump that can be seen on an x-ray. The pink ribbon is the most prominent symbol of breast cancer awareness, and in many countries the month of October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month.


Breast Cancer: Research Review Paper

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Other estrogen-like chemicals that have a stronger association with breast cancer include dieldrin and beta-hexachloraocyclohexane. To comprehend the barriers and challenges that predispose African-American women to these disparities, this research was conducted to get a better understanding from the perspective of oncologists. A nurse should provide ongoing psychological support including the following aspects: to talk with the patient about the measures to prevent obesity and to dispense physical and emotional stress of the patient in the organization of his rest and rehabilitation. Ironically, the money made from this marketing will often not significantly benefit somebody with breast cancer. Ideas about Research Design Every study needs a research design before starting because it is an integral part of the research. National Breast Cancer Organization: Closed in 2004.


Breast Cancer Essay Examples

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Although this is an accurate explanation of what breast cancer actually is, there really is so much more to it. They are able to handle business papers of any subject, length, deadline, and difficulty! Regular doctor checkups and vigilance regarding the state of your body is key to detection and ultimately survival. The literature is full of studies investigating the reason for defective apoptosis that can be due to defect in the apoptotic pathway, such as enhanced mutation of genes, inactivation of death receptors etc. If earlier it was believed that obesity is a problem only for the countries with high income, now overweight and obese people are found around the world. In a recent trastuzumab-based chemotherapy research, it was shown that the level of amplification of HER2 gene is a good predictor of the sensitivity of a patient to therapy and cancer survival rates. You have unlimited revisions.


The Ways of Raising Awareness about Breast Cancer: [Essay Example], 1131 words GradesFixer

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Another drug that has been tried in regards to breast cancer is Eribulin. Mammography is the best method at detecting breast cancer. Other groups are designed for those undergoing chemotherapy or those dealing with fear of a breast cancer recurrence. If you have any suspicion or have mentioned something unusual going on with your body, it would be wiser to go to see the doctor, — home diagnosing usually fails. It usually starts off in the inner lining of the milk ducts or the lobules that supply them with milk.


Essay On Breast Cancer

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This paper will delve into a critical analysis of the epidemiology, clinical presentation, complications, and diagnosis of breast cancer. Breast cancer generally will form in the lobules or milk ducts. As was previously mentioned, HER2 selectively forms heterodimer complexes with EGF receptors. A standardized method for evaluating Ki67 LI is necessary due to reduce subjectivity and improve precision. Complications In the initial stages, breast cancer may not present any complications. A vast amount of patients suffer from late diagnosis or recurrence of their disease in spite of all the advances in diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer. Several treatments have been developed for breast cancer in the past 40 years.


Breast Cancer Essay Paper

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Cancer Statistics Review 1975-2006: 5-Year SEER Conditional Relative Survival Rates. Eribulin for Advanced Breast Cancer: A Drug Evaulation. Breast cancer is a high concern all over the world in women, but with the correct Breast Cancer Research Paper Cancer, which is the name given to collection of related diseases, is a general term used to refer to conditions where the body cells stats to grow in an abnormal way 1. Furthermore, CTC can also be used to measure disease status and the progress made in treating the disease. Particularly, the tumor may be present, but occur as a painless mass of cells.


Thesis: Breast Cancer

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Medicine practitioners and researchers have been striving to save lives from breast cancer, and how they manage to do this includes two major parts—diagnosis and treatment. No support group model is right for everyone. When mutation occurs, the ATP binding pockets of these receptors increases tyrosine kinase activity. Lobular Carcinoma- starts in the parts Premium Breast cancer Cancer Breast. In many academic fields; from science to medicine the study of breast cancer and essays about breast cancer are required as part of the curriculum.


Research Paper on Breast Cancer

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Generally, if a lump is smaller than one centimeter, it is considered benign, although every woman should consult her doctor about any unusual bumps or feeling in the chest. In this regard, the role of nurses in the effectiveness of the treatment is increasing. They are reliable, and you can be assured of a high-grade paper. Direct resequencing of the complete ERBB2 coding sequence reveals an absence of activating mutations in ERBB2 amplified breast cancer. Signs and symptoms of breast cancer. Do you have responsibilities that may hinder you from turning in your assignment on time? Epidemiology Breast cancer is the most prevalent type of cancer among women. New York: McGraw Hill Medical Lester, S.
