Book report on of mice and men. "Of Mice and Men" Book Report Essay 2022-10-30

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"Of Mice and Men" is a novel written by John Steinbeck and published in 1937. The story follows two main characters, George Milton and Lennie Small, as they travel together and work on various ranch jobs in California during the Great Depression.

George is a small, wiry man with quick movements and sharp features. He is intelligent and resourceful, but also impatient and quick to anger. Lennie, on the other hand, is a large, strong man with a childlike mind. He is simple and naive, but also kind and gentle. Despite their differences, the two men have a strong bond and rely on each other for companionship and support.

The novel begins with George and Lennie arriving at a ranch near Soledad, California. They have just been fired from their previous job and are hoping to find work at the ranch. They are quickly hired and begin working alongside a diverse group of men, including Candy, an elderly swamper; Slim, a skilled mule driver; Curley, the boss's aggressive son; and Curley's wife, who is lonely and isolated on the ranch.

As they work and interact with their coworkers, George and Lennie dream of one day owning their own piece of land and living off the "fatta the lan'" - a phrase Lennie repeats often, meaning "the fat of the land." This dream represents their desire for a better life and a sense of purpose and belonging. However, their dream is shattered when Lennie accidentally kills Curley's wife, leading to a tragic and violent ending.

Throughout the novel, Steinbeck explores themes of loneliness, friendship, and the American Dream. The characters of George and Lennie serve as a foil for each other, highlighting the contrast between intelligence and simplicity, and the importance of companionship in the face of isolation and hardship. The ranch itself serves as a microcosm for society, with its hierarchy of power and the harsh realities of the time period.

Overall, "Of Mice and Men" is a powerful and poignant exploration of the human condition. Its complex characters and thought-provoking themes make it a classic of literature that continues to be studied and admired to this day.

"Of Mice and Men" Book Report Essay

book report on of mice and men

Steinbeck 's novella touched on a subject most do not explore but led us on a journey of self reflec. Steinbeck befriended many soldiers and commanders during World War II and was present for many actual battles in Italy and Germany. Just as a small child holds on to its mum or dad when they become frightened, Lennie holds on to objects, he cannot think of anything other than to hold on to the nearest object till it all goes away, possibly as a means of security? The other workers lack the companionship and bond that these two men have. Lennie adores animals and he likes to pet them. In the novel Of Mice and Men, John Steinbeck shows the possibilities and effects of life on Lennie, Crooks and George.


Of Mice And Men Book Report

book report on of mice and men

Some had dreams of owning land, but only a few dreams came true. Candy tells Lennie that he has been thinking about it and might know of a way that their farm can make money with the rabbits that Lennie so desperately wants to keep. They escaped from Weed because Lennie, who had a developmental issue, was wrongly accused of rape when he touched a woman to feel her soft dress. He shook her and her body flopped like a fish. In his novel, Of Mice And Men Book Report In the book Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, some of the main characters, and side character s , dream about achieving something they want.


Of Mice and Men: Book Report

book report on of mice and men

Due to John Steinbeck growing up and experiencing the Great Depression, I think his inspiration to write this book came from the social and economic issues that he had witnessed. When that doesn't work he flees with the dead puppy in his hand, primarily worried that George will be angry at him. George realises that there is no possible way that they can escape and live out their dream on the farm. He confesses to slim that, initially he treated Lennie poorly and would get him to do silly or even dangerous things for his own entertainment. The first character is a small quick man with strong features his name is George. The boss notices that George has a tendency to speak for Lennie and asks him about it. If Lennie told George what had happened, there would probably be a different outcome than what happened.


Of Mice And Men Book Report Essay

book report on of mice and men

Kept together by a strong bond of loyalty and affection, the old relationship holds a great meaning for Candy, as the dog was his life companion. George tells Candy to tell the other men about the body, but not that he himself knows, lest the other men think that he had something to do with Lennie killing her. The author's reason for writing this book was to demonstrate the power of loneliness. Without Lennie, George feels there is no hope. Throughout the story these two characters complement each other fairly nicely. Carlson thinks it should be put out of it's misery by taking it outside and shooting it. Candy asks George if the two of them can still buy the farm and George tells him that he doesn't see that happening without Lennie.


Of Mice and Men: Book Report essays

book report on of mice and men

He's much taller and better built, and consequently an amazing worker. The difference between him and the rest of the workers is that he has someone to call a friend. Slim cautions Curley not to have Lennie and George fired because it would make him the laughingstock of the ranch. Crooks tells Candy that he is dubious of their idea until Candy tells him that they already have a farm picked out and are planning to move there in a month. After the war, Steinbeck returned with some psychological trauma and shrapnel wounds and began writing again. If George would have sat down with Lennie and taught him right from wrong, George wouldn't have done what he did and everything would be going just great.


Book Report

book report on of mice and men

Before they can answer, Curley's wife appears asking about her husbands whereabouts and then reveling that she knows that he took a few of the ranch hands to a brothel. They are trying to get jobs but work is hard to find at the moment and the Lennie, the friend with the mental disability, can't control himself so he can't keep one job. After researching the author, I realized that he based this book off of his experiences. She struggles to get away but, in another display of not knowing his own strength, Lennie tries to hold her still too tightly and accidentally snaps her neck. Loneliness In John Steinbeck's Of Mice And Men 807 Words 4 Pages Loneliness In the novel Of Mice and Men, by John Steinbeck, there are two men George Milton and Lennie Small who share the same dream of owning their own ranch someday. This immediately tells us that Lennie can't control his strength. In the evening of a hot day, two men emerged on this area.


Free Essay: Book Report: Of Mice and Men

book report on of mice and men

As George says "Guys like us, who work on ranches, are the loneliest people in this world. If Curley allowed his wife to have friends she would have been more… Loneliness In John Steinbeck's Of Mice And Men Candy is lonely because of his old age. Carlson's gun is soon found to be missing and Curley takes up Crooks shotgun instead to head the mob. The novel follows the story of two men, Lennie Smalls, a migrant worker with a mental disability. She describes how Steinbeck uses foreshadowing to interests the readers. But before they can get one they have to make enough money. Lennie, George, Candy, and Slim show the most friendship within the novel, and they help each other through hard times.


Of Mice And Men Report (500 Words)

book report on of mice and men

Lennie is most interested in the rabbits as he has a fascination with petting soft things. My best friend, Alla, and I have known each other for over seven years and we have a strong bond. George had Lennie, a responsibility which caused him unnecessary trouble. George asks Lennie, who was just in the bar tending to the puppies, whether he saw Slim with Curley's wife in there. The Significance Of Friendship In John Steinbeck's Of Mice And Men 925 Words 4 Pages George protects Lennie more than once in the story. Candy - an older, one-handed ranch worker that is revealed to be worried about getting let go from the ranch for his age. The different dialect and language of this book really has made a lasting impression.
