Distinguish in a sentence. To Distinguish In A Sentence 2022-10-25

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To distinguish in a sentence means to clearly separate or differentiate one thing from another. It can involve identifying distinct characteristics, qualities, or attributes that set one thing apart from another. This can be useful for clarifying meaning, providing context, or making distinctions between similar or related concepts.

For example, consider the following sentence: "The blue car distinguished itself from the rest of the vehicles on the road by its bright headlights and sleek design." In this sentence, the word "distinguished" is used to indicate that the blue car is different or special in some way compared to the other vehicles on the road. The specific characteristics mentioned (bright headlights and sleek design) help to explain how the blue car is distinguished from the other vehicles.

Another way to use the word "distinguish" in a sentence is to draw a contrast between two things that are opposite or distinct in some way. For example: "The cold winter weather distinguishes itself from the warm summer months by its shorter days and longer nights." In this sentence, the word "distinguishes" is used to indicate that there are clear differences between the winter and summer seasons.

Overall, using the word "distinguish" in a sentence can help to clarify and differentiate between different things or concepts, providing context and helping readers or listeners better understand the meaning of the sentence.

Use distinguish in a sentence

distinguish in a sentence

The leatherback has several characteristics that distinguish it from other sea turtles. Some interpreters have Aristotle distinguish the sciences on the basis of their degree of abstraction from matter. Compound-Complex Sentences with "distinguish" Sentence types can also be combined. This is particularly true in cases of blastic myeloid sarcoma, because myeloblasts and lymphoblasts can be difficult to distinguish in routinely stained histologic sections. Therefore, when we perform CTA, it is accurately distinguish between hepatic artery and hepatic portal vein by use the Hounsfied Unit scan. John is difficult to distinguish sometimes because he carries himself so self-effacingly.


Use distinguishing in a sentence

distinguish in a sentence

What's more, as I've argued often before, U. During the 1660s, Robert Boyle discovered that certain plant extracts, such as litmus, can be used to distinguish acids from bases. Alexander the Great stood nearby and became curious about what Diogenes was doing. The only difference is intent, and you can't read minds. Show More Sentences At embryo maturity, X-ray analysis is used to distinguish filled seeds from dead, empty seeds. Who is a notable realistic personal theist 1230 Conclusion: CIC grading and goblet cell density can be used to assess the mucous layer to distinguish between normal and dry eye patients as well as to track the progression of dry eye. Show More Sentences It is important to distinguish between the universalist and localist conceptions of the empire, which remain controversial among historians.


How to use "distinguish" in a sentence

distinguish in a sentence

Employing a live-in servant was particularly important to distinguish the white-collar group, including civil servants, from that of the working class in Belgium. He asked them to distinguish writing samples of average man. The second requires proof, whether it be upfront or covert. The singer's voice is what distinguishes the band. Between the years 1404 and 1408 Aberystwyth Castle was in the hands of Owen Glendower, but finally surrendered to Prince Harry of Monmouth, and shortly of ter this the town was incorporated under the title of Ville de Lampadarn, the ancient name of the place being Llanbadarn Gaerog, or the fortified Llanbadarn, to distinguish it from Llanbadarn Fawr, the village one mile inland. The hospital itself imposes a special environment in which the meanings of behavior can easily be misunderstood.


distinguish in a sentence

distinguish in a sentence

In such languages with variable stress, stress may be phonemic in that it can serve to distinguish otherwise identical words. To distinguish the rate the name of the precepting authority is frequently added or the purpose for which it is levied specified, as county rate, watch rate, c. This merely reformulates the problem, however, since the difficulty then is to distinguish between contracts of service and contracts for services. From whatever order of Mammalia or Reptilia an animal may be derived, prolonged aquatic adaptation will model its outer, and finally its inner, structure according to certain advantageous designs. TTT is the first choice to distinguish post-exercise syncope with a negative tread-mill exercise testing. What can DNA testing distinguish between? But it is worth discussing so as to correctly distinguish civil cheat in the crime of contract take-in and contract dissension.


97 Distinguish Sentence Examples and Meaning

distinguish in a sentence

What is used to distinguish local 8-bit code pages? Are sooty mangabeys able to distinguish between vocalizations of familiar individuals and strangers? Episcopal is also commonly used to distinguish between the various organizational structures of denominations. In 1519, Zwingli specifically rejected the veneration of saints and called for the need to distinguish between their true and fictional accounts. Osteological characters, such as the construction of the mandible and articulations of the cervical vertebrae also distinguish the two subfamilies. More often, they worked to distinguish themselves from their European counterparts by depicting uniquely American scenes and landscapes. Folklore began to distinguish itself as an autonomous discipline during the period of romantic nationalism in Europe. It is sometimes referred to as the Forth Rail Bridge to distinguish it from the Forth Road Bridge, though this has never been its official name.


Distinguish in a sentence. The word Distinguish in example sentences. Distinguish dictionary definition. Distinguish pronunciation.

distinguish in a sentence

As we have found it necessary to distinguish between the original composition by Mark, to whom in the main the work appears to be due, and some enlargement and alteration which it subsequently underwent whereby it reached its present form, these stages must be borne in mind in considering dates that may be assigned in connexion with this Gospel. Histo-localization of tannins could be a marker to distinguish embryogenic from non-embryogenic calli. In general though, Chinese Taoist architecture lacks universal features that distinguish it from other structures. Fungal fossils are difficult to distinguish from those of other microbes, and are most easily identified when they resemble extant fungi. They accomplished their purpose in various ways, by distinguishing between God and his power - or by the notion of a hierarchy of super-sensible beings, or in a doctrine which taught that the operations of nature are the movement of pure spirit; or by the use of the " Word " of " Wisdom," half personified as intermediate between God and the world.


Use "distinguish" in a sentence

distinguish in a sentence

When the mathematician would solve a difficult problem, he first frees the equation of all incumbrances, and reduces it to its simplest terms. This allows for any sequencing strategy to simply distinguish between osmylated and unosmylated bases. Achebe's critics argue that he fails to distinguish Marlow's view from Conrad's, which results in very clumsy interpretations of the novella. So you can be the object of envy of others. How else can children learn to think for themselves and distinguish right from wrong? His knowledge of anatomy, physiology and pathology was necessarily defective, the respect in which the dead body was held by the Greeks precluding him from practising dissection; thus we find him writing of the tissues without distinguishing between the various textures of the body, confusing arteries, veins and nerves, and speaking vaguely of the muscles as " flesh. They also begin to engage with the fantasy without realizing what it really is.


Distinguish in a sentence: distinguish sentence examples

distinguish in a sentence

Jeffrey Miller, a retired clinical allergist who runs Mission Allergy. These seventeenth-century Hirado wares are somewhat difficult to distinguish from Imari wares made at the same time. But how can one distinguish a scientific or progressive programme from a pseudoscientific or degenerating one? It is obvious that the market is still in delicate health, but it is important to distinguish between old scars and new wounds. Behind-the-scenes technological differences do not distinguish Aereo's system from cable systems, which do perform publicly. Lacking modern resources, the Chinese did not distinguish law from administration even under the Maoists.
