Blood diamond reaction paper. Reflection Paper: "Blood Diamonds 2022-10-17

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Blood Diamond is a 2006 film directed by Edward Zwick and starring Leonardo DiCaprio, Jennifer Connelly, and Djimon Hounsou. The film is set in Sierra Leone during the 1990s, a time when the country was embroiled in a civil war fueled by the trade of conflict diamonds.

DiCaprio plays the role of Danny Archer, a mercenary who is trying to obtain a rare pink diamond that has been discovered in Sierra Leone. Hounsou plays Solomon Vandy, a fisherman who discovers the diamond and is separated from his family when rebels take over his village. Connelly plays the role of Maddy Bowen, a journalist who is trying to expose the trade of conflict diamonds and the role they play in funding the civil war.

One of the most powerful aspects of Blood Diamond is the way it illustrates the devastating impact that the trade of conflict diamonds has on ordinary people. The film shows how rebels use diamonds to finance their operations and how they often force people to work in mines under brutal conditions. It also shows how the trade of conflict diamonds fuels corruption and undermines the legitimate diamond industry.

Another strong point of the film is the way it illustrates the complexity of the conflict in Sierra Leone. The film shows that there are no easy answers or simple solutions to the problem, and that all sides of the conflict have their own motivations and agendas. This makes the film more realistic and thought-provoking, as it forces the audience to consider the issues from multiple perspectives.

Overall, Blood Diamond is a powerful and thought-provoking film that does an excellent job of illuminating the complex issues surrounding the trade of conflict diamonds. It is a must-see for anyone interested in the subject, and it is sure to leave a lasting impression on anyone who watches it.

Reflection Paper: "Blood Diamonds" by Edward Zwick

blood diamond reaction paper

Ty Burr wrote a review on this film and claims that he enjoyed it but there were some parts in which he said that it was just like any other movie. Learn More When looking at the conflict within the film, what must be understood is that the reason behind the various problems that occurred was connected to the international sanctions that made the trade in diamonds illegal from Sierra Leone illegal within the international community. He discovers a pink diamond in a riverbank, which he buries in a soft earth. Blood Diamond Reaction Paper One of the greatest ills, committed by the United States on the African people, was the exploitation of African labor. The world is always going to hell, soldier of fortune and diamond smuggler Danny Archer notes, well, archly in Blood Diamond -- no need to concern oneself overly about it; best to make the best of it you can and get out while the gettin's good. Archer is rich because of being involved in diamond smuggling. Disenfranchised, the African people sought opportunities for economic and political freedom offered by the diamond trade.


Blood Diamond Reaction Paper Analysis Free Essay Example 302 words

blood diamond reaction paper

Collier argued that bad governance, corruption, and trade policies play a key role in enhancing the challenges of the poor nations Collier, 2008. Collier draws a distinction between the developing and the developed countries. Qualities assumed from imperialistic times had a lasting negative effect on South Africa, leading to racial segregation and a sense of inferiority in the black population during the second half of the 20th century. On the other hand, critics argue that the revenue from the sale of diamonds have provided health care and… Blood Diamonds War In Africa Blood diamonds have greatly affected the native populations in Africa. The expansion of capital in Africa enabled the US and Europe to fund both the scientific and industrial revolutions.


[Solved] Blood Diamond Reaction Paper

blood diamond reaction paper

Premium Sierra Leone Civil War Diamond Blood diamond Blood Diamond BLOOD DIAMOND BLOOD DIAMOND Casey Maas 10. Archer is a gunrunner jailed for smuggling diamond into Liberia. This is attributed to the lucrative diamond trade, in which the syndicates use the hefty profits to fund rebel groups Schmuddelginger, 2012. United States: Werner Bros. In conclusion, it can be stated that the film is an excellent example of how it is necessary for countries to utilize organizations in order to band together to prevent conflicts from escalating out of control. In addition, when Apartheid began in 1948, after WWII to segregate black, white, Indian and colored people from each other, three defining systems were established: a legal system, a socioeconomic system, and a political system. The Bottom Billion: Why The Poorest Countries are Falling and What Can Be Done About It.


Blood diamond film techniques Free Essays

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Learn More Collier avers that developing countries experience distortions which target their natural resources. In discussions of diamonds, one controversial issue has been whether or not should be sold in the United States. Poor countries are expected to tackle natural resources as a whole so as to attain sustainable development Schmuddelginger, 2012. The year 1868, marked the beginning of the diamond trade, when astounding amounts of diamonds were unexpectedly discovered in the inland area now known as Kimberly, South Africa. How bad a place it was. Blood Diamond - Film Essay I agree with this view because key ideas are an important part of a film to make it more interesting for the audience. Ordinary citizens are terrorized and forced to harvest diamonds by the rebels.


Reflection Paper: "Blood Diamonds

blood diamond reaction paper

The actors in the movie are dressed in neutral colored clothes which are dirty and torn. The conflict brought about through diamonds is an overarching theme within the film and truly attempts to shock viewers by showing the horrors of war and the suffering the West African people go through in order to provide people with nothing more than a simple rock. Danny is determined to get out of Africa permanently. This is because much of the smuggled diamond was ended up in the hands of these rich nations. Collier argues that natural resources generate a lot of money, and developing countries under poverty traps are unable to manage the said income.


"Blood Diamond" Movie Analysis

blood diamond reaction paper

As one might predict, the African people were disenfranchised, creating political and financial unrest. Disenfranchised, the African people sought opportunities for economic and political freedom offered by the diamond trade. The rich, who are corrupt and smugglers, use their power to rob the poor of their valuables. He help Vandy flee from detection after learning about the pink diamond. Lack of leadership, regulations, transparency, and good will in the diamond trade is attributed to falling states in central and western Africa. It shows the necessity of having rules established through international agreements in order to limit monopolies thus ensuring that the conflicts that arise from these monopolies are limited.


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blood diamond reaction paper

The most striking part of the film is portrayed when Solomon Vandy discovers a piece of diamond and hides it. The movie shows the role played by developing countries in financing armed conflict in African countries. In relation to the movie, Collier discusses the four traps that the developing countries face. Fittingly diamonds are made of pure carbon, and diamonds are the hardest natural substance known to man. Learn More This scenario is demonstrated in the film through the chaos brought up by the diamond trade.


Blood diamond reaction paper Free Essays

blood diamond reaction paper

In this essay I would like to tell you about some important things about blood diamonds. Kono Gold or Koine Gold: Onomastics: The Human Naming Tradition. . This war that took place in these years claimed over 75,000 lives and caused many native people to become refugees. There is also a struggle among the rich to own property such as diamond.
