Benefits of lowering the drinking age. Pros And Cons Of Lowering The Drinking Age To 18 2022-10-29

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The legal drinking age in the United States is currently set at 21 years old. However, there has been a long-standing debate about whether this age is appropriate or if it should be lowered. There are valid arguments on both sides of this issue, and it is ultimately up to society to decide what is best. However, there are several potential benefits to lowering the drinking age that are worth considering.

One potential benefit of lowering the drinking age is that it could reduce binge drinking among young people. Many young people who are not old enough to legally purchase alcohol may turn to illegal means to obtain it, such as obtaining it from older friends or buying it from unlicensed vendors. This can lead to excessive drinking, as young people may feel pressure to consume as much as possible before the alcohol is taken away. By lowering the drinking age, young people would have more opportunities to drink alcohol in a controlled and regulated environment, potentially reducing the occurrence of binge drinking.

Another benefit of lowering the drinking age is that it could help to educate young people about responsible alcohol consumption. Many young people are not exposed to alcohol until they are well into their college years, at which point they may not have had any training or education on how to drink responsibly. By lowering the drinking age, young people could be introduced to alcohol at a younger age and given guidance on how to drink in moderation. This could help to reduce the risk of alcohol-related accidents and injuries, as well as the risk of developing alcohol-related health problems later in life.

A third benefit of lowering the drinking age is that it could help to reduce the stigma surrounding alcohol. In many cultures, alcohol is an important part of social and cultural events, and it can be seen as a way to bond with friends and loved ones. By keeping the drinking age at 21, young people may feel excluded from these social events and may feel pressure to drink in order to fit in. Lowering the drinking age could help to normalize alcohol and reduce the stigma surrounding it, making it easier for young people to make informed decisions about whether or not to drink.

Of course, there are also valid arguments against lowering the drinking age. Some argue that young people are not mature enough to handle the responsibilities of drinking, and that the current age limit is in place to protect them. Others argue that lowering the drinking age could lead to an increase in alcohol-related accidents and injuries, particularly among young people who may not have the experience or judgment to handle alcohol responsibly.

Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to lower the drinking age is a complex one, and it will likely depend on the specific circumstances of each society. However, the potential benefits discussed above are worth considering as part of the overall debate on this issue.

Lower the Drinking Age!

benefits of lowering the drinking age

The legal drinking age should be lowered to 18 for many reasons. However, 17-year-olds may enter US military service. First Part: Work yourself up to 25 pushups throughout the week 5 the first day, 10 the next, and so on till the 7th day is 35 and working yourself up to 70 sit-ups start with 10 the first day, 20 the second, and by the last day you should do 70 sit-ups. Having the legal drinking age at twenty-one has recently been an un-effective law. Chef Week Cook or bake something everyday whether it be cookies or steak.


Benefits Of Lowering The Drinking Age

benefits of lowering the drinking age

Comes at serious costs. . I am proud of you. Beach Week For those who live near the beach, go to a different beach each day. And with that comes many responsibilities and decisions that can now be made without consents.


Benefits Of Lowering The Drinking Age From 21 To 18

benefits of lowering the drinking age

Lowering the drinking age could also result in even younger teenagers gaining easier access to alcohol. . This was done in hopes of lowering the rate of alcohol related vehicular accidents. As a result, States were given Introduction. The legal drinking age should Pros And Cons Of Lower The Drinking Age In the United States, the legal age of drinking is 21.


Pro and Con: Lowering the Drinking Age

benefits of lowering the drinking age

CONS: A majority of Americans want to keep the drinking age right where it is and have legitimate arguments to back their side up. A study conducted by The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration NHTSA reports that 22 percent of young drivers involved in fatal car accidents between 2005 and 2014 had consumed alcohol and that 64 percent of young drivers who had been drinking and who were killed in car accidents in 2014 were unrestrained. However, numerous forms of evidence can prove why the drinking age 21 is preposterous. Tourist Week Go around your city or nearby city acting like a complete tourist and taking artsy pictures. More than 480,000 people die each year from smoking cigarettes, while drinking causes nearly 88,000 deaths per year.


8 Reasons Why The Drinking Age Should Be Lowered

benefits of lowering the drinking age

Abolishing MLDA 21, opponents argue, would also be unsafe. Treating yourself goes deeper than this too. Somehow it works just fine for them. Convenience stores and bars, in particular, have been put in a strange position. Although the legal purchase age is 21 years of age, a majority of college students under this age consume alcohol but in an irresponsible manner. It is called the You know the situation has to be extremely serious to get this risk-averse crowd on board.


Pros And Cons Of Lowering The Drinking Age To 18

benefits of lowering the drinking age

In the time being, many states are now sending teenagers into the adult criminal justice system, even for crimes that were nonviolent. Turning 18 entails receiving the rights and responsibilities of adulthood to vote, smoke cigarettes, serve on juries, get married, sign contracts, be prosecuted as adults, and join the military - which includes risking one's life. . The Drinking Age Act was put into place as a result of a correlation between young drinking and motor vehicle fatalities. Recently people have been debating whether If the drinking age should be lowered to 18.


Why the drinking age should be lowered: Articles: Alcohol Research and Health History: Indiana University

benefits of lowering the drinking age

I just like watching funny, pointless videos. Many proponents think 18 is a good number, considering that teenagers at this age are practically considered adults. Get a small gift for your friends or family, have some hot-chocolate and ham, sing Christmas carols and spread joy to everyone you talk to. Rarely are these age restrictions arbitrary. In addition, there are numerous other legal rights 18 year olds have that make the drinking age stand out. As a teen I have proof that these things are going on not only in college but in high school as well.


Benefits Of Lowering The Drinking Age 21

benefits of lowering the drinking age

Most importantly, however, the freedom to purchase and consume alcohol should be a basic right for all legal adults. So, on the occasion where they do drink, they celebrate and drink far too much. Indiana University: Bloomington, IN. Underage drinkers will consume alcohol either way. What are the guarantees that an 18-year old will drink and act responsibly under the influence of alcohol? This style of drinking has no doubt been responsible for the alarming rise in rates of so-called 'binge' drinking seen at colleges" Cloud. In fact, the law represents a true danger to women in particular because it prohibits legal access to safe public places to drink responsibly, and go home to a safe environment afterward. The age of 18 is a significant age for most American teenagers.
