As close as simile. Close Similes. Frank J. Wilstach, comp. 1916. A Dictionary of Similes 2022-10-16

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A simile is a figure of speech that compares two things using the words "like" or "as." It is a way of describing something by saying that it is similar to something else. For example, "She sings like an angel" or "He runs as fast as lightning."

Similes can be used to add depth and color to language, making it more descriptive and vivid. They can also be used to convey complex emotions or ideas in a more relatable way.

One of the most powerful aspects of similes is that they can bring two seemingly unrelated things together and highlight their commonalities. This can help to create a deeper understanding or appreciation for both things being compared.

For example, "Her laughter was as contagious as the flu" not only describes the person's laughter, but also highlights the fact that it is contagious, just like the flu. This simile helps to convey the idea that the person's laughter is infectious and can easily spread to others.

Similes can also be used to create a sense of contrast between two things. For example, "Her eyes sparkled like diamonds in the sunlight, while his were dull and lifeless like stones." This simile not only describes the appearance of the eyes, but also conveys a sense of contrast between the two people being described.

In conclusion, similes are a powerful tool in language that can help to add depth, color, and meaning to our words. They can bring two seemingly unrelated things together and highlight their commonalities, or create a sense of contrast between them. Whether used to convey complex emotions or simply to add a touch of whimsy to language, similes are an essential part of our linguistic repertoire.

List of Similes

as close as simile

As green as …………………. Some obscure poet of the town had thought of it. Then there was a boom as Tom Buchanan shut the rear windows and the caught wind died out about the room, and the curtains and the rugs and the two young women ballooned slowly to the floor. Its comfort is like a hug from Nana. Simile in Sherwood Anderson's Winesburg, Ohio "Hands," one of the short stories in Sherwood Anderson's Winesburg, Ohio, tells the tale of Winesburg resident Wing Biddlebaum. The fun and meaningful activities which we can perform outdoors are as boundless as the ocean. The close was a leave - taking , in which the lingering affections of this life were placed in mournful contrast to the hopes of the future.


29 Metaphors for close

as close as simile

What is smiley and metaphor? Further search was made , and a hundred and fifty slaves were discovered packed as close as herrings in a barrel. Instead of setting two entities A and B side by side through the use of connecting words, metaphor superimposes them. He is as busy as a bee. As obstinate as a mule 14. As sweet as honey 3. As hot as a furnace 20.


As closed as...

as close as simile

Or crust and sugar over— like a syrupy sweet? And it seems to me you lived your life Like a candle in the wind Never knowing who to cling to When the rain set in And I would have liked to have known you But I was just a kid Your candle burned out long before Your legend ever did Simile in "Like a Rolling Stone" by Bob Dylan Bob Dylan is many great things but "nice" is not one of them. Examples of Simile in Literature Writers use simile to add color and feeling to their writing and to allow readers to see something in a new way through the comparison that the simile creates. As sweet as ……………………… 3. Similes derive meaning through analogy by comparing one thing to another. Soaking in the water allows you the time to truly enjoy the experience. As hungry as a ………………….



as close as simile

What are 5 examples of simile? What Is a Simile? As cool as a cucumber 9. . What freezings have a I felt, what dark days seen! Simile Examples Similes appear in all sorts of writing, from prose literature, to poetry, to music lyrics, and beyond. The expression as strong as an ox is called a simile. Both things usually nouns share at least one attribute or trait. As cunning as a ………………….


As close as...

as close as simile

Simile in Robert M. In Sonnet 130, Shakespeare challenges the traditional function of similes and the conventions of love poetry: My mistress' eyes are nothing like the sun; Coral is far more red than her lips' red; If snow be white, why then her breasts are dun; If hairs be wires, black wires grow on her head. It's as though the he's acknowledging the fact that many similes have become hackneyed or clichéd, and he's instead proposing to pay a more meaningful tribute to his love by inverting those similes and treating her like a real-life woman. I loved a love once , fairest among women ; Closed are her doors on me , I must not see her All , all are gone , the old familiar faces. As quick as …………………. Their restless activity, like unto the beating of the wings of an imprisoned bird, had given him his name.


As... as Similes

as close as simile

As cunning as a fox 5. I noticed that close beside her was the preacher , little Jack 's father , and behind him was Duncan. Everybody else in the neighborhood was dead. And yet this time removed was summer's time The teeming autumn big with rich increase, Bearing the wanton burthen of the prime, Like widowed wombs after their lords' decease. Blind as a white cat with a blue eye.


What is the simile for as short as?

as close as simile

Writers, and people in general, use simile to create memorable images with language, which allow them to vividly recount experiences and emotions. Are there more similes than cliches in English? There is also some debate about whether similes and metaphors are similar but different things, or whether simile is actually a specialized form of metaphor. . Blind as a bat. The wrestler was as strong as an ox. More examples of similes: —Hungry like a wolf —Cute as a button —Tough as leather —Work like a dream —Drawn like a moth to a flame Using Metaphors Continuing with weather, is it raining cats and dogs where you live? Simile in "Gone" by Kanye West In "Gone," Kanye west compares disloyal aspiring MCs to Anakin Skywalker of Star Wars, who went bad and became Darth Vader.


Metaphor vs. Simile: What's the Difference?

as close as simile

When the Americans and their guards did come out, the sky was black with smoke. He says : " That the close of the lunar series should have been the period of putting out the fire , and the beginning of the next , the time of relumination , from new fire , is so consonant to analogy in the tropical tribes , as to be probable " op. We all became excited over this , for among the paragraphs which I had copied from Calancha 's " Chronicle " was the statement that " close to Uiticos " is the " white stone of the aforesaid house of the Sun which is called Yurak Rumi. Otherwise he would have remembered that the close of the day , or , to speak with mathematical accuracy , the hour of eight P. Biddlebaum is a shy old man who keeps to himself, yet becomes animated and talkative in the presence of his only friend, a reporter named George Willard: The story of Wing Biddlebaum is a story of hands.
