Argumentative essay about birth control. Birth control argument Argumentative Essay Essay Example 2022-11-01

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Birth control, also known as contraception, refers to the various methods and techniques that people use to prevent pregnancy. The use of birth control has been a controversial topic for centuries, with different individuals and groups holding varying views on its appropriateness and effectiveness. In this essay, I will argue that birth control is a necessary and beneficial aspect of reproductive health care that should be readily available to all individuals who wish to use it.

One key argument in favor of birth control is that it gives individuals the ability to make informed decisions about their reproductive health and future. By having access to a range of birth control options, individuals can choose the method that best fits their needs and preferences, allowing them to plan and space their pregnancies in a way that works best for them. This can have a variety of positive outcomes, including better health outcomes for both the mother and child, as well as increased economic stability for families.

Another important argument in favor of birth control is that it helps to reduce unintended pregnancies and abortions. Unintended pregnancies can have serious consequences for both the mother and the child, including poor physical and mental health outcomes and economic hardship. By providing access to birth control, individuals are able to better plan and prevent unintended pregnancies, reducing the need for abortions and the associated risks and consequences.

In addition to its individual benefits, birth control also has societal benefits. By helping to reduce unintended pregnancies and abortions, birth control can contribute to a reduction in population growth and the associated strain on resources. It can also help to promote gender equality, as it allows women to have greater control over their reproductive health and the timing and spacing of their pregnancies.

Despite these clear benefits, access to birth control is not always guaranteed. In some countries, birth control is not readily available or is heavily restricted, often due to cultural or religious beliefs. In other cases, individuals may face barriers to accessing birth control, such as cost or lack of insurance coverage. It is important that these barriers are addressed and that individuals are able to access the birth control methods that they need.

In conclusion, birth control is a necessary and beneficial aspect of reproductive health care that should be readily available to all individuals who wish to use it. It gives individuals the ability to make informed decisions about their reproductive health, helps to reduce unintended pregnancies and abortions, and has societal benefits as well. It is important that barriers to accessing birth control are addressed, so that all individuals have the opportunity to make informed decisions about their reproductive health and future.

Birth Control Argumentative Essay

argumentative essay about birth control

Though the decision of ending pregnancy is very personal affair but as termination of pregnancy involves killing a child, there are lots of conflicts of opinion over abortion whether or not it is just. Abstract In recent decades, abortion positions itself as the most discussed and relevant issue that regards the theory of morality. It thickens the cervical mucus which prevents implantation of the fertilised egg. Birth control has been around for many years, constantly changing and improving. Thus, birth control is important in controlling overpopulation and preventing its problems. For this situation, the hormones in the Pill control the ovaries and the uterus.


Argumentative Essay on Birth Control

argumentative essay about birth control

Birth control pills are pills taken by mouth to prevent pregnancy. . By utilizing sociological concepts such as functionalism and the examination of social norms and symbols, it is clear that birth control as a whole affected not only childbearing decisions made by women and married couples, but also the role of women in society Benefits Of Planned Parenthood Abortion 736 Words 3 Pages Bill control is the most used contraceptive to prevent pregnancy. As per statistics, about 34% teenagers become pregnant before reaching 20 with 79% of them being unmarried. Hence, birth control stands out beneficial to humankind.


Argumentative Essay On Birth Control And Contraceptives

argumentative essay about birth control

Reproductive health has been a popular topic to discuss with adolescents and adults; whether it be sex education, contraception, or abortion. Thesis Statement For Birth Control Pill And Contraceptives 705 Words 3 Pages Birth Control pills are a sort of drug that ladies can take every day to anticipate pregnancy. Many of the proponents of contraception argue that the pros far outweigh the cons. . . Argumentative Essay Abortion 506 Words 3 Pages Furthermore, those advocates believe that the fetus is not a person, but rather a potential person, and as such it is not entitled to the same rights under the law as everyone else is. Every single birth control varies but all will have some sort of side effect because of the hormone levels and many other things it does to the human body.


Argumentative Essay: Is Birth Control Available?

argumentative essay about birth control

Most people believed that Planned Parenthood caused the decline of population in human race. It crosses racial, religious, socio-economic, and gender lines. However, given the high cost and unfortunately high rate of teenage pregnancy in the United States, it is clear that something must be done to address the issue. There have been some amazing advances in the world, with major breakthroughs in science, medicine, technology, and more. Birth control also serves many other ways than just saving one from having a baby. Dbq Birth Control 1423 Words 6 Pages In the year 1700 there were too many pregnancies going on and the population was getting larger with just small amount of resources. However it is not so simple as pro-choice and pro-life.


Birth Control, Argumentative Essay Sample

argumentative essay about birth control

As of 2014, teenage pregnancy rates are at an all-time low in America- but the United States still has the highest teen birth rate in the industrialized world. In order to control the dramatic rise in teenage pregnancies especially the pre-marital pregnancies, it is imperative that the teenage should be given birth control methods as. Birth control does not only …show more content… Endometriosis is when tissue grows inside the uterus of a woman, and causes internal bleeding inside which can potentially cause infertility. Whether it be the implant, patch, pills, shot, or sponge. In essence, the issue boils down to whether or not women have the right to terminate pregnancy; pro-life advocates believe that this is tantamount to murder as it prevents a child from being born, while pro-choice advocates believe that abortion gives women control over their own bodies. Pro-birth is a new term has been made for people who believe in the banning of abortion but not any of the legal aid to help the children and their families after the child is born.


Argumentative Essay On Birth Control

argumentative essay about birth control

Though the Pill was not the only form of birth control used in the U. The book consisted of an introduction, seven chapters, and a conclusion. In these low and middle income countries, well. Catholicism became even more strict on the subject. Hardly one third of the teenage mothers finishes high school and collects their diplomas, with 80% of them ending on welfare. Without it, the pain of her endometriosis is intolerable. .


Birth Control Argumentative Essay Examples That Really Inspire

argumentative essay about birth control

This new rule contains clauses for the protection of minors, who may or may not opt to disclose their health information to their parents or personal representative. Scientifically, it follows the principle of magnetism. Only eight years later, the inter-uterine device IUD was developed and went on the market as the products of Lippes Loop and Copper 7. In other cases, mothers give all the love they can to their child. They say that birth control gives women more freedom, makes sex a freer, less stressful action, and can eliminate the chance that unwanted children will be brought into a world where they will not be loved and cared for. If it were not for birth control, the population would have gotten out of control.


Argumentative Essay: The Birth Control Pill

argumentative essay about birth control

Furthermore, birth control methods have been improved to prevent side effects. Pro-choice advocates stand strongly against the restriction to access of non-surgical abortions and emergency contraceptives to women. She uses a strong sense of fallacies and rhetoric devices in her speech to not only get the attention of the audiences, but to give a sense of urgency for the actions that needed to be taken. According to English and Ford 2012 , concerns about privacy can prevent adolescent from seeking healthcare. Without birth control, women would get pregnant at short intervals leading to deteriorated health, emotional and psychological disturbances which adversely affect their health condition.


Argumentative Essay: The Benefits Of Birth Control

argumentative essay about birth control

With the upcoming presidential election the right to obtain birth control and other contraceptives for women could be jeopardized, and taken out of the control of the woman. By controlling your body, means by taking the responsibility of knowing who you lend your body to. It has prevented a situation whereby women would have children frequently as if birth machines and allowed them time to recover their health from previous births. Another counter argument would be that birth control measures lead to health risks such as high blood pressure and weight gain. The legalization of prostitution is a controversial subject that creates a great. The best way to prevent unintended pregnancy in sexually active women is through consistent and proper use of contraceptives.


Arguments Against Birth Control

argumentative essay about birth control

Young people are learning more and more about sex earlier in life, and thus are engaging in it at younger ages. For instance, opponents consider the embryos not to be killed and the opposite site maintains that women have not to bring up undesired child. At this age, most individuals lack comprehensive information on sexual intercourse and its risks. This shows how many women did not intend to have an unplanned pregnancy. Contraception prevents pregnancy and thus, in the eyes of some individuals, prevents the creation and start of life. They engage in reckless sexual encounters which increase the chances of contracting sexually transmitted diseases, the HIV virus or getting pregnant Moles, 85. Argumentative Essay: Pro-Life The debate surrounding abortion is a consistently heated one, with many different arguments arguing for either the so-named "pro-life" opposed to abortion and "pro-choice" in support of abortion positions on the issue.
