Animal experimentation cons essay. Essay On Pros And Cons Of Animal Experimentation: Free Essay Example, 725 words 2022-10-14

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Animal experimentation, also known as animal testing, is the use of animals in scientific experiments to test the safety and effectiveness of products, including drugs and cosmetics, or to study the biology and behavior of animals. While animal experimentation has contributed to many important scientific discoveries, it is also a controversial practice due to its potential for animal suffering and the ethical questions it raises. In this essay, we will explore some of the cons of animal experimentation.

One of the main criticisms of animal experimentation is that it can cause animals to suffer. Animals used in experiments are often subjected to painful procedures and may be confined to small, barren cages for long periods of time. While some laws, such as the Animal Welfare Act in the United States, regulate the treatment of animals in experiments, these regulations do not always prevent suffering and can be difficult to enforce. In addition, many animal experiments do not involve the use of painkillers or other forms of anesthesia, which can cause unnecessary suffering to the animals.

Another concern about animal experimentation is that it is often not predictive of human response. Animals and humans have many differences, both biologically and behaviorally, and what works in an animal may not work in a human. This can lead to inaccurate results and the use of treatments that are not effective or even harmful in humans. In addition, the use of animals in experiments can also lead to the development of drugs or treatments that are not relevant to humans, which can be a waste of resources and time.

There are also ethical concerns about animal experimentation. Many people believe that animals have moral value and deserve to be treated with respect and kindness. Using animals for experiments can be seen as a form of exploitation, and many people argue that it is wrong to use animals for our own purposes without their consent. In addition, there are alternatives to animal experimentation that can be used, such as cell cultures, computer models, and human volunteers, which do not raise the same ethical concerns.

In conclusion, animal experimentation has contributed to many important scientific discoveries, but it also has its drawbacks. It can cause animals to suffer, is not always predictive of human response, and raises ethical concerns. While it may be necessary in some cases, it is important to consider these cons and to minimize animal suffering whenever possible.

Essay On Pros And Cons Of Animal Experimentation: Free Essay Example, 725 words

animal experimentation cons essay

Animal testing is just a waste of money and time because sometimes the test is not useful. The current leader must look. There is always an option to approach a scenario differently. That is why today we cannot have a dialogue with any person in the world, because for a dialogue, the two people have to dominate and speak the same language. Overall, these animals are killed and subjected to cruel torture for nothing. However, since biomedical experiments have to take place in a living organism, it is inevitable to use animals because conducting them on human beings themselves equals to an atrocity.


The Cons of Animal Testing Essay

animal experimentation cons essay

However, they sidestep the reasoning of the critics such as the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals PETA by stating that it would cause a lot of pain and suffering to test individuals; thus, it would amount to an atrocity Smith, 2015. That is almost half of all the animals used in experimentation. The rest were for creating and breeding of GA animals. Animals and people are alike in many ways; they both feel, think, behave, and experience pain. Many of the testing is used for companies that sell cosmetics and hygiene products. While animals are getting tested to find research for humans the animals are being harmed by the chemicals the scientists are using and the animals are getting hurt even if the research or treatment the scientists come out with does not necessarily approve with a human body.


Animal Testing Essay Examples (Pros and Cons)

animal experimentation cons essay

Limitations of animal studies for predicting toxicity in clinical trials. Our Customer Support Team is Another argument offered by activists states that the human bodies and that of animals are totally different; therefore, engaging in animal experimentation is a waste of time and resources Max Planck Institute. Download your custom written paper Alternatives to the Animal Experimentation and Why They Are not Effective The idea of alternatives to animal experiments is an element of the 3Rs, which stands for the reduction. Animal Experimentation as a Human Right The Nuremberg Code, which is a crucial human rights document, supports the idea of the animal experimentation being a human right. Animal rights activists usually go to the extremes, and will even break laws to make a statement to the public.


Experimentation on Animals

animal experimentation cons essay

Helping to die from a person who is suffering is better, than to keep it alive when death can no longer be avoided. The 3Rs stand for Reduction, Refinement, and Replacement. The California Biomedical Research Association released a statement saying almost every single medical breakthrough has resulted in the direct use of animals in the last 100 years. Alternatives include cell manipulation, human tissue from donors, computer models, synthetic skin, and volunteer studies. This is an argument that has been going on for 50 years because of moral beliefs, medical reasons, and personal experiences. Even though there are a very few benefits to using animals for research, there are many benefits for not using them. And most animals are killed at the end of an experiment, but some may be re-used for other experiments.


Animal Experimentation Pros and Cons Essay Samples With Topics Ideas

animal experimentation cons essay

S laboratories caged and waiting to be burned, abused, and infected Madhusree 1. Nonetheless, practolol was introduced for treatment for heart diseases after it was deemed safe for human, approximately 2,450 adverse reaction in patients including 40 casualties, and 200 life-threatening conditions were reported after administration. Pacing around in circles, ripping their fur out, and biting themselves are only a couple of the things that could be carried out. Vice versa, Penicillin, which is safe for human has fatal reaction on the most of rodents. By the Roman era, dissection and vivisection the dissection of live animals were established scientific practices Fellenz 72. In fact the American Anti- Cons Of Animal Testing Like any controversial topic some believe the pros of animal testing outweigh the cons and vice versa. The falls have several symbolic meanings and the drip indicates the passage of time.


Animal Experimentation Pros And Cons

animal experimentation cons essay

More than 1,100 companies have banned animal testing but more need to be stopped Martinez, 2015. Should Animal Testing Be Illegal Essay 864 Words 4 Pages Animals have similar anatomy to humans, but it is still vastly different. Animal testing refers to the use of animals for scientific research with the aim of discovering new drugs and other methods of advancing the human life. Multiple species are dying by normal nature happenings, such as being eaten or something like that. An example of a test is the Draize eye exam. So, the statement that is claimed before could not possibly be true if more animals are being killed than saved.


Cons Of Animal Testing Essay

animal experimentation cons essay

Arguments for Banning Animal Testing Animal testing should be banned because the economic costs are higher compared to alternative testing methods. An example of this is hydraulic air or turbines. Some believe that animal testing ought to be done. This in turn leads to abnormal behaviours. The first pro to animal testing is that it has helped us create lifesaving cures and treatments. This means that there are 5,000 pieces of unsolicited information maneuvering its way into our unconscious and often conscious mind at every turn.


Why animal testing should be banned essay: Essay On Why Animal Testing Should Be Banned

animal experimentation cons essay

The testing they encounter involve injecting, force-feeding, shocking, dripping medications into their eyes and skin, inhaling toxins, embedding wires inside their brains, and repetitive surgeries. Recent data suggest that failure rates from animal research to human research could be even higher, at 96%, according to the NIH. . I do not assert that animals have no right to survival at all, but I strongly believe that it is very ethical to cause the death of an animal for the purpose of committing a research, the aim of which is to save a human life. Animals are used as substitutes to humans in finding the solutions and reactions that occur when we come in contact with items used everyday. The overarching premise is that banning animal experimentation in research is justified because it does not yield benefits to society, why animal testing should be banned essay animal welfare, and does not produce reliable evidence. According to Akhtarregulatory requirements stipulate the safety and efficacy testing of drugs before approval.


Animal Experimentation Essay

animal experimentation cons essay

An example of this is U campus of the O'Higgins University, which is used with student purposes, for students and teachers of the different careers. According to the National Institute of Health, it was shown that experiments end up neglecting about 92% of their research due to failing when entering the clinical evaluation. Some of these items include cosmetics, household cleaning supplies, certain food preservatives, supplements, and medicine. What it does is teaches us about the history and needs of the agency being helped as well as seeing positive changes that their involvement makes. However, when it is administered to six healthy human volunteers with a dose 500 times smaller than known safe in animal trials, all six of the human volunteers suffered from life-threatening conditions, such as multiorgan failure. Although scientists have resources they could use to lower the pain each animal endures and even alternatives of their test subjects, millions of innocent creatures are still suffering.


Animal Experimentation Pros and Cons Essay examples

animal experimentation cons essay

This shows that getting research from animals for humans is not always approved by the human body, even if scientists say that animals have the same traits as humans. Every day, mice, rats, cats, dogs, rabbits, hamsters, guinea pigs, birds and primates are used. Researchers find such experiments necessary because the similarities and differences in animals play a significant role in comparative medical studies. Some experts believe that other options can be available instead of doing the test on animals. This poses the question of, how The Dangers And Cons Of Animal Testing On Animals Animal testing is the use of animals in efforts to understand how the human body reacts and behaves in different conditions.
