Alexander the great villain. Why Alexander The Great Was A Villain 2022-10-13

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Alexander the Great is a figure who has been revered as a military genius and hailed as a hero throughout history. However, there are also those who view him as a villain due to his actions and the impact they had on the world.

One reason Alexander the Great is viewed as a villain is his relentless pursuit of conquest. He led a massive military campaign that spanned much of the known world, conquering and annexing numerous territories and peoples. This included the conquest of the Persian Empire, which was a major achievement but also resulted in the deaths of thousands of soldiers and civilians.

Another reason Alexander is seen as a villain is the way he treated the conquered peoples. While he did allow some conquered peoples to retain their own cultures and governance, he also imposed his own laws and customs on others, leading to resistance and rebellion. Additionally, he was known to be ruthless in his punishment of those who opposed him, including executing entire cities as punishment for resistance.

Alexander's actions also had long-lasting consequences for the world. His conquests led to the spread of Greek culture and language, which had a profound impact on the development of the Western world. However, they also resulted in the displacement and oppression of many indigenous cultures, which is still felt to this day.

In conclusion, while Alexander the Great is often remembered as a hero and military genius, there are valid reasons to view him as a villain as well. His pursuit of conquest and the impact of his actions on the world have led some to see him as a figure who caused harm and suffering rather than one who brought about positive change.

Alexander The Great: A Hero Or Villain?

alexander the great villain

Alexander the Great suits that profile like none other. He successfully lead the army through the Persian Empire and conquered thousands of square miles Compare And Contrast Napoleon And Alexander The Great 760 Words 4 Pages Alexander was fearless of what other leaders could have done to him and his men, he was so fearless he even stood on the front line with his men, unlike today when the leaders sit back in safe zones while their men die for their DBQ Essay: How Great Was Alexander The Great? The king worked so hard to ensure the empire remained united under one rulership. Is Alexander The Great A Hero Or A Villain 584 Words 3 Pages Alexander 's father, King Philip was in charge of Macedonia, until he was murdered. Not only because he had great military power, but because he was a killer. E and Alexander took over at the age of twenty BGE. He made the egyptians treat him like a pharaoh which of course he wasn't.


Alexander the Great: Hero or Villain Essay Example

alexander the great villain

He killed 250,000 people and wanted to do it. Greeks had conquered the world, so they exported their way of life. When he was king first he ended the Theban revolt and enslaved all the people to set an example for what would happen if you rebelled against Alexander. He then concluded to the belief that he was a god. At one point, he even declared that he should get the honors and respect of gods because of his barbarism. Then he gave them a form of government.


Why Is Alexander The Great A Villain

alexander the great villain

By the time of his sudden death at the age of 32, his multicultural empire spanned from the hilly farmland of Macedonia to the lush, green plains of the Punjab. Was Alexander the Great great? In Macedonia, his military troops destroyed the city, villages, and whole empires Stoneman, 2022. The plague has killed more than one third of the European population. Alexander of Macedon was born in 356 BCE to King Philip and his wife Olympia. He didn't really exclude a certain group of people, but he did mass murder thousands of people.


Was Alexander The Great A Villain?

alexander the great villain

BGE Alexander The Great: The Most Significant Figure In History 460 Words 2 Pages Alexander the Great was one of the most significant figures of its time. If Alexander's actions can be considered heroic then I would not want to be a hero. Modern: He is viewed as a cold blooded killer. During his path to capturing much of the world he had been… Alexander The Great Villain Alexander the Great was a villain who knew how to manipulate people into thinking he was the good guy. Macbeth is given a lot of power and control, but only uses it negatively on the people around him. Classic:In this view he is viewed as a great hero. Alexander the Great was a villain because he was really selfish and greedy and destroyed many cultures.


Why Alexander The Great Was A Villain

alexander the great villain

He inherited one of the largest empires by battling and over taking other kingdoms. This seems good to some people but in my eyes he wants more power. When he worked to move from place to place, Alexander expected people to obey his commands. Alexander the Great is a villain because he killed a lot of people and destroyed many towns and cities. Alexander was a great example of balance, neither his nor his bad are more dominant. Afterwards Genghis Khan, Napoleon Bonaparte, And Attila The Hun memorable names is the widely known Alexander the Great. DBQ On Alexander The Great 527 Words 3 Pages Alexander the Great Alexander the Great, a powerful leader, is one of the most famous people in history.


Alexander the Great: Hero or Villian?

alexander the great villain

Although an he was an intelligent strategist and he claimed to want mankind unified, he didn't do much good in unifying them before he killed them all. Alexander scared Durias Alexander The Great Dbq 381 Words 2 Pages Did you know that Alexander the Great was one of the greatest conquers? In the West, he is known as Alexander the Great. Alexander the Great was the son of Phillip II who was assassinated after conquering the Greeks. Philip wanted Alexander to be different from all the other Macedonians of his age. Alexander, however, did not appoint an heir and denied that he would die. So, was Alexander the hero of the West who brought civilisation to the lands he conquered, or was he a villain whose memory should be associated not with greatness but rather with evil and terror? He was not only inspiring, but he also patient, brave, clever, and never went into battle without strategic planning, which is what made him The Great Alexander.


Alexander The Great Villain

alexander the great villain

As a child, he mastered a horse, was taught by one of the best teachers in the land, and more! He cleared a major path for the mixing of cultures and future development of western civilization, but all of the good he did would've never been able to cover up for or even measure up to the amount of bad he brought on the people of his time. Lastly, Alexander the Great is a person who conquered many territories, had a large empire, formed the Hellenistic culture, and became very successful. He was able not only to expand Greek culture through his empire, but also he overpowered the great Persian Empire. Christopher Sloyer- I personally believe that Alexander had all intention on doing the things he did for the for his people, but made some foolish and pointless errors on the way. I believe that there are two Richards, a Machiavellian monster formed by Shakespeare; and Richard III; the historical figure who many historians have claimed is an innocent… Julius Caesar: A Tragic Hero Cassius wanted to kill Caesar so he can gain the power which was for his own personal gain.


Alexander The Great: Hero Or Villain?

alexander the great villain

Have you ever wondered who conquered the most land? Genghis Khan a tyrant and a bloodthirsty villain, during his period he conquered more territory than any other leader in history. So, if you want to learn more, read on! He also wanted Brutus to help plot against, and kill Caesar, which Brutus did. It may have been thought that all he did was for the good of the empire or because he wanted to expand his empire and hellenism, but the truth is that he just wanted to be in charge; he wanted to rule, and he wanted to rule everything. He also ended their savage and uncivilized customs. To him, all that mattered was his power, authority, and fame. Here is the one who was preparing to cross from Europe into Asia; and yet he fails in trying to jump from couch to couch! Macedonia was seen as a back-water nation by the other Greek states.


Alexander the Great: Hero or Villain? Mini

alexander the great villain

Martin Luther was a religious hero! Later, Brutus ended up feeling horrible for plotting against Caesar because that was his best-friend. Saul was consistently a cruel and selfish king. The modern image of Alexander the Great: Alexander in cinema Doctoral dissertation, Rutgers University-Graduate School-Newark. Even today Alexander remains a respected historical character, considering that his military strategies are still used in modern warfare. When he ordered his troops to destroy the Persian temples, he destroyed a piece of Persian culture. Secondly, Alexander may have gotten his father killed by his bodyguard.
