Alexander falconbridge. Alexander Falconbridge 2022-10-29

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Alexander Falconbridge was a British abolitionist and physician who played a significant role in the movement to end the transatlantic slave trade. Born in 1760, Falconbridge grew up in a time when the slave trade was a major part of the British economy and society. However, as he grew older, Falconbridge became increasingly convinced that the trade was morally wrong and began to actively work towards its abolition.

Falconbridge's efforts to end the slave trade began in 1788, when he published a book called "An Account of the Slave Trade on the Coast of Africa." In this book, Falconbridge provided a detailed and disturbing account of the conditions faced by enslaved Africans during the Middle Passage, the journey across the Atlantic to the Americas. He described the crowded and unsanitary conditions on the slave ships, the brutal treatment of the enslaved people, and the high mortality rates that resulted from these conditions.

Falconbridge's book was widely read and had a significant impact on public opinion. It helped to raise awareness of the horrors of the slave trade and contributed to the growing movement to end it. In addition to his work as an author, Falconbridge also testified before Parliament and spoke out against the slave trade at public meetings and debates.

In 1791, Falconbridge traveled to Sierra Leone, where he worked as a physician and treated both enslaved Africans and freed Africans who had been settled in the colony. During his time in Sierra Leone, Falconbridge continued to speak out against the slave trade and worked to improve the lives of the people living in the colony.

Falconbridge's efforts to end the slave trade were ultimately successful, as the British Parliament passed the Abolition of the Slave Trade Act in 1807. This act made it illegal to trade in enslaved people and marked a major victory for the abolitionist movement. However, the fight to end slavery itself would continue for many more years.

In conclusion, Alexander Falconbridge was a key figure in the movement to end the transatlantic slave trade. Through his writing, public speaking, and medical work, he helped to raise awareness of the horrors of the slave trade and played a significant role in its eventual abolition. His work continues to be remembered and celebrated as an important part of the history of human rights and social justice.

Alexander Falconbridge (Author of An Account of the Slave Trade on the Coast of Africa)

alexander falconbridge

The excrutiating pain which the prevention of a discharge of such an acrimonious nature occasioned, not being able to be borne by the poor wretches, the temporary obstruction was removed and the deluded purchasers were speedily convinced of the imposition. The buyers, when they examine them, oblige them to stand up in order to see if there be any discharge; and when they do not perceive this appearance they consider it as a symptom of recovery. The rule for doing so, however, varies in different ships according to the attention paid to the health and convenience of the slaves by the captain. . The traders frequently beat those negroes which are objected to by the captains. It often happens that those who are placed at a distance from the buckets, in endeavoring to get to them, rumble over their companions, in consequence of their being shackled.


Slave Ship Doctor

alexander falconbridge

New York: AMS Press. At New Calabar, in particular, the traders have frequently been known to put them to death. . They are placed nearly midway between the decks, at the distance of two or three feet from each deck, Upon these the Negroes are stowed in the same manner as they are on the deck underneath. They are far more violently affected by seasickness than Europeans. It matters not whether they are refused on account of age, illness, deformity or for any other reason.


Alexander Falconbridge

alexander falconbridge

Who was Dr Falconbridge?. The climate was too warm to admit the wearing of any clothing but a shirt and that I had pulled off before I went down. The excruciating pain which the poor sufferers feel from being obliged to continue in such a dreadful situation, frequently for several weeks, in case they happen to live so long, is not to be conceived or described. It frequently terminates in death, especially among the women. One of the reasons Equiano was able to buy his freedom is because of his captain. His work shed light on the constant hard-working and abusive lifestyle that slaves How Did Equiano Obtain His Freedom 151 Words 1 Pages Throughout the book we see occasions on how Equiano was lucky such as, he was able to buy his freedom, tried to run away and was not punished, and was able to improve his education. On a day appointed, the Negroes were landed and placed together in a large yard belonging to the merchants to whom the ship was consigned.


Analysis Of Falconbridge'S An Account Of The Slave Trade On The Coast Of Africa: Free Essay Example, 740 words

alexander falconbridge

And some of them, by constantly lying in the blood and mucus that had flowed from those afflicted with the flux and which is generally so violent as to prevent their being kept clean, having their flesh much sooner rubbed off than those who have only to contend with the mere friction of the ship. Equiano was a former African slave repetitively bought and sold for £40 until 1766 when he earned enough money to buy his freedom. It matters not whether they are refused on account of age, illness, deformity or for any other reason. . Thus they are all placed in different apartments.


Alexander Falconbridge

alexander falconbridge

In 1790 Thomas Clarkson recruited Falconbridge to go out to Sierra Leone on behalf of the Sierra Leone Company. An adjoining room on the same deck is appointed for the boys. Insurrections are frequently the consequence; which are seldom expressed without much bloodshed. . He worked as a ship doctor for a slave ship for five years.


Alexander Falconbridge's Account of the Slave Trade Essay Sample

alexander falconbridge

As soon as the hour agreed on arrived, the doors of the yard were suddenly thrown open and in rushed a considerable number of purchasers, with all the ferocity of brutes. . They are far more violently affected by seasickness than Europeans. . SITE MAP DISCUSSION FORUM Genealogy: Help with Old Scottish Terms Descendants Surname List Name Index Read Guestbook! The excruciating pain which the prevention of a discharge of such an acrimonious nature occasioned, not being able to be borne by the poor wretches, the temporary obstruction was removed and the deluded purchasers were speedily convinced of the imposition. This action shows the reader that the slaves were treated as a form of property that was sold for labor. It often happens that those who are placed at a distance from the buckets, in endeavoring to get to them, rumble over their companions, in consequence of their being shackled.


Alexander Falconbridge Essay

alexander falconbridge

In this distressed situation, unable to proceed and prevented from getting to the tubs, they desist from the attempt; and as the necessities of nature are not to be resisted, ease themselves as they lie. Nor do these unhappy beings, after they become the property of the Europeans from whom, as a more civilized people, more humanity might naturally be expected , find their situation in the least amended. When the boat reached the Barbados, the white men examined them and told them they would be put to work. Membership Falconbridge had taken part in four voyages on slave ships before he met the anti-slavery campaigner Thomas Clarkson following which he became a member of the Anti-Slavery Society. But if approved of, they are generally taken on board the ship the same evening. The consequence was that I soon after fell sick of the same disorder from which I did not recover for several months.


Alexander Falconbridge, An Account of the Slave Trade 2

alexander falconbridge

He did this by showing many aspects of the of slavery, what slave owners thought of slavery, and also supporting his position on slavery by talking about much of the horrors slaves went through. I have also been credibly informed that a certain captain in the slave-trade, poured melted lead on such of his Negroes as obstinately refused their food. By this means those who are emaciated frequently have their skin and even their flesh entirely rubbed off, by the motion of the ship, from the prominent parts of the shoulders, elbows and hips so as to render the bones quite bare. Sharing the story of the enslavement and subsequent freedom of the brothers and their probable return to the slave trade gives a better insight into the journey of slavery from the eyes of the enslaved and those doing the enslavement. .


What did Alexander Falconbridge do?

alexander falconbridge

This analogy exemplifies how blacks were also Frederick Douglass View On Slavery 873 Words 4 Pages Frederick Douglass was an American slave who escaped and later became an abolitionist He also published a book called The Narrative of Frederick Douglass. . . I think it's largely because we aren't expecting it. Slaves were fed one meal a day with water, if at all. .


Africans in America/Part 1/Alexander Falconbridge

alexander falconbridge

They sometimes make use of a sauce composed of palm-oil mixed with flour, water and pepper, which the sailors call slabber-sauce. But the excessive heat was not the only thing that rendered their situation intolerable. Slaves were tied up, stuffed into packed spaces and were just bolstered two times every day relying upon boats headings. . These features meant that large areas could be used to grow crops. It frequently terminates in death, especially among the women. The traders frequently beat those Negroes which are objected to by the captains and use them with great severity.
