Achilles vs hector. Most Honorable Character: Hector or Achilles? Free Essay Example 1217 words 2022-10-25

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Achilles and Hector are two of the most well-known characters from ancient Greek literature, particularly the epic poem The Iliad. Both are great warriors and leaders, but they have very different personalities and motivations. In this essay, we will compare and contrast these two characters, examining how they differ and how they are similar.

Achilles is known for his great strength and bravery on the battlefield. He is a formidable warrior who is feared by his enemies and respected by his allies. However, he is also known for his hot temper and lack of self-control. He is prone to outbursts of anger, and his pride often gets the best of him.

Hector, on the other hand, is more measured and level-headed. He is a responsible leader who values honor and duty above all else. Unlike Achilles, he is not driven by personal glory or revenge, but rather by a sense of obligation to protect his people.

Despite their differences, both Achilles and Hector are highly skilled and courageous warriors. They are both willing to risk their lives in battle and are renowned for their strength and bravery. However, their approaches to battle differ significantly. While Achilles is motivated by personal honor and glory, Hector is driven by a sense of duty and responsibility.

One of the most famous confrontations between these two warriors occurs in The Iliad, when they meet on the battlefield in single combat. In this fight, Hector initially has the upper hand, but Achilles ultimately emerges victorious. However, Hector's death at the hands of Achilles is not seen as a triumphant moment for the Greek hero, but rather as a tragic and unnecessary loss.

In conclusion, Achilles and Hector are two very different characters, but they are both formidable warriors who are respected for their courage and strength. While Achilles is driven by his own pride and desire for personal glory, Hector is motivated by a sense of duty and responsibility to his people. Both men are remembered as great heroes of ancient Greek literature, but their approaches to battle and their motivations for fighting differed significantly.

Hector vs Achilles: Analyzing the Two Soldiers of the Trojan War

achilles vs hector

Hector is a real hero, for whom honor and valor are not empty words but actual deeds. The second attribute is his loyalty. Yet he still fights for his honor and glory. Learn more As a leader, as the son of a king, Hector understands that he has no right to sacrifice the people in pursuit of the reputation of a brave and invincible warrior. Because heroes care so much about their pride and glory, they perform an act of hubris before they meet their tragic fate. Hector and Achilles are two of the most well known characters in Ancient Greek Mythology.



achilles vs hector

Hector says he had to learn how to be brave and fight. Greek mythology also has heroes and their own Being classified as an Epic Hero comes with big responsibilities; such as being a strong leader, performing brave deeds and facing enormous obstacles. Many young men since Alexander have also found inspiration from Achilles, the mighty, swift-footed warrior. Hector, like Achilles, is guided by military honor in his actions. Moreover it benefits Troy. Achilles is known for his fierce and brutal antics in war.


Hector vs Achilles

achilles vs hector

As a commander, Hector uses all the tools to lead his army. For instance, he gets very angry after Hector has killed his friend Patroclus, who was like a brother for him. Achilles realizes that Achilles will die during battle but Hector has a little bit more worry because Achilles will eventually recover from death which is not something Hector can say for himself. These stories are important because they help us understand many important events that have occurred throughout history and they help us understand some of the beliefs that were associated with Greek culture at the Achilles Vs Penthesileia Essay 543 Words 3 Pages The obvious characteristics include godlike strength and bravery. When he took the leadership role of Troy, he commits his life to serving his country and follows through with his commitment until his death. The gods are calling deathward.


Hector and Achilles: Two Paths to Manliness

achilles vs hector

The next day Agamemnon rallies the Greeks and drives the Trojans like a herd of cows maddened with fright when a lion has attacked them. While both champions are admirable, one is more praiseworthy than the Importance Of Heroic Code In The Iliad 1785 Words 8 Pages These abilities are important as a warrior because both his men and the hero reflect and are influenced by them. If you want to know more about why it happened, we need to go back first to why it happened in the very beginning. The first way in which Achilles and Hector act differently is how they approach war. Hector: A Fellow Traveler on the Path to Manhood I relate with Hector.


Hector Vs. Achilles In The Iliad By Homer

achilles vs hector

One of the most common standards of a hero is their devotion to their country. He is a loving family man and a devoted leader. Achilles and Hector were the best of friends in The Iliad, even though they had their differences it still did not stop these heroes from working together for a common goal-to destroy Troy. Many would come to think that he is not very heroic. Every soldier is ready to die if it can somehow help their leaders. .


Achilles Vs. Hector: Who Is The Better Epic Hero?

achilles vs hector

Hector gives some thought to going inside but fears the ridicule of Polydamas, who had given sage advice the day before. Achilles and Hector have different values in life. In the Trojan War, the god of war pledged his allegiance to Athena and Hera. She has the women burn the store of Hector's clothing in his honor. This displays the difference between Achilles and Hector as characters within The Iliad.


Ancient Hector vs. Achilles: Who Is Better?

achilles vs hector

But the God Apollo helped Hector to slay Patroclus and to strip the corpse of its armor. Hot-tempered, proud, proud, Achilles participates in the war not so much to return Menelaus, the king of Sparta, his wife Elena, who was kidnapped by Paris, as for the sake of glorifying his name. His motives towards war are that of the hero. Hector used to react on human impulses and was more human than Achilles. Achilles commands the Myrmidons his faithful group of soldiers through many battles until Hector is killed by Achilles himself. So, as a brave warrior, Hector establishes himself as the true epic hero. Achilles was overruled by his passion and demands recognition of his status as the great warrior among the Achaeans.


Hector Vs Achilles in Homer's Iliad Free Essay Example

achilles vs hector

It is worth mentioning that he is killed during the war whose initiator was Paris, his brother. They both display behavior that could be described as heroic. Due to his skill and war intelligence, he was chosen as one of the elite soldiers to enter the… Was Beowulf real? No matter what the outcome may look like, Hector knows he must face it for the good of his country. Both were loyal to their causes and they fought each other believing that their cause was the best. After every fight, he comes back home to stay at least for a little while with his wife. Nothing to dread from me; I was not there.


Most Honorable Character: Hector or Achilles? Free Essay Example 1217 words

achilles vs hector

. Achilles also has no interest in politics or ruling people after the war is over because Achilles from the beginning knew he would die during the Trojan War. His flaws constantly interfere with acts of integrity and nobility. This angered Achilles who rescinded his decision and went into battle looking to avenge the death of his dear friend Patroclus. It can be seen as another way of saying one will die.
