7 types of love psychology. The 7 Types of Love: What Can They Teach Us Today? 2022-10-13

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Love is a complex mix of emotions, behaviors, and beliefs associated with strong feelings of affection, protectiveness, warmth, and respect for another person. It can also include deep romantic or sexual attraction. Love can be seen as a bond between two people, as well as a feeling that drives individuals to care for and support one another.

In psychology, there are several different types of love that have been identified. These include:

  1. Eros: This type of love is characterized by strong feelings of romantic and sexual attraction. It is often associated with intense passion and desire.

  2. Storge: Storge is a type of love that is characterized by a strong sense of familiarity and comfort. It is often associated with the love between family members or close friends.

  3. Ludus: Ludus is a type of love that is characterized by a playful and uncommitted approach to relationships. It is often associated with flirting and casual dating.

  4. Pragma: Pragma is a type of love that is based on practical considerations, such as compatibility and shared goals. It is often associated with a more logical and rational approach to relationships.

  5. Agape: Agape is a type of love that is characterized by selfless, unconditional love and concern for the well-being of others. It is often associated with love for humanity or a higher power.

  6. Philia: Philia is a type of love that is characterized by strong feelings of friendship and camaraderie. It is often associated with deep, long-lasting connections between people.

  7. Mania: Mania is a type of love that is characterized by obsessive and possessive behavior. It is often associated with extreme jealousy and a need to control the object of one's affection.

These types of love are not mutually exclusive, and individuals may experience more than one type of love at the same time. Understanding the different types of love can help people navigate their relationships and identify what they are looking for in a partner. Ultimately, love is a multifaceted emotion that can take many different forms and play a central role in our lives.

7 Types of Love in Robert Sternberg’s Triangular Theory of Love

7 types of love psychology

To the ancient Greeks, this physical, desirous love was quite dangerous. Physical chemistry and emotional involvement are important to this type of lover. If feelings of intimacy and commitment begin to form over time, it turns into romantic love. There are many definitions of love and most of which were made popular by writers, philosophers and even psychologists. Why is the Triangular Theory of Love Important? These partners give of themselves without expecting anything in return. This is often the ideal type of love.


What are the 7 types of love psychology?

7 types of love psychology

Love is a basic human emotion. We can include logical marriages in this group. Infatuation is rather short-lived, however, lasting perhaps only a matter of months or as long as a year or so. In contrast, philosophers in ancient Greece made the concept more concrete by breaking it down into various categories. Maintaining this love can be harder than achieving it.


What is the psychology of true love?

7 types of love psychology

Let's talk about the 7 types of love, based on the musings of Greek philosophy. To understand that you are truly in love, you must know what true love is like. Agape love can be used interchangeably for charity and care for others. These secondary emotions might then be broken down still further into what are known as tertiary emotions. Welcome to our community of 19+ million annual readers, we are so grateful to have you here with us. These may eventually arise after the infatuation phase. Even if your feelings are very intense, the bond between you may not be true love.


7 Types Of Love

7 types of love psychology

I still have moments and weaknesses and find myself almost calling him but i kmow that i shouldnt do that. However, of course, there is a flip side. Love isn't seasonal or a one-time thing. The H-frame relationship is one in which the partners live parallel lives. Although many would agree that all three components are important to a relationship, many love relationships do not consist of all three. The new psychology of love. What matters most is that you are true to yourself and your own definition of what it means to be a man and in love.


How The 7 Types Of Love Define Relationships

7 types of love psychology

I reached out to some relationship experts for answers. If this dynamic is the focal point of a relationship, however, there may be little room for real growth, individually or as a couple. Philautia can be unhealthy and linked to narcissistic behaviors and arrogance, or can be healthy in the sense that we love ourselves before we learn how to love others. It took me a long time to finally realize what was going on in the relationship ourside of the bedroom amd realizing how toxic we really were for eachother. Philia — Affectionate, Friendly Love Philia is a friendly love. Ludus and pragma are opposites in the sense that ludus is young, fresh, and all about fun, but pragma has already been on the rollercoaster ride of life.


Types of Love

7 types of love psychology

Even if what you have to say causes you to be vulnerable or misunderstood, you keep telling it and you want it to know everything. Storge or Familial Love Familial love is distinct to other types of lovesas it is born out of familiarity and dependency on each other as a family. Also found in marriages without passion but a deep affection remains. The best way to figure out if you are in this type of love is to see if you can have deep conversations with your partner. In the modern world, it illustrates our physical attraction to one another, and it is embodied by that passionate, romantic love that is gushed over in all our favorite books and movies.


These Are the 7 Types of Love

7 types of love psychology

It can involve activities such as teasing and dancing, or more overt Ludus relationships are casual, undemanding, and uncomplicated, but, for all that, can be very long-lasting. All of these combined are what will help you achieve that coveted Pragma. How can you introduce a different kind of love into your life? Take a second to consider the relationships in your life. If they talk about marriage and future plans in the first days of the relationship, they may be trying to gain your trust as soon as possible, and this is negative behavior. Philautia: Love of the Self Self-love is linked with confidence and self-worth and is necessary for a sense of purpose and fitting-in.


The 7 Types of Love: What Can They Teach Us Today?

7 types of love psychology

In the best of cases, the partners in the pragma relationship agree to turn a blind eye—or even a sympathetic eye, as with Simone de Beauvoir and Jean-Paul Sartre, or Vita Sackville-West and Harold Nicholson. We love as people, in all kinds of ways. Intimacy is at the level of friendship. A post shared by Jun 10, 2019 at 11:40pm PDT If they decide what to do every time you want to do something, it is not a healthy relationship between you. Being able to love at our fullest capacity first comes from intimately knowing ourselves and practicing self-awareness.


Sternberg’s Triangular Theory of Love: 7 Types of Love

7 types of love psychology

If they talk badly about their previous relationship or talks about exaggerated sexual experiences, you should also consider these as unsafe acts. Is There Such Thing as Love? Empty love Empty love is a kind of habit state in which physical attraction is not felt and hormonal changes are not experienced. You respect the person you love You treat each other with such respect and love that you almost become one person. It is defined by unconditional approval, acceptance, and sacrifice. What is the strongest relationship bond? According to Sternberg, consummate love may be harder to maintain than it is to achieve, as the components of love must be put into action. Many believed that hubris led to destruction, or nemesis.


The 7 Different Kinds of Love

7 types of love psychology

We can say that you are a team or accomplice with the person you are in love with If you started dedicating your lives to each other, you stop making decisions for yourself and start making decisions for both of you. You have similar values and principles as the person you love You may have different cultural or religious values, you may have grown up in different social environments, but you usually agree when making a decision. They manage to overcome differences and face stressors together. The respect, familiarity, equality, and understanding that you have towards them are the foundation of this type of love. The specific details are being worked out.
