Wrongful convictions essay. Essay about Wrongful Conviction In The Criminal Justice System Essay 2022-10-13

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Wrongful convictions are a serious and all-too-common problem in the criminal justice system. A wrongful conviction occurs when an individual is found guilty of a crime they did not commit, and as a result, they are unfairly punished. This not only has a devastating impact on the individual who is wrongfully convicted, but it also undermines the integrity of the justice system and undermines trust in the legal system as a whole.

There are many factors that can contribute to wrongful convictions. One common cause is eyewitness testimony, which is often considered to be highly reliable but is actually quite fallible. Memory is subjective and can be influenced by a variety of factors, such as stress, emotion, and the passage of time. In addition, eyewitnesses may be influenced by leading questions or the suggestion of others, leading them to unintentionally misidentify the perpetrator.

Another factor that can contribute to wrongful convictions is the use of faulty forensic evidence. Many forensic techniques, such as bite mark analysis and hair microscopy, have been proven to be unreliable and have led to numerous wrongful convictions. In addition, forensic labs may be underfunded and understaffed, leading to shoddy work and incorrect results.

Other contributing factors to wrongful convictions include false confessions, the use of jailhouse informants, and misconduct by law enforcement or prosecutors. All of these can lead to innocent individuals being convicted of crimes they did not commit.

The impact of wrongful convictions is profound and far-reaching. Innocents who are wrongfully convicted not only suffer the immediate consequences of imprisonment, but they also face long-term challenges such as difficulty finding employment, housing, and social isolation. In addition, the families and loved ones of those who are wrongfully convicted often suffer as well, as they are forced to cope with the loss of a family member or partner.

There are steps that can be taken to reduce the number of wrongful convictions. One important step is to improve the accuracy of eyewitness testimony by implementing best practices such as double-blind lineups, in which the witness is shown a lineup of suspects and the administrator does not know who the actual suspect is. In addition, forensic labs should be adequately funded and staffed to ensure the accuracy of their results.

Another important step is to reform the use of jailhouse informants, who are often incentivized to provide false testimony in exchange for leniency in their own cases. This can be done through the implementation of stricter rules for the use of jailhouse informants and better training for law enforcement on how to properly use them.

Overall, it is critical that we take steps to address the problem of wrongful convictions. Not only do they have a devastating impact on the individuals who are wrongfully convicted, but they also undermine trust in the justice system and erode the fundamental principle of justice. By taking steps to address the factors that contribute to wrongful convictions and working to improve the accuracy of the justice system, we can work towards a more just and fair society for all.

Wrongful Conviction Essay

wrongful convictions essay

This combination of dishonesty and poor judgment is a compelling argument for the officer's immediate dismissal, despite the fact that he has an otherwise largely unblemished record. They show that just because information sounds legitimate and valid and is quickly and easily embraced by juries, the information itself has to be considered in terms of how it was acquired and what the source of the information is. Passing of the wrongful convictions Act, on the other hand, will ensure that justice is served to wrongfully convicted people. Lose of evidence serves as a foundation of wrongful convictions in most cases and an individual who might be having power of the court ruling can easily manipulate the case for his own benefits. Furthermore, judicial processes are slow and difficult to change, further complicating the matter. Medical Examiners and Coroners Offices.


Wrongful Conviction Essays: Examples, Topics, Titles, & Outlines

wrongful convictions essay

Wrong man convictions are far more common; they occur when a crime has been committed, but the wrong person has been convicted of the crime. Every year citizens Wrongful Convictions record of wrongful conviction dating back centuries ago. Capital punishment reveals biases and flaws in the American judicial system. The rising cases of innocent victims on death row has intensified the debate on the death penalty. Plan for administrators "Few problems can pose a greater threat to free, democratic societies than that of wrongful conviction -- the conviction of an innocent person. They could have went to jail for things like misidentification, false confessions from people who lied on them, lack of DNA evidence, or even junk science. A system of standards should be in place and after a certain number of infractions, they should be reprimanded or fired depending on the severity of the infraction.


Wrongful Conviction

wrongful convictions essay

Each state has their own policies, rules and regulations for inmate release. The main causes of wrongful convictions are i investigative misconduct ii suppression of exculpatory evidence: iii flaws in the screening processes: iv improper performance by the defense counsel v prosecutorial misconduct. Constitution require that execution of capital sentences not involve unnecessary or prolonged physical suffering. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 7 5 , 365-379 Duffy, E. New Evidence from Postmoratorium Panel Data. Words: 1670 Length: 5 Pages Topic: Terrorism Paper : 84445229 Criminal Justice System Challenges of Mara Salvatrucha MS-13 to law enforcement Law enforcement agencies view the Mara Salvatrucha MS-13 the most harmful street gang in the U. This is part of the process of… A vastly accepted principle of the justice system is that bringing the guilty perpetrators to justice.


Sample Essay on Wrongful Convictions

wrongful convictions essay

A Critique of the Literature. . In this essay, cases of wrongful Canada has had a fair share of wrongful convictions. It has been noted that the contemporary society requires advanced investigation tools. In any system there are flaws, we cannot disregard all the good the justice system does. Despite the fact that analysts say that there is no system that is ever perfect, and therefore allow for error in the conviction, the contemporary rate of wrongful convictions is unacceptable since it outbound the agreed 5% scientific error margin.


Wrongful Convictions Essay

wrongful convictions essay

Reasons for reporting and not reporting domestic violence to the police. Retrieved from EBSCOhost on May 16, 2011. Race to judgment: stereotyping media and criminal defendants. Criminologists in Canada are exploring the causes and consequences of … 1483 words 6 pages Darryl Hunt is an African American born in 1965 in North Carolina. Where it is proven that there are wrongful convictions in the US justice system, it would be erroneous to attribute any adjective as to the prevalence without subjecting the justice system to scrutiny through scientific inquiry. Over the past several years there have been many cases where people have been unjustified by the law once they were wrongfully convicted and sent to prison as innocent people because of tampering with witnesses, DNA exoneration and mishandling of physical evidence.


Wrongful Convictions Essay Examples

wrongful convictions essay

Some risk of What Causes Wrongful Convictions 488 Words 2 Pages What are the causes of wrongful convictions? In his opinion, there is a huge amount of money that the… Like Melendez-Colon, Philip Brasfield and Carl M. One of those is time management. The Irish Innocence Project Tionscadal Neamhchiontachta na hÉireann was officially launched at Griffith College Dublin by Doctor Greg Hampikian, director of the Idaho Innocence Project and DNA expert for the Georgia Innocence Project. Forensic Pathology as Scientific Evidence Forensic Pathology is generally understood as having to do with the investigation of causation of injuries or death as a legal requirement. There were two individuals named George Crawford and Vincent Simmons whose case caught my attention. Therefore, that approach would… References Dershowitz, Alan, M. When Gallagher confronts Megan and sets her straight, they both team together to prove his innocence and get involved romantically among the way.


Essay On Wrongful Conviction

wrongful convictions essay

Eyewitness research has demonstrated that there are a multitude of ways to conduct identification processes, however, the processes that police often use today are more likely to encourage inaccurate identification. They witness could also be effected if there was any type of trauma or the perpetrator could be wearing a disguise, with a mask fake hair of sunglass that takes way from making identification. In fact, it is impossible to overplay the role that misidentification has played in so many wrongful convictions. However, even with the restriction of capital punishment to crimes involving murder, several issues still remain that contribute heavily to public opinion. The Pros And Cons Of Wrongful Conviction 949 Words 4 Pages With millions of criminal convictions a year, more than two million people may end up behind bars Gross. Critics death penalty contend evidence wrongful conviction offenders sentenced death powerful evidence favor abolishing death penalty One of the foundational principles of the American system of justice is that it is better to let a guilty man go free than it is to condemn an innocent man Words: 9687 Length: 35 Pages Topic: Animals Paper : 2732038 If the temperature is taken miles away, or if the insect that was found and studied was not exactly the same as one that had been studied before, only similar perhaps, the defense attorney will also often argue that the entomologist's testimony is only guesswork, and therefore that it is not valid and should not be admitted as evidence Sachs, 1998.


Wrongful Convictions

wrongful convictions essay

However, his big mistake was offending his cousin, who also happened to be the wife of… Post response questions, requires a position support position evidence assigned readings. There may be a few wrongful convictions in the criminal justice system, however that does not make it cause more harm than good. Unfortunately, that happens all too much, with our overburdened legal and criminal justice systems. The criminal justice system is made up of different agencies that include: law enforcement, the courts, and corrections. Specifically, the methods used for execution in several states are susceptible to errors capable of causing extreme and prolonged suffering too often. As in the case of Canada, there have been numerous high profile cases which concluded with unjust verdicts, putting the Canadian justice system and its judicial process in question.
