Working mothers essay. Working mothers 2022-10-13

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Working mothers have long been a subject of controversy and debate. On one hand, some argue that mothers who work outside the home are neglecting their children and their responsibilities as caregivers. On the other hand, others argue that working mothers are able to provide valuable role models for their children and contribute to the family financially. In reality, the issue is much more complex, and both sides of the debate have valid points.

One of the main arguments against working mothers is that they are not able to give their children the attention and care they need. Some argue that children need a full-time caregiver to thrive, and that working mothers are unable to provide the necessary level of care. However, this argument fails to take into account the fact that many working mothers are able to find high-quality childcare that allows their children to receive the care and attention they need. In addition, many working mothers are able to balance their work and home lives in a way that allows them to be present for their children even when they are not physically at home.

Another argument against working mothers is that they are setting a poor example for their children. Some believe that mothers should prioritize their roles as caregivers and homemakers, and that working outside the home sends the wrong message to children. However, this argument ignores the fact that mothers who work outside the home are often able to provide valuable role models for their children. By showing their children that it is possible to have a fulfilling career and be a responsible parent at the same time, working mothers can inspire their children to pursue their own goals and dreams.

On the other hand, there are also many arguments in favor of working mothers. One of the most compelling is the financial benefit of having two incomes. For many families, the added income provided by a working mother is necessary in order to meet their financial needs. In addition, working mothers are able to contribute to their families in other ways, such as by providing valuable role models for their children and by demonstrating the importance of hard work and determination.

In conclusion, the debate over working mothers is complex and multifaceted. While there are valid arguments on both sides, it is clear that working mothers are able to provide valuable contributions to their families and their communities. Rather than judging working mothers, we should recognize and support the unique challenges and responsibilities they face, and work to create a society that is more supportive of working mothers and their families.

Essay on working mother

working mothers essay

The dictionary definition of a mother as a noun is a woman in relation to her child or children, but as a verb means bring up a child with care and affection. Working mothers usually work to support their family The Benefits of Being a Working Mother for a personal opinion, they would have to look no further than the nearest mother to give them a biased look at raising children. Potential employees with prerequisite qualification and work experience may refrain from applying to vacant positions in the company because they have the notion that they will work for long hours - which could be true depending on the vacant position Chen et al. Regulation 10 establishes an entitlement to a daily rest period of 11 consecutive hours for each 24 hours during which the employee works, although. That statement might be true. So if my mother were earning 4000 riyals, 3000 would be left, making a difference.


Essay on Working Mothers

working mothers essay

The impact of parental employment: young people, well-being and educational achievement. This study was mainly focused on low income mothers working a non-traditional Impact On The Family Of A Working Mother?. This view seems convincing at first but, new studies have shown the opposite. Without mothers, there are no human beings. Earning twenty percent less is a significant amount and it adds up over time.


📗 Essay Example on Work

working mothers essay

In contrast, many moms would find happiness in staying at home with their children and prove to be the ideal mom. One of which is paid employment that has a protective and beneficial mediating effect. Having more than one income in the household may allow the child to go to better school than children whose parents only have one source of income Mann, 2012 Also when a mother is working, they usually send their kids to daycare. This is something that should be discussed and decided well before the mother returns to work. How does single motherhood affect the children of the household? Working Mothers Carrie Grubb Axia College of University of Phoenix Working Mothers In previous generations, women had one role to accomplish; to care for their children.


Argumentative Essay: Why Mothers Should Work

working mothers essay

The reality is that this phenomenon continues to be a concern of women throughout generations. The second shift is a wife and mother that takes care of the housework and aside has a paying job that is at least 40 hours a week. Managing Mothers: Dual Earner Households After Maternity Leave. Losing my grandmother is one of the hardest tragedies, I have ever seen my mom go through. When these attitudes are confronted, it makes the transition for the working mother all the more difficult. Governments should support working mothers to encourage them to work and join the workforce and give them a chance to achieve their individual goals.


Free Working Mothers Essays and Papers

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But is there such a thing? The other model of the working mom is the one most people think of when discussing working mothers. Introduction In 1962, 37% of American women were in the workforce and in 2016, the percentage of working women increased to 57. In all of these three articles the same observation was made regarding the specific mothers' References Allen, Katherine R. Even though these populations and eras have changed through time, mothers are and will always be the core of any population Advantages Of Working Mothers businesswoman, to a mother, and now a working mother. Day by day, we witness a shift in societal norms that call for a reformation of the standard gender, work, and family roles.


Essay On Working Mothers

working mothers essay

” He addressed this subject because working class citizens were often looked down on for not having a college education. She would have preferred to stay at home with her newborn, but her family needed the money. A subsequent interview with teenagers raised by stay-at-home moms revealed that spending time with their mothers harmed their independence. Asian nursing research, 9 1 , 21-27. Secondary Care of guiding their children's education and discipline.


Essay: Working Women and Family Life

working mothers essay

This fact not only raises consumption and savings, thus contributing to the development of national economy, but also improves the chances for children to get a better education, medical care and lifestyle. Mothers may feel over-worked and exhausted of trying to balance work and family. But people would be wrong. Opponents also claim that Childcare is expensive, so most of the money a working mother earns will be spent on newborns. If women did not speak up this idea never would have came around to drastically change life forever for them. My grandmother is the kindest most loving person in her own way you will ever meet. Although most women do not want to return to the traditional division of family roles and believe that both parents should contribute to the family budget, the argument about the employment of women, and mothers in particular, remains quite controversial Cusworth, 2009.


Working Mothers Essay

working mothers essay

But while the traditional views of mothers as housewives remain alive and well in some areas, the modern working mother has made a successful place for herself in our society, and continues to prove herself to be both a powerful mother and business professional. Young mothers should improve their labor participation rate and enjoy many of the outlined perks. Mothers need to care for the children and keep the home in smooth working order. The first job will be the one he will have in the office, the other one when he returns home because he has to look after the house with his children in his spare time, which worries him. Children are often only put into daycare to help assist the working mother.
