Wordsworth as a romantic poet. William Wordsworth as A Poet of Nature & Romanticism Representative! 2022-10-17

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William Wordsworth was a prominent figure in the Romantic movement, a literary and artistic movement that emerged in Europe during the late 18th and early 19th centuries. Wordsworth's poetry is characterized by its focus on nature, emotion, and the individual experience, all of which are key elements of Romanticism.

Wordsworth was born in 1770 in Cumberland, England, and grew up in a rural environment surrounded by the beauty of nature. This exposure to the natural world would later have a profound influence on his poetry, as he often used nature as a metaphor for human emotions and experiences.

One of the most distinctive features of Wordsworth's poetry is his use of language. He often employed simple, everyday language in his poems, in contrast to the more formal and ornate language used by many of his contemporaries. This choice of language was in line with the Romantic emphasis on emotion and the individual experience, as it allowed Wordsworth to more directly convey the feelings and thoughts of his characters.

In addition to his focus on nature and emotion, Wordsworth was also concerned with the role of the individual in society. Many of his poems explore the theme of the individual's relationship to the world around them, and how that relationship can be shaped by social and cultural influences.

One of Wordsworth's most famous poems, "The Prelude," is a long and complex work that reflects on the poet's own personal growth and development. It is a deeply personal and introspective poem that explores the theme of the individual's relationship to the world, and how that relationship can be shaped by the experiences and challenges of life.

Overall, Wordsworth's poetry is characterized by its focus on nature, emotion, and the individual experience. These themes, along with his use of simple, everyday language, make him a quintessential Romantic poet and a major figure in the Romantic movement.

Wordsworth and Shelley as Romantic poets

wordsworth as a romantic poet

The Knight, Sir Walter, died in course of time, And his bones lie in his paternal vale. ALSO CHECK: Quotes of William Wordsworth on Nature Quotes of William Wordsworth on Nature are another way to understand his love for the Nature. Taken with these, we are then free to explore the earlier versions if it pleases us to do so. It exists in several versions. While embracing Wordsworth as the greatest English poet of his age I have, however, always stumbled over the recurring awkwardness in his use of rhyme. Nevertheless, for any argumentative shortcomings, this remains fine, fine poetry.


Dorothy Wordsworth

wordsworth as a romantic poet

This was the first time that Wordsworth would see his daughter. Together with Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Wordsworth helped to launch the Romantic Age in English literature with the 1798 joint publication Lyrical Ballads. It seems to him to have been an ideal form of expression. Early Years — French Revolution and Conservativism William Wordsworth was born at Cockermouth in Cumberland, the second of five children of John Wordsworth, who worked as an agent and rent collector for Sir James Lowther. The essence of Romanticism though is its indulgence in the passionate subjectivity, in the value of individual experience and the exploration of the notions of transcendence and infinity. Therefore am I still A lover of the meadows and the woods, And mountains; and of all that we behold From this green earth; of all the mighty world Of eye and ear, both what they half-create, And what perceive; well pleased to recognize In nature and the language of the sense, The anchor of my purest thoughts, the nurse, The guide, the guardian of my heart, and soul Of all my moral being. Coleridge believed that joy does not come from external nature, but that it emanates from the human heart.


William Wordsworth's Contribution Into Literature

wordsworth as a romantic poet

His pantheism and development of ambiance, the thoughts and feelings expressed and the diction Wordsworth employs are all symbolic of this period's poetry. Romanticism had a significant effect on the sociopolitical scenario of Europe, and then later, of South America, as the romantic thinkers had a great influence on strong social values like liberalism, radicalism, conservatism, and patriotism. Though I myself happen not to love this poem half so dearly as many other Wordsworthians, it is undeniably great in its ambition and scope, and to miss it from a list of greatest poems owing to personal caprice would be much to condemn the value of the list. Lucy seems to hover between allegory her name means Light and for want of a better word reality. Full soon thy soul shall have her earthly freight, And custom lie upon thee with a weight, Heavy as frost, and deep almost as life! William Wordsworth is often held as the ultimate example of the English Romantic period, particularly with his publication of the Lyrical Ballads. The following stanzas elaborate further on the argument. The remainder of his life was a model of domesticity,.


How does William Wordsworth contribute to the literary era of Romanticism?

wordsworth as a romantic poet

Indeed, he is amongst the most literary of writers. Rejecting the artifices of the poetry of their time, they wanted to write poems for ordinary men about ordinary men in the common language of ordinary men. In contrast thereto, Wordsworth who is filled with the worship of nature, is further removed from it than the child. The poet began to feel the spiritual and mystical aspects of nature in the later years of his life. In nineteenth century romantic poetry. In the ensuing period, they collaborated on a book of poems entitled "Lyrical Ballad", first published in 1798. I'd rather be a pagan suckled in a creed outworn, So might I, standing on this pleasant lea, Have glimpses that would make me less forlorn; Have sight of Proteus rising from the sea; Or hear old Triton blow his wreathed horn.


How Wordsworth and Coleridge Forged Romantic Movement

wordsworth as a romantic poet

But what, precisely, does it mean? The only exceptions I can think of are Goethe and Horace, who excelled in a variety. But Wordsworth had a heart that loved Nature. Thou child of joy, Shout round me, let me hear thy shouts, thou happy shepherd-boy! The first fruits of his genius were seen in the Lyrical Ballads 1798 , a joint production by Coleridge and himself which was Published at Bristol. He also mentions his experiences while travelling through Europe extensively, in countries like France, Switzerland, Germany, Italy, etc. The Preface that he added to the subsequent 1800 edition of this work became the manifesto of a new era called the Romantic Age.


The Eight Greatest Poems of William Wordsworth

wordsworth as a romantic poet

The first important expression of romanticism was in the Lyrical Ballads 1798 of William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge who were as young men aroused to creativeactivity by the French Revolution, but later became disillusioned with what followed it. In Style, these poems have little originality, but they already show Wordsworthian eye for nature. We all know that solitude can give bliss, but Wordsworth here offers an insight unique to him and typical of his searching descriptions of experience by making this inward eye the instrument by which we find bliss in solitude—so much so, indeed, that it in fact is the bliss of solitude. His father, who was a lawyer, died when William was thirteen years old. The move marked the beginning of a close and enduring friendship between the poets. Shelley,lines 93-95 Comparisons between the two poets can be made in the use of figurative devices.


Essay On William Wordsworth As A Romantic Critic • English Summary

wordsworth as a romantic poet

However, both editions of Lyrical Ballads 1798, and the much expanded 1800 have been issued in one attractive paperback volume, published by Oxford University Press, and this makes a beautiful, manageable way to begin with the young Wordsworth. It is concluded, based on the poems considered, that Wordsworth likely drew inspiration from both the ideals of the Romantic Movement, and his personal experiences. This hive mentality is not necessarily the choice or design of the people, nor does it indicate a lack of mental faculties, rather Wordsworth tends to see it as the inevitable result of living in such constrained conditions. Although sold-out, it is available to be read freely online. First published as A History of Swedish Literature. It sought to depict the beauty of nature and the quintessential depth of human emotion.


William Wordsworth

wordsworth as a romantic poet

But later he changed his mind when the French Revolutionists started to commit all kinds of atrocities. Why Romantic Poetry Still Matters. Wordsworth's Famous Poetry Lines Below are the famous poetry lines by William Wordsworth. Although Wordsworth did not publish her work, many of her journals, travelogues, and poems have been posthumously collected and published, including her four-volume Alfoxden journal, which she kept from May 1799 to December 1802, and her journals from 1824 to 1835, which include a travelogue and notes on life at Rydal Mount, where she lived with William and his family beginning in 1813. Of course we need every version he ever made to be on record. Part biography, part cultural history, part nature writing, The Making of Poetry explains how the people, places, and ideas that the poets encountered shaped the words that they wrote. The Wordsworthian sonnet is a thing unto itself.


100+ William Wordsworth Quotes To Inspire Every Romantic Poet

wordsworth as a romantic poet

Starting in 1788, Wordsworth lived with Cookson and his new wife, and helped to care for their children. These writers, Wordsworth included, were heavily influenced by the events that were taking place in their worlds. Wordsworth condemned the idea of a specifically poetic language, such as that of neoclassical poetry, and he strove instead for what he considered the more powerful effects of ordinary, everyday language. The famous poets, apart from William Wordsworth, of the Romantic Age include William Blake, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, John Keats, Percy Shelley, Walter Alva Scott, Robert Burns, and Lord Byron. Whither is fled the visionary gleam? The revolutionary zeal that was characteristic of most writers of this movement did not leave Wordsworth unaffected. For nature then The coarse pleasures of my boyish days And their glad animal movements all gone by To me was all in all. But Wordsworth should not be taken completely at his word here: he is far from against reading.
